Hellobee Boards


Did you feel like you were moving into the hospital (bag packing question...)??

  1. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    Haha, oh my. I had two bags. One was a labor bag and the other was a rolling duffle with something like 50 items in it. I had a spreadsheet and I used nothing, lol. I was there for 4 days and we actually talked about staying another day, but on the morning of the fourth day I felt okay enough to leave.

    The only thing I missed was mindless reading, like magazines to flip through, when I couldn't wind down after feedings in the middle of the night.

  2. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @Mae: Wow that sounds like a lot of stuff! I don't have any experience yet, but that just seems like too much to haul around! I feel like I don't even pack that much when we go on vacation for two weeks

  3. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    I personally loved having my own pillows at the hospital. I think we brought a body pillow and like 2 regular pillows. I used them during labor too. Never got any blood on them. They came in handy for nursing too. DH said this time he wants a pillow and blanket for himself. I guess the hospital didn't give him one? Or he didn't like it. I'm not really sure. I know he was a bit cold tho.

    I brought my own towel and absolutely loved having it. DH was fine with the hospital towel. I don't remember my towel getting bloody. I could have used the hospital one to dry bloody areas tho. Don't remember.

    I'm absolutely bringing it all again for when I have #2. Yeah it felt like a lot of stuff but DH was the one handling it all and he didn't mind. They're not necessities, but for me they were nice to have. I'm also adding my hair dryer to the list of things to bring this time. I really missed being able to blow dry my hair after my shower.

  4. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    UPDATE!! Wanted to give an update now that I'm back home from the hospital. I did end up deciding to take everything, figuring I could just leave it all in the car and only get what we wanted. And I am SO GLAD that we did. My DH was sooo glad we brought pillows and a comfy blanket bc the hospital ones sucked. And the towels there were awful, so we were both really glad I'd brought some nice towels for us (dark colored for me, although I did use their towel just to dry off my legs in case of any blood). The only thing we didn't use at all was the boppy. At first it hurt my c-section incision and i found stacking up pillows was easier for me. Even now that I'm at home I don't really use it though, I feel like it is easier for me to just pretzel up my legs and use them... so if you're a person who likes the boppy you might've been happier for it.


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