A few of my friends have had their seconds and they were all bigger than the first. I'm trying to figure out if this is typical. Was your second bigger than your first? Did they come around the same time? What was the weight difference?
A few of my friends have had their seconds and they were all bigger than the first. I'm trying to figure out if this is typical. Was your second bigger than your first? Did they come around the same time? What was the weight difference?
99 votes
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
DS1 was 6lbs 15oz. DS2 was 7lbs 11oz.
They were both born at 39 weeks exactly. My second child was SUCH a sweet newborn and my firstborn was complete hell on earth. I have no idea if weight has any impact on it, but I think it did!
kiwi / 611 posts
Ds 1 was 7 lbs 11 oz and Ds 2 was 8 lbs 11 oz. A full POUND bigger. DS2 was about a week later and I gained the same amount of weight with each one pregnancy. I'm screwed if baby #3 follows the same pattern
grapefruit / 4988 posts
DD was 6lb 15 oz and DS was 7 lb 5 oz. Both born at 39 weeks exactly. So yes, a bit bigger for my 2nd, although I believe boys are often a little bigger than girls.
@gingerbebe: Mine were so similar to yours!
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
They were 8lb9oz and 9lb13oz. I only have giants, neither was chubby just long. I guess the second came a couple days earlier than the first if you go by my ov date, both right near due date. And both are still quite tall.
If we can manage #3 I am really scared of size!
pear / 1955 posts
My second was bigger, but I actually gained about 10lbs less the second time!
pomegranate / 3438 posts
First - 7lbs 11oz at 37w5d.
Second - 8lbs 4oz at 38w5d
Not too much of a difference based off due dates.
ETA: I gained 55lbs with my first and only 35lbs with my second (but was almost 20lbs heavier to begin with...)
grapefruit / 4455 posts
About a week earlier and about a pound bigger! But my first was a girl and second was a boy and I think I remember my OB also saying that boys tend to be a little bigger overall at birth. (ETA, I gained about the same.)
squash / 13208 posts
smaller (and baked longer)
first: 37 weeks 7lbs 11oz
second: 39 weeks 7lbs 5oz
cherry / 197 posts
Mine were exactly the same size! 7lbs 7 oz!
But as DS2 has grown up he always measures a little smaller than his brother at the same age. Just had his 6 month checkup and he was 18lb 8 oz, while DS1 was 20lbs 12 oz at 6months.
kiwi / 635 posts
Second was only an ounce heavier than my first. 7 lb. 9 oz versus 7lb8oz.
Second was born at 40w and first born at 39w2d.
pomegranate / 3601 posts
My first was bigger than my second.
DS was 8lbs 7oz and DD was 7lbs 10oz. Born at 41+2 and 38+4 respectively. DS was also 2.75 inches longer than DD.
The twins were a league of their own and both only in the 5lbs range. But DD2 was nearly as long as DD1
apricot / 488 posts
LO 1 was 8.2 and LO2 was 6.8
for the second pregnancy I gain a lot less weight, she came almost 3 week earlier than her brother and is a girl
coconut / 8483 posts
One pound smaller! She was born 4 days earlier and had a two vessel cord which likely contributed. She was 6-12 and ds was 7-12
watermelon / 14467 posts
DD1 was 7lbs, 10.5oz. DD2 was 7lbs, 3oz. But DD2 was such a sweet, easygoing baby even though she was smaller.
However, she has consistently been 1/2" shorter and 1/2 lb. heavier than her sister at her well-checks for the corresponding age.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
DD1 was 6 lbs 4 oz @ 39 weeks
DD2 was 6 lbs 14 oz @ 37 weeks
kiwi / 556 posts
I gained twice the weight with my second but she was only 1/2lb bigger! Both came right around 40 weeks.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
Smaller. DS1 was 8 lb 13 oz and DS2 was 8 lb 3 oz (both at 39 weeks), but I had GD with DS1. DD was the exact same weight as DS2 (I didn't have GD with either).
pineapple / 12053 posts
smaller, first was 7.5, second was 7. same exact gestational age.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
LO1 8lbs
LO2 6lb 13ozs
Water broke at 39 weeks exactly with both, just one in the evening and then the next in the AM.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
Bigger but my first was IUGR and born a week earlier. My third was a little smaller than my second and they were born at the same gestational age.
They were 5lbs 11, 7 lbs 15, and 7 lbs 10.
persimmon / 1188 posts
My children were both born on their due dates. My first was 8 lb, 10 oz and my second was 7 lb, 14 oz. My second was a girl, my doctor had said girls are smaller sometimes and I guess it was true in our case.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
DS1 was born at 38+5 and was 7 lbs 1.2 ounces
DS2 was born at 37+3 and was 5 lbs 12 ounces
nectarine / 2994 posts
Dd1- 6lbs 9oz at 38+5
Dd2- 8lbs 15oz at 40+1
Just had a baby boy on Friday who was 8lbs 11oz at 41+2
pear / 1717 posts
DD was my second and was smaller.
DS - born at 41+ weeks, 9lbs 10oz
DD - born at 39 weeks and 6 days, 7lbs 9oz
grapefruit / 4903 posts
They were all about the same size. My first was 7 lbs 10 oz. My second was 2 oz more than that but a week later, and my third was 2 oz smaller but a week earlier.
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
DS was born at 40+1 at 9 lbs 5 oz, 21".
DD was born at 40+4 at 7 lbs 10 oz, 19".
grapefruit / 4584 posts
My second was bigger by about 3 oz and half an inch. My third was smaller than the other two by more than a pound and about 2 inches, but she was IUGR.
DD1 - 5 lbs 11 oz, 17.5 inches
DD2 - 5 lbs 14 oz, 18 inches
DD3 - 4 lbs 11 oz, 16 inches
pear / 1728 posts
Interesting! I usually hear about 2nd babies being bigger so this is slightly reassuring. DD was 8lbs1oz at 38+5 so I'm worried about having a large baby next time.
apricot / 370 posts
I voted about the same but my second way 1 oz larger than my first and 2 inches longer.
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