Hellobee Boards


Do you consider your SO messy?

  • poll: How messy is your SO?
    0 - neat freak : (3 votes)
    3 %
    1 : (5 votes)
    4 %
    2 : (11 votes)
    9 %
    3 : (8 votes)
    7 %
    4 : (6 votes)
    5 %
    5 - average : (24 votes)
    20 %
    6 : (16 votes)
    13 %
    7 : (24 votes)
    20 %
    8 : (17 votes)
    14 %
    9 : (5 votes)
    4 %
    10 - extremely messy : (0 votes)
    Other, I'll explain : (1 votes)
    1 %
    Cupcakes : (0 votes)

    persimmon / 1188 posts

    Nope, he's not messy- I am! I have worked so hard to improve since we got married and moved in together but I still have messy tendencies at times.

  2. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts


    Absolute neat freak.

  3. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    I said 7. He's not gross messy, just very cluttered messy. He doesn't know how to put clothes away after he wears them. They just end up in a pile in the corner. He is just the kind of person who doesn't put anything away. He uses a cup and it stays on the table where he finished drinking it. His socks will sit wherever he took them off for days if I don't pick them up. He piles his mail and laptop and phone and headphones and magazines all on top of each other on his nightstand and it'll stay that way until I organize. Stuff like that. I blame it on my mother in law (as I blame most things on her, lol). She never made him lift a finger at home and that has carried over tremendously to our marriage. He just doesn't have any feeling of responsibility to pick up after himself. It bothered me more when I WOH. Now that I SAH it makes me roll my eyes but I don't feel the rage I used to feel.

    But he's very CLEAN. Which is weird.. Like if he drips coffee on th counter or floor he will definitely wipe it up and maybe even end up doing all the counters. But it's all reactive. He would never just wipe down the counters as part of daily routine. He has to actively make a mess and then he will clean it.

  4. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    Unfortunately, I am the messy one... And it's worse now that DD is here. Not gross messy, just a bit disheveled.


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