I work about 45min-1hr away from my home. My work is in a major city with a million options for hospitals and doctors. My current OB and the hospital they deliver at are about 15-20min away from my home in the opposite direction from my work. This would make it about an hour or so to get from work to the office or hospital. My pregnancy is considered high risk bc of several factors but I would like to continue to work for as long as possible. My husband thinks that I should be seeing an OB and delivering closer to my work to make going to all my prenatal visits and if I were to go into labor at work easier. I think I would rather deliver closer to my house thus making attending childbirth classes easier, my husband could get home easier after the delivery, I wouldn't have to drive such a major distance after having the baby, and it will be more convenient for postpartum appts. There is also a strong possibility that the pediatrician would have privileges at the current hospital and then we could be seen in hospital by the practice we pick rather than the in-house pediatrician. I have just had my first prenatal at 10wks so I could still switch. What are your opinions?