I started going to church again (after 17 years away) a few weeks ago. DH is a very dedicated atheist so he won't ever be joining us, but he's supportive of my taking the girls to church because it means he gets two hours off every Sunday!

It's not easy..... To say the least. E (almost 4) hates it. To be fair, she hates everything right now (the f'king fours) and leaving the house is always an epic battle. Once there, she hangs off my clothes and insists on sitting on my lap. She goes out of the service for 40mins to the children's group and she seems to enjoy that. S (14.5mths) always gets really grotty because it clashes with her nap and, while I can usually get her off to sleep in the service, it takes all of my concentration to do it and I never hear the sermon! The congregation are all really lovely and nobody minds kids talking or running about, but it's just so stressful keeping them both happy week after week.

Basically, I get nothing out of it and the kids hate it! But I know we need to keep going.....

Do you take your LOs to church? Is your experience similar to mine? Or do you enjoy it? Has it gotten better as they've gotten older? Or did you just give up? Do you agree it's important to take them, or do you think parents should wait until their kids are older? Any tips?