Hellobee Boards


Do you lock your door when you're home?

  1. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    I lock the front and side door since J began to open them. She can't open the back door, so I often leave that one unlocked. I lock all the doors at night.

    When I lived in the city, I was vigilant about locking and alarming, but where we live now, I feel pretty comfortable and it's more hit or miss.

  2. JerricaBenton

    pomegranate / 3872 posts

    Mostly keep them locked. Sometimes LO and the dog like to sit and watch out the front door so I'll open it but lock the glass outer door, mostly so no one escapes!

  3. stiletto_mom

    persimmon / 1183 posts

    Suburban Canadian.

    Yes, always.

  4. Purpledaisy

    nectarine / 2973 posts


  5. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    Yes, unless we know someone is on their way over. We used to leave the front door unlocked during the day, but the houses on our street all look similar and we've had strangers walk right through our front door more than once thinking they were at our neighbor's house.

  6. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    Yes, I'm kind of paranoid. It's not so Liam can't get out - our door gets stuck so it's really hard to open even if it's unlocked, but I'm just nervous about leaving it unlocked.

  7. teamjse

    nectarine / 2274 posts

    Yes, our doors are always locked.

  8. mrs scrapbook

    apricot / 375 posts

    I keep my doors locked and bolted all the time. If I'm home alone at night/early morning/whenever the sun isn't up, I keep the alarm set too. At night, we lock, set the alarm and set the motion detector

    It's probably overreacting, because we went away for three days and accidentally left the back door unlocked (but the alarm + motion detector on) and nothing happened! But it makes me feel better, so I do it.

  9. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    Almost always yes. It is just a habit for me. I don't usually lock the door that leads to the garage though (but the garage door itself is closed).

  10. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    Yes but really only because our son can get out and does get out otherwise. One time my DH forgot and I found him in the street when I took my eyes off of him for a minute to chop an onion. Luckily we are in a gated community with no traffic.

  11. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts


  12. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    Not during the day. Just at night.

  13. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    Usually yes. It bothers me if its not locked. I don't like the back door being unlocked either.

  14. Mrs. Coral

    clementine / 812 posts

    Yup! Unless we are playing or working outside. During the week it's mostly entering and exiting via the automatic garage door, closing it behind us.


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