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for those of you that lost a parent?

  1. NurseMommy

    pear / 1812 posts

    @MrsH: this is similar in many ways to my dad. He had colon cancer that spread to his liver and the subsequent buildup of ammonia in his brain led to awful confusion and hallucinations. We had to heavily sedate him to get him to stop fighting us.

    Just wondering if anyone has read any good books about dealing with grief? I feel like I'm not "progressing" if that makes any sense. It feels just as raw to me as it did a year ago. Along the same lines, can anyone tell me when things got a bit easier for you?

  2. stargal

    pomegranate / 3890 posts

    @Cherrybee: I can't imagine havingtl to see your dad struggle for months with cancer. I am so sorry. That must of been so hard. I meant to comment before but I really love that picture of you and your dad, and.even.though he was sick he looked so happy on your wedding day. He looks like a sweet man.

    @NurseMommy: this is the first time I've opwend up in detail about it to anyone outside my family and two close friends. Its been two years since my moms death. give yourself time. I. Still get panic attacks and moments of this can't be real? How can.my mom be dead?

  3. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @NurseMommy: http://www.griefshare.org I've wanted to try this program I have heard really good things about it. I see they have recommended books.

    I don't know about easier but the frequency where I breakdown has decreased. It has been three years and three days.

  4. stargal

    pomegranate / 3890 posts

    @NurseMommy: it just started getting easier maybe over the last 3 months. My mom passed away in November 2011. It's not.the first exact thing I think about as soon as in open my eyes.in the morning and I've stopped crying everyday about my mom well I cry a lot now but I'm pregnant and hormones and her missing this just gets me really upset). But the pain isn't as raw but still its here a lot. My son keeps me distracted a lot BC he's a toddler now and he keeps me busy, honestly.he was the one thing that always has kept me going. I rely on him way to much to get.over my moms death. I also try to distract myself with stupid little things and that seems to help
    How long has it.been again?

  5. NurseMommy

    pear / 1812 posts

    @MrsH: thanks for the link. I'll check it out.

    @stargal: my daughter is the one thing that gets me through. It's been 350 days since we found out he had cancer. 326 since he died.

  6. stargal

    pomegranate / 3890 posts

    @MrsH: I hate cancer so much. I hate that you didn't get to say goodbye to your dad. My mom never regained consciousness so although I got to talk to her I have no idea if she could hear or understand what I was saying. I know what you mean with how hard it is to come to grips with not being able to say goodbye and how it just happens at lighting speed.

  7. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @stargal: Yes. We kept telling her she was going to get better. And we believed it. There were so many signs that she was just shutting down, and we didn't know. Her last lucid words were asking a nurse if dying from cancer was going to be terrible. I just can't even. After they removed the tube, she wasn't really responding. She didn't deserve to go that way. And neither did your mom. I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how awful that phone call was for for you.

    My mom was really religious and faithful her entire life. Her death has really thrown me through a loop in terms of my faith and beliefs. I feel guilty for even admitting that, but I feel lost in that aspect. Anyone else feel the same way?

  8. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @Pepper: +1. I struggle a lot with the fact that my wonderful Dad died from a horrible disease that he fought for over a year and so many horrible people are on this earth.

  9. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    @stargal: it completely haunts me too. DH and I had gone to Vegas the weekend before and we flew out of Detroit so we stopped at my parents house. He went home but I stayed a few days and then my dad drove me back up north because he had to work up here. So she was home alone because my dad had rearranged his schedule to bring me home. She started having pain in her leg, but wanted to wait till my dad got home to go to the hospital. When he got home, she got up to go to the bathroom before they left and halfway down the hall couldn't breathe. The ambulance got there so fast, but her heart stopped in the ambulance and they could restart it. I still feel guilty, like if he had been home she would have gone to the hospital earlier and she would still be here. I have a lot of other guilt too, for lots of different things that happened in our relationship, although I know most of it was just typical teenage girl/mom drama. We were very close in the years before she died but we had our issues in my high school years. I also have massive amounts of anxiety related to her death. I've always been a worrier but since her death, my anxiety is just through the roof. I have major hypochondria and bouts of serious depression.

    @NurseMommy: after almost three years, I would say I have longer spans of good days, but it still hurts so much. And there are enough "special days" to remind me I don't have a mom that even when I'm having a good span, it doesn't last too long.

    @Pepper: my mom was very confident in her faith. When she died I had really gotten away from attending church and having much of a spiritual life. I started going again, looking for reassurance that she wasn't just gone, you know what I mean? I then had a miscarriage about six months after she died and I was so mad at God and still struggle with finding something spiritual that I'm comfortable with. But for my son's sake, I really want to find a church I'm comfortable with so he can be baptized and grow up knowing what church has to offer.

  10. owlteach

    apricot / 390 posts

    @MrsH: This is what I have the hardest time with. It makes no sense, and I don't know if I will ever understand it.

    Literally, my dad came home from work early (we were living at home at the time waiting for our house to be ready) and told me he was going to show me what he got my mom for her birthday later. We all ate dinner together, he joked through the whole dinner (my dad was HILARIOUS). He went out to change the sprinklers in the pasture. My brother was in the pool when the neighbor shouted at him that my dad was down. My brother ran in the house and told us to call 911 and my husband and I flew out there. We got there at the same time as the neighbor and he wasn't breathing. My husband did CPR on him until the ambulance got there, they got there SO FAST despite the fact that my parents live 10 miles from town. My husband had my dad's teeth marks on his hands from when he was clearing his mouth so he could breath.

    I know it has haunted my husband. He had a really hard time with those last few moments of my dad's life. He felt his ribs cracking under his hands as he did CPR.

    Sometimes I worry about how scared he must of been, and I wish I could have really said goodbye. I'm pretty sure he was gone pretty suddenly and the dr. said the same thing. Mostly, I'm thankful that it happened like it did. I can't imagine being haunted by watching him die slowly. We were blessed with a pretty wonderful relationship, and I think we both knew how special the other person was to us.

    I would not consider myself a very religious person, and I've never regularly attended church. However, I do believe in god and I thoroughly believe that my dad is in heaven. I talk to him regularly and because of my beliefs I am sure he hears me. I also believe that my future children are spending a little time with their wonderful grandpa, and maybe that's why its taking me a little longer than normal to get pregnant. If I had the chance to be with him again, I know I wouldn't leave.

  11. owlteach

    apricot / 390 posts

    @stargal: @NurseMommy: My mom lost her dad when she was 30 and he was 70. I was born a year and a half later and that's when the darkness finally left, when she had something positive to focus on and, honestly an infant that really needed her to keep her distracted.

  12. owlteach

    apricot / 390 posts

    @JamieLee: I worry about the people in my life so much more now. I'm trying really hard to just take good care of myself, emotionally in particular. I'm more likely to get a massage, take a bath, or call a friend and ask them to meet me for drinks, etc. and it helps. It doesn't fix it, but it helps.

  13. SweetMamaM

    pear / 1743 posts

    Wow, I am amazed how many of us have gone through this! I wish I could reply to you all but I'm currently on my phone.
    My mum passed away at the end of July 2012, just two months after our wedding. She'd been battling metastatic inflammatory breast cancer and her funeral was actually the four year anniversary of her diagnosis.
    Unlike some of you, it wasn't unexpected - a series of small shocks rather than one big one. Three weeks before she passed (while DH was rather unfortunately overseas on a business trip) she and the oncologist made the decision to cease treatment. I basically gave work the hard word - I want to have a day off each week to spend with my mum or I quit - and so had three lovely Mondays with her before she passed away. I will treasure those times together and the conversations we had always.

    In saying that, it doesn't make going through this pregnancy without her any easier. She was so excited that DH and I were planning a family and it sucks so bad that she won't be around. I want to slap some of my friends when they complain about their mums interfering with their child-raising because I would give anything to have mine here to interfere.

  14. sarac

    pomelo / 5093 posts

    @NurseMommy: He was. He was such a kind man, and a brilliant one. My daughter is so much like him, it breaks my heart that she'll never know him.

  15. NurseMommy

    pear / 1812 posts

    @SweetMamaM: it's nice that you were able to spend some quality time with your mom before she passed.

    @sarac: I saw a glimmer of my dad in my daughter for the first time the other day (she looks soooo much like my dh's side of the family it's ridiculous) and it made me so happy! I think it's wonderful that you can see so much of him in your dd. I'm jealous, tbh.

    Someone mentioned faith earlier and I wanted to reply. I am not a religious or spiritual person at all. I would consider myself agnostic for the moment. That being said, I am trying to believe in spirits. I want to believe that when my daughter smiles at the air behind me she's seeing my dad. I hope some day she tells me she was talking to him. I believe that if spirits exist, children are much more likely to see/hear/feel them than we are.

    I'm going to try and take a little break from this thread. I don't know if it's because I've been talking about it so much, but I'm missing my dad and feeling even worse about things in the last few days, to the point where I can't get to sleep at night because I think, then panic, then cry, and repeat.

  16. NurseMommy

    pear / 1812 posts

    I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to totally kill this thread.

    I'm having panic attacks on a regular basis now as we get close to the date that we found out my dad had cancer. It was January 27. I have this one line a day journal and every day when I write in it and read what I wrote last year I just feel so bad for the "old me" who had no idea how terribly my life was going to change.

    How's everyone else doing?

  17. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @NurseMommy: I'm so sorry. That date must be really hard to approach and deal with. I always think what life will be like next summer/fall. I bought my mom and I one of those line a day journals. I haven't been able to write in it since she passed away. I found hers in her nightstand... she wrote down every time that I turned a new week in my pregnancy.

    She wrote this one entry that makes me feel so sad and guilty. She had called me when I was on my way home from work one day when I was like 30 weeks pregnant. She wanted to know when my maternity leave was going to end, and when she'd start watching C. I snapped at her because I was annoyed/felt guilty at the thought of going back to work, and I didn't want to talk about it when he wasn't even here yet! I told her the date and that was that. Meanwhile, in this journal, she wrote "So excited to find out I will be watching C starting blah blah date!" I was so snappy with her on the phone, and she was just excited. Ugh. Guilt.

    Sorry, didn't mean to write a novel, haha. I hope everyone else is doing well.

  18. NurseMommy

    pear / 1812 posts

    @Pepper: aw, my heart just broke for you. I feel guilty about things like that, I can only imagine how that must hurt. BUT, at least her entry shows you that she wasn't harbouring negative feelings toward you about it.

  19. owlteach

    apricot / 390 posts

    @NurseMommy: I don't think you killed the thread I can only speak for myself, but I kind of needed a break too. It felt to get some of that out there, but then I needed to step back again. It's funny, I clicked into this thread without realizing it had started back up again cause I was going to check and see how everyone's doing! I'm sorry that you are having such a rough time lately.

    @Pepper: that would break my heart too. My dad collected sporting antiques, and I have a little pamphlet from the 50's about how to throw a baseball that was designed for little leaguers. In his handwriting at the top it says: "To my Em, love pops". I have to keep it hidden, cause it still kills me.

    I'm having a really hard time with my mom right now. We used to be SOOO close, but she keeps making comments like the old responsible mom is gone, and I'm just going to do what I want. Last night she said it in regards to my older brother that has some special needs and has a hard time socially. It broke my heart. I'm so mad at her right now. He needs her, and I really need her right now and she's decided to just check out. It is SOOO unlike her and I feel like I lost my dad and now I'm losing my mom too. I'm sure this is just a phase, and I want to fix our relationship, I'm just not sure that I'm capable of being the bigger person right now I guess.

  20. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    I hope nobody minds, but I wanted to bump this thread. I've been having a hard time tonight... feeling really, really sad that tomorrow is Mother's Day and my mom isn't here to celebrate with me. I'm more sad about Mother's Day than I am excited, which is also sad, because it's my first official one as C's mom.

    Don't get me wrong, there is nothing on earth I am more grateful for than being a mom to my sweet little boy, I just really miss MY mom. I never realized how painful these kind of holidays can be when you've lost a parent.

    Just wanted to get that off my chest, and offer a hug to anyone else who might be feeling sad

  21. NurseMommy

    pear / 1812 posts

    @Pepper: I'm sorry you're having a rough time. Not totally the same, but I felt similar last Father's Day. It was DH's first and instead of being happy for him and wanting to celebrate him, I was angry. I wanted to be with MY dad. Maybe try and do something tomorrow that commemorates your mom, and incorporate it as a tradition? Tell your DS a story about her?

  22. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @NurseMommy: I'm sorry that Father's Day was rough for you, too. I understand the anger.

    Maybe I'll make it a tradition for us to watch some old home movies of my mom and I. That way LO could see his grandma, see his mom as a kid, and I could feel like I'm spending the day with her. Probably won't mean much to him til he's a bit older, But I'd enjoy it.

    Thanks for the inspiration.

  23. NurseMommy

    pear / 1812 posts

    @Pepper: awwww, I love that idea.

  24. Kimberlybee

    grapefruit / 4997 posts

    @Pepper: Hugs dear friend! I am so sorry and know how you feel. Mother's Day was always hard for my DH and I. His mom died of pancreatic cancer in 1996 and my mom is retired overseas. The only way to see her is if we travel overseas because she doesn't plan on visiting soon. We use to always be invited to celebrate at other people's Mother's Day parties like his aunt or my aunt. The gesture is nice but it's just not the same. I am just so thankful to be able to start our own traditions this year. Last year was my first Mother's Day but I was such a new mom that I forgot to take a picture of me and H together. I came home from the hospital the night before and was still resting from my C-section. I am counting this year as my first fun Mother's Day. I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow to start your own traditions too. Watching videos of your mom sounds like a great way to start the day! XOXO

  25. twoofeverything

    kiwi / 643 posts

    @Pepper: Me too. I try to focus on my babies and how much I love being a Mom, but the day gets overshadowed. HUGS.

  26. bunnylove08

    grapefruit / 4442 posts

    @Pepper: I totally feel you. I woke up crying today because I miss my mom so much. I think it hurts a lot because today is my birthday too.. It's been 12 years and today feels like the first day she passed. Sending you lots of hugs and thank you for bumping this thread. I really needed it.

  27. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @twoofeverything: Sending you a hug. Enjoy those sweet babies today.

    @bunnylove08: Aww happy birthday! I'm sorry you're so sad today, both occasions at once would be really hard, so I get it. Hugs hugs.

    @Kimberlybee: Thanks, friend.

  28. stargal

    pomegranate / 3890 posts

    @Pepper: thinking of you today. Snuggle that sweet boy of yours. And home videos sound perfectb

    @bunnylove08: hang In there.happy birthday! Try to enjoy it, I'm sure your mom would want nothing more then for you to enjoy your birthday even if its only for a little bit

    Thinking of going to my moms grave and having p pick out some balloons to put on her. It will cheer me up to see him laughing and playing there.

  29. bunnylove08

    grapefruit / 4442 posts

    @Pepper: @stargal: Thank you! I think hanging out with family really helped. My sister and I looked at old pictures and it made me smile

    Wishing you ladies a happy Mother's day

  30. MrsRoo

    pear / 1642 posts

    @Pepper: aww, hugs! I love the idea of watching home movies, I wish I had access to mine. I got up before anyone else today and looked through photos of my mom and I when I was LOs age. It was sad but looking at the similarities between us made me smile. Mother's Day will probably always be bittersweet, but I hope you get to enjoy it a little bit today...

    @stargal: I think that's a great idea. I took LO to my moms grave once, and seeing her happy and toddling around and grabbing the flowers actually made me happy.

    @bunnylove08: it's been 12 years for me, too and some days it feels so fresh. Happy birthday, I hope you get to have a little joy today

    Wishing you all a happy Mother's Day

  31. bunnylove08

    grapefruit / 4442 posts

    @MrsRoo: Thank you! I hope your enjoyed your day too. I think I needed time to just feel sad and after everyone woke up and we got our day started I felt much better. Thank you for thinking of me. I'm sorry for your loss.

  32. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @MrsRoo: It's definitely bittersweet, but I did end up somewhat enjoying the day. I hope you did, too

    @bunnylove08: That's how I felt, too. Before I went to bed on Saturday, I was a crying sad mess. When I woke up on Sunday I felt a lot better. It's good to let it out.

  33. owlteach

    apricot / 390 posts

    Hi ladies,

    I hope everyone's doing alright. I had breakfast with my mom this morning, our relationship has been really tough lately. She's started dating, and is getting pretty serious about someone. I'm sure he's a really great guy, but I just can't handle it right now. My mom told me that she had a chunk of change from my dad's life insurance that she hasn't used that we could use for fertility treatments, if needed (I'm going to see an RE in August). I'm having a really hard time with it. I don't want to be spending my dad's life insurance money on anything (even though I know this is how he'd want it spent), I don't want to be infertile, I don't want to have to figure out how to manage Christmas (my dad's favorite) with my mom's boyfriend, and my dog died last week.

    I'm just such a horrible, messy bundle of emotion tonight and I figured that if anyone could understand it, that it would be you guys. This whole IF thing has been soo hard, but I can't help but think that the whole thing would have been easier with my dad around, he made everything easier.

    Thanks for letting me vent and whine!

  34. stargal

    pomegranate / 3890 posts

    @owlteach: I can't imagine how hard it is to see your mom with a boyfriend. I'm so sorry you have yo deal with that on top of so many other things going on too. O think your dad would want you to use the money to help achiebe a baby,.I think its the perfect way to spend the money, esp since you said your dad was always there for you and helping. Maybe this is his way to still help you, ya know? Lots of love

  35. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @owlteach: I understand - I would rather have my Dad as compared to any amount of money. With that said, I think you should use the money for IF treatments if your Mom offered and if you want to.

  36. owlteach

    apricot / 390 posts

    @stargal: Thank you for your kind words. If it comes to that, it will be a beautiful way to use that money.

    @MrsH: Thank you for understanding

    You guys are wonderful!

  37. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @owlteach: I totally missed your post, but just wanted to offer you a hug. I have super conflicted feelings even thinking about my dad dating (it's something I don't even like to think about), so I can understand how hard that must be for you. I like the way that @stargal: put it about the IF treatments, this could be a way for your dad to help you again. and I'm so sorry to hear about your dog.

    I went looking for this thread today, because today marks one year since we found out my mom had cancer. I miss her so much. It still hits me like a ton of bricks sometimes. I'll be driving and remembering stuff about her, and then it's like the wind gets knocked out of me, realizing that I'll never see her again. Ugh. I'm guessing those feelings will never go away, though.

  38. owlteach

    apricot / 390 posts

    @Pepper: Thanks hun

    Unfortunately, those feelings never go away. I wish that I could say they do, but they don't. I do think that I deal with and manage those instances better than I did right after we lost him. I guess I know my triggers better and have learned to stifle things for a while, until I get home and can fall apart there.

  39. Iced Tea

    persimmon / 1310 posts

    I lost my mom 3 years ago. She battled cancer twice. She was my best friend. I took the summer off to care for her in her last months; I will always be grateful for that time. It was hard, but it was an honor to do that for her. My sister's kids got to meet her, and I'm kind of jealous that our baby-to-be will not.

    In November, I lost my dad. It was sudden, a heart attack. I was surprised to find that experience harder than losing my mom. We weren't very close; he wasn't present for a large part of my life. But the realization that I was basically parentless at 31 was so hard. I was, and am, seriously angry about it.

    My in-laws live overseas, and we live far from other relatives. Lacking a support system, we've had to change a lot in our lives to make it possible to start a family. I changed jobs. I now work from home with reduced hours and make half the money I otherwise would. My husband will probably change jobs before our baby comes in February because his current job has such long hours. Even just the pregnancies (we had a loss prior) have been so hard without support, I'm dreading finding out how hard it will be when the baby is here and no one can help us out, ever.

    I read HB boards about baby showers, and everyone's talking about how generously their parents gave. Elsewhere people talk about their parents at the birth. I'm facing those moments without my parents.

    I feel like it's such uncharted territory too. My friends here don't have kids. They don't "get" pregnancy. Or parenthood. Or living life without parents.

    Overall, it's been an exceptionally difficult year. I've lost 5 close family members, including our first baby-to-be and my dad, in the last 9 months. It seems like someone's poor idea of a sick joke. When anyone suggests these things are "part of a plan", I want to scream. I can't imagine any sane god planning such a terrible series of events. Why can't people just say, "I'm sorry for your loss"? The attempts to rationalize it don't help me.

    Who do you lean on for support if no one who understands is really around? I think that's how we ended up on HB. A lack of support IRL.

    Right now I'm thrilled about the pregnancy but so worried about how we will make it work.

  40. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Iced Tea: First of all, I am so, so sorry for your losses. How awful, to lose both parents, and your first pregnancy. My heart goes out to you, you've had a terrible year. My mom died in October when my son was 4 months old. I was glad she got to meet him, but I am still filled with sadness, and at times bitterness, that he will grow up without knowing or remembering her. I can understand the jealousy. I don't have siblings with children, but I am jealous of friends with children who have their moms to lean on.

    My husband works long hours, too. He works 55+ hours a week. I was really worried about being at home by myself so much in the very beginning when he was a newborn, but it really wasn't as bad as I envisioned. It's good that your husband may take a job with less hours, though. I'm sure you'll appreciate having him around more.

    You'll find a ton of support here. I don't have a lot of mom friends IRL, but I have met some wonderful people here, and received a ton of support, advice, and love on these boards. Sending you a hug.

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