... and Halloween?

I didn't grow up in the US but where I came from, we don't really celebrate Valentine's day and Halloween when we were a child. But of course, now we were asked to make valentines for DS's classmates and teachers. As expected, he got a big bag of candies and cards from all his classmates. AND when I go pick him up from school, all the kids have a lollipop in their mouths.

Then it was the long argument / series of "why can't I eat more candy right now" when we got home. I told him he can have one pack of treats of his choice if he finished his dinner. At the end, he was cranky and couldn't sleep at bed time probably because he had so much sweets throughout the day .

I am not complaining, it is very cute and all, but I am just a tad bit annoyed. Why are there holidays that makes it compulsory for us to give kids candies? Isn't candy supposed to be bad for us and we are trying not to give our kids candies? Why do we dig a hole for ourselves and jump in it too?

If these holidays are sacred to you and if you find this offensive my sincere apologies and I am not trying to offend anyone... just something on top of my head.

Happy Valentine's day