Hellobee Boards


February 2018 moms!

  1. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    February Mamas

    2/2: Bushelandapeck (#3)
    2/4: Ladydi (#2)
    2/6: DCrumlish29 (#2)
    2/8: JJ2626 (#1)
    2/9: Meowkers (#2)
    2/8: Illumina (#2)
    2/10: Honeydew (#2)
    2/14: Tionn3 (#1), Drea1016 (#2)
    2/18: Theotherstark (#2), Lazypanda (#2), beachlilly (#1)
    2/19: dominobee (#1)
    2/20: DesertDreams88 (#2)
    2/22: jodyblair (#3)
    2/23: magnoliamama42 (#2)
    2/26: Freelikewater (#1)
    2/27: catchafallingstar (#2)


    6/22: DCrumlish29
    6/23: JJ2626
    6/28: Tionn3
    6/29: Ladydi, DCrumlish29, dominobee
    7/3: Lazypanda
    7/6: Theotherstark, DesertDreams88
    7/7: catchafallingstar
    7/11: Bushelandapeck, magnoliamama42
    7/12: Drea1016, beachlilly
    7/21: Bushelandapeck (u/s)
    7/29: Lazypanda

  2. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @theotherstark: OMG I had to pick up dog poop today. Dry heaved all the way back to the house!!!

  3. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @dominobee: yeah..... the dog poop pick ups on my early morning walks are the worst. Haha. Super fun.

  4. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    @dominobee: I think it means everything is doing what it is supposed to do =] I just thought it was so funny that 6 week exactly is when I start to feel icky.

  5. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    Today DH and I DTD for the first time since finding out I'm pregnant and it feels like such a weight has lifted. No scheduled sex, no pressure to perform. Just enjoying one another for enjoyment's sake.

    Also I just realized our EDD is on the 8th anniversary of our first date and I'm just dying over it.

  6. Patty86

    pea / 11 posts

    Hello! Blood test confirmed so thought I'd join the board

    Location: Melbourne, Australia

    EDD: 2 / 25

    First child? Second child, have a 2 year old daughter

    Any symptoms? Constipated, bloated, hungry, thirsty and started feeling a bit nauseous today. Sickness didn't start until 6 weeks with my daughter so hoping it's just fleeting nausea and I have another week to enjoy food.

    Who have you told? 2 close friends at work who knew we were trying and our close cousins who we went out to dinner with last night and I couldn't lie about why I wasn't drinking!

    Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Feeling calm. Concerned about money and coping with a toddler, but an overwhelming sense of "we've got this". Ready to complete our family!

  7. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @dominobee: so nice when BD can go back to how it's supposed to be and not feel like a chore. Exciting about the significance of your due date!

    @Patty86: welcome and congratulations!

  8. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @Patty86: Yay congrats and welcome! Send me some of that calm feeling... I am so anxious. I just want to get to the second trimester so badly. I keep thinking something is going to go wrong. I feel almost certain of it and I have absolutely no reason to!! I keep telling myself that every pregnancy starts this way. Every human on earth was once this tiny and vulnerable.

  9. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    This whole picky eating thing is soooo strange to me. I've always been someone who will eat what's available, even when I was a kid. Now I'm super picky. It's made for a lot of trips to the grocery store to pick up *just the right thing.* But then when I eat it, it's sooo gooood. Worried my food cravings are going to be super intense later on. But oh well!

  10. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @dcrumlish29: did you have an appt Thursday? How did it go?

  11. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    @dominobee: I feel the same way. I think that many women feel that way when they get pregnant after infertility. For me it's like I keep thinking that because it took 14 months to get pregnant that something must be wrong and that we are somehow at a higher risk for miscarriage, even though there is 0 evidence to support that and so far everything has been going business as usual. It's so hard to block those feelings out. I just try to focus on fun things in between ultrasounds like building my amazon wish list full of baby stuff and just trying to be happy that I'm pregnant. I also try to remind myself that there isn't anything that I can do if it goes wrong, everything is on auto pilot, so I just try to focus on the things I can control like eating right and exercising and taking my prenatal. Hang in there!

  12. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @Patty86: congratulations and welcome!! Hope the nausea holds off for a bit longer!

  13. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @dominobee: @Tionn3: it's so hard not to worry! I'm trying to take each day as it comes, although I know I am holding my breath until the time I had my miscarriage with the last pregnancy. I just can't wait for the first ultrasound!

  14. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    Oh, and I threw up for the first time today. My nausea has been crazy this pregnancy, and started so much earlier than my first pregnancy. But I keep telling myself that hopefully it means that all hormones, etc. are full-steam ahead, and my little bean is cooking in there! All the nausea and throwing up is worth it to me if there is a little healthy babe.

    It's weird, because I've constantly also been a weird combination of ravenously hungry and nauseous. And then, once I eat, I have been getting full much more quickly than normal. And then hungry again 20 mins later. Ha. Ahh, pregnancy.

  15. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    February Mamas

    2/2: Bushelandapeck (#3)
    2/4: Ladydi (#2)
    2/6: DCrumlish29 (#2)
    2/8: JJ2626 (#1)
    2/9: Meowkers (#2)
    2/8: Illumina (#2)
    2/10: Honeydew (#2)
    2/14: Tionn3 (#1), Drea1016 (#2)
    2/18: Theotherstark (#2), Lazypanda (#2), beachlilly (#1)
    2/19: dominobee (#1)
    2/20: DesertDreams88 (#2)
    2/22: jodyblair (#3)
    2/23: magnoliamama42 (#2)
    2/25: Patty86 (#2)
    2/26: Freelikewater (#1)
    2/27: CatchAFallingStar (#2)


    6/22: DCrumlish29
    6/23: JJ2626
    6/28: Tionn3
    6/29: Ladydi, DCrumlish29, dominobee
    7/3: Lazypanda
    7/6: Theotherstark, DesertDreams88
    7/7: CatchAFallingStar
    7/11: Bushelandapeck, magnoliamama42
    7/12: Drea1016, beachlilly
    7/21: Bushelandapeck (u/s)
    7/29: Lazypanda

  16. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @DCrumlish29: @JJ2626: hope your appointments went okay!!

  17. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @dominobee: interesting about the picky eating! Glad you're getting the foods that scratch the itch for you any pickles yet??

  18. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @theotherstark: I already liked pickles but right now I am LOVING THEM. Haha so cliche and I'm not even six weeks.

  19. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @theotherstark: I'm having the exact same thing, getting full super fast then hungry again right away.

  20. petitenoisette

    pear / 1521 posts

    Location: Massachusetts

    EDD: 2/26 by LMP (would be few days later based on when I think I ovulated)

    First child? 2nd, first will have her 3rd bday a day before my due date!

    Any symptoms? Had some cramping for a few days but that's stopped and now I feel totally normal which of course makes me nervous! But it's very early.

    Who have you told? My husband and my best friend. We just had other friends over for dinner and I fake drank which was kind of lame. We will probably tell people earlier this time, after my first appointment, as we see them. We have to tell my whole immediate side of the family next week because we are on vaca together.

    Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Just trying to be cautiously optimistic!

  21. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @dominobee: ha!! Love it.

  22. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @petitenoisette: congrats! and welcome The whole fake drinking thing is definitely lame!

  23. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    February Mamas

    2/2: Bushelandapeck (#3)
    2/4: Ladydi (#2)
    2/6: DCrumlish29 (#2)
    2/8: JJ2626 (#1)
    2/9: Meowkers (#2)
    2/8: Illumina (#2)
    2/10: Honeydew (#2)
    2/14: Tionn3 (#1), Drea1016 (#2)
    2/18: Theotherstark (#2), Lazypanda (#2), beachlilly (#1)
    2/19: dominobee (#1)
    2/20: DesertDreams88 (#2)
    2/22: jodyblair (#3)
    2/23: magnoliamama42 (#2)
    2/25: Patty86 (#2)
    2/26: Freelikewater (#1), petitenoisette (#2)
    2/27: CatchAFallingStar (#2)


    6/28: Tionn3
    6/29: Ladydi, DCrumlish29, dominobee
    7/3: Lazypanda
    7/6: Theotherstark, DesertDreams88
    7/7: CatchAFallingStar
    7/11: Bushelandapeck, magnoliamama42
    7/12: Drea1016, beachlilly
    7/21: Bushelandapeck (u/s)
    7/29: Lazypanda

  24. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    Welp, I'm super nauseous and I have to go play guitar and sing at a bar/restaurant during brunch as part of a women's music festival so YAY

  25. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @dominobee: aw, man. I hope it went okay!

  26. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @theotherstark: It did. Once I had some toast and soda water I felt a lot better.

  27. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @dominobee: 👍 Toast sounds so good! Haha. Now I need to go pick up some bread.

  28. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @theotherstark: Seriously all I want is carbs. I ordered eggs but couldn't stomach them.

  29. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @dominobee: I've been eating a ton more carbs than usual. I have been eating dry cereal by the handful and it does seem to help with the nausea. The B6 is helping too, I think. Glad you were able to get through playing today!

  30. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @bushelandapeck: I'll have to try B6. For me it's really concentrated in the morning and nighttime, so I think it's related to having an empty atomach and maybe also being tired.

  31. JJ2626

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @theotherstark: Thanks! Appt went pretty well-we saw the heartbeat which was strong. Baby is measuring a couple of days behind where expected based on LMP so have to go back in 2 weeks. Doc wasn't concerned but of course I'm nervous. So am trying not to google what that can mean and just get through the next 2 weeks.

    Queasiness is definitely still with me! Carbs are all I want to eat and even they sound kind of gross. The weirdest thing is I don't want chocolate which is normally my favorite thing ever!

  32. CatchAFallingStar

    nectarine / 2806 posts

    @dominobee: @Tionn3: Right there with you. Trying to relax and enjoy without falling into a pit of worry. 7/7 seems like an eternity- when I finally go in for my first ultrasound. I feel like I need to find good ways to fill the days until then. Yet, I'm also terrified of the ultrasound, afraid something will be wrong. And, when my symptoms come and go I pretty much freak out. Glad I'm not the only one!!

  33. CatchAFallingStar

    nectarine / 2806 posts

    @Tionn3: eek! Your first appointment in just a few days! Will you have an ultrasound?

    (Oops! NM. I see now that it's your second appointment). Well, exciting anyway! 😀

    And @dominobee, can't wait to hear if you're having twins!! What were your beta numbers?

  34. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @JJ2626: so glad your appt went well!! I think that, this early, it's so hard to pinpoint the dates exactly - they always told me that it could be off by a couple of days. I know it's easy to worry, but I'm sure everything is fine! Just look at it as another chance to see your little one

    When I was pregnant with my son, I didn't really want desserts at all, and I have the biggest sweet tooth! It was so strange.

  35. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @theotherstark: HCG was about 1100 at 4w2d then 4300 2 days later, so almost quadrupling.

    I'm the same w/ sweets. Usually I love them but right now I have little interest.

  36. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @JJ2626: So glad you were able to see the heartbeat! I hope it's just an issue of early dating being not always reliable. I think with my first the dates were a couple of days off as well but then he ended up being born right on his original due date.

    How is everyone doing today?

  37. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    @CatchAFallingStar: Yeah we had our first ultrasound last wednesday! I had originally wanted it this week, but my Doctor was going to be out of town so they had me come in earlier than I would have liked. I was 5 weeks 6 days according to LMP, but when they measured the fetal pole and gestational sac I was measuring 6 weeks 0 days, which is actually where I thought I might be at. The heart beat was faint, so they couldn't get a measurement, but it was definitely there, it must have just started beating. They are having me come back on Wednesday when I will be 7 weeks to measure it, by then it should definitely be measurable, and then they will discharge me to the regular OB schedule! I'm so nervous for my 2nd ultrasound Wednesday!

  38. LadyDi

    persimmon / 1380 posts

    Found out this weekend that my SIL is pregnant with her first and due 3 weeks after me! We told her parents (my in-laws) this weekend and everyone was so happy. I am so excited to for cousins close in age! Is anyone else or has anyone else been pregnant at the same time as a family member?

  39. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @LadyDi: That's so fun! My sister was pregnant with twins and my SIL was pregnant with her 2nd at the same time I was pregnant with my first! It has been really nice to have cousins close in age on both side of our families. No one is pregnant now (that I know of) and I don't foresee it happening this time around. Even my close friend group is done having kids so my third will probably the only 3rd in our group.

  40. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @LadyDi: That is awesome! I don't anticipate any of my three siblings will be having a similar announcement soon. My one sister is single, the other sister is married but as far as I know still using birth control and I don't think my brother and his wife are really trying. They said they were a few years ago but we haven't heard any updates. If this all works out I should reach out and see if they are having infertility issues. TMI but my brother once drunkenly told me he "doesn't like sex" which could be putting a major kink in things. The youngest of my married siblings is 30 and the oldest is 37 so my parents are MORE than ready for grandkids!

    @bushelandapeck: Oh just your garden variety nausea again today. I haven't actually thrown up yet but today I came closest to date. I went back to my warm, stuffy car after a meeting and when I got in the temp and stale air made me gag. It's crazy, literally anything will make me gag it seems. Yesterday it was just the general scent of the refrigerator. The day before, I could *smell* the dog in the living room carpet (he wasn't even in there) and that made me gag. I had to vacuum before I could hang out in that room.

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