This article spoke to me and I thought it might speak to some of you as well. It speaks about the change that having a baby can have on your relationship with your husband. And I will admit, I do miss our twosome.

I LOVE, love, love our son. And life is good. We are pregnant with #2. We had several years together after being married with just the two of us, so I often feel like I don't have room to mourn the loss of our twosome. We wanted a family, this time was coming.

But this article does make me think, I really need to work on getting a babysitter and making date nights happen more often. Date nights should be more than a meal on the couch with a Netflix movie that I fall asleep halfway through. Our little twosome deserves a night out, with candlelight, and delicious food that I did not cook.

Do you make time for your original twosome? If so, how?