We're about 7 months into working exclusively from home now, and I have to admit, it has me thinking about where I *want* to live, versus having to be where we are for our jobs, on a daily basis! There's a possibility we'll remain this flexible moving forward, which is fueling my "hmmm, where would we go?" thoughts. Want to dream/muse with me?
Our situation: We currently live in the deep south. We're comfortable, cost of living is low, and we have great friends here, but I have always felt like a bit of an expat so to speak, being from the West Coast. I dream of moving somewhere cooler, with access to more arts and culture and better schools (this reason is pretty big for us when we talk of moving). I know we won't move back to the West Coast because of proximity to grandparents, so East Coast it is...
How about you? Anyone else musing about relocating now that covid has turned life upside down? *waves* Let's chat!