Does your LO get a fever with an ear infection? High, low? If they are verbal will they tell you their ear hurts? How do you usually know it's time to see the doctor?

My 2.5 year old was just diagnosed with an ear infection this morning. She had a check up over a week ago and the ped noted there was some fluid in her ears but it wasn't infected, just something to be aware of. Starting the next night she started sleeping worse than usual, waking up super cranky, and being on edge all week and quick to cry. She had a mild fever over the weekend but it went away so I didn't think it was the ear infection and when asked, she specifically said no, her ears didn't hurt.

But she's been such a pain to deal with I brought her in this morning to rule it out and both ears were inflamed. Poor kid dealing with it for a full week!

Curious how common it is to have the ear infection without a fever.

Oh and she has been freaking out when I wash her hair and especially behind her ears. I guess that was probably another clue I missed.