Lo2 is due in February and we most likely are going to have to turn lo1's seat around at that time because I drive a small car and there just isn't enough room for two rear facing seats (the front seats have to be pushed really far forward for them to fit well...this is fine behind the passenger but it's going to be really tight on the drivers side.

Lo1 will turn 2 March 1st, but he has been hovering around 22 lbs for about 6 months, and 22 lbs is the lowest weight for forward facing with his seat.

Today at the pediatrician he was 23.5 lbs with his clothes and shoes on, but I have a feeling he would have been in the 22 range if he had been undressed.

Does anyone know if it is safe to turn them if their weight is exactly the lower limit? I would assume it must be...but he is so close it makes me a little nervous...