My son is 3 months old and he is getting stronger and stronger. A couple of times this week, he got out of his swaddle (miracle blanket) in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep! He goes to bed around 6pm and this happens usually between 2am - 4 30 am. We would see from the monitor that he is out of the swaddle and sucking on his fists happily. So we would leave him be hoping he is able to go back to sleep. Usually after an hour, you would see him trying to fall asleep but then his hands would rub his eyes and then he would cry for help. We then would swaddle him back and he would sleep fine all the way through past his wake time (his usual wake time is between 5 and 6... but if he wakes up at night out of the swaddle, he wakes up between 7 and 8)... The nights where he fusses but does not get out of the swaddle, he sleeps through fine and wakes up at his normal wake time. I ordered a woombie just now hoping it will work better. But I really worry about this turning into a habit? waking up in the middle of the night to play? Also... when should I expect him to learn not to bother himself with his hands?