So this weekend two of my best friends from high school decided they wanted to visit me for the holiday weekend (We live 6.5 hours away from all our family and friends) I was hesitant about them coming because I knew I couldn't drink and I'd have to hide not drinking with them. But I didn't want to tell them NO because I did want to see them and haven't had many visitors since we've moved. Dh and I haven't told anyone yet about me being pregnant Im 7 weeks +/_ days and we are waiting until next week for our first U/S to tell our parents.....
I did a lot of acting this weekend lol I "pretended" to drink all day Saturday while we went boating....and all day Sunday... until Sunday night when we were getting ready to go to the bar to "drink" ... my friend was looking through my Iphone "apps" and went to the 5 page of apps and last group ... and touched the group of apps named "health" where ALL my pregnancy apps are ... Fertility Friend, BabyBump, IPR, SProut... etc lol.... I was busted...
I was upset she snooped and I couldn't hide my reaction when she said OMG are you pregnant?!! So I fessed up and told them..... They were super excited and it was nice to just order a water at the bar that night ....
All that work of hiding the drinking and she found out... UGH... I just wanted my mom and DH's parents to know first...
Anyone else have someone find out by accident or by being a Snoop?