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How did your natural miscarriage begin? Anyone have bleeding without a loss?

  1. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @runnerd: @mamabolt: @lilteacherbee: @Mrs. Sunshine: @Alba4: thank you for sharing your experiences

    @SweetCaroline: @mrskansas: @knittylady: thank you!

    Update: no more bleeding, still no cramping. Whew! Ultrasound is scheduled for this Friday at 1:30. We're supposed to get snow tomorrow, so while they had availability then I didn't want to schedule it just to have it get canceled, or be unable to make it through the roads.

    I'm tired, nauseous, and have a headache, but I'll take it.

  2. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Will be thinking of you.

  3. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Late to post, but I had similar bleeding post-sex at around the same time with this pregnancy, nurse just said no sex until after they saw me next, and not to worry unless it continued which it didn't. 38 weeks today and no bleeding since.
    Hoping for a good outcome for you!

  4. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    I had a SCH that was diagnosed at my first ultrasound at 8 weeks. I did have minor bleeding a few times during the first tri and was put on pelvic rest (no sex, no high impact exercise, etc). By 12 weeks, the SCH corrected itself. I also had 2 miscarriages prior to my SCH pregnancy and one was natural where the bleeding and intense cramping made it pretty apparent what was happening. I'd take it easy until Friday and do your best to be optimistic. Sending good thoughts your way!

  5. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @periwinklebee: thanks

    @josina: @Shantuck: thank you so much for sharing your stories

  6. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Thinking of you this afternoon.

  7. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Hoping things turn out ok for you this afternoon...

  8. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @StrawberryBee: good luck at your ultrasound

  9. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @periwinklebee: thanks for thinking of me right now

    @2PeasinaPod: @mrskansas: thanks! Sitting in the waiting room with water sloshing inside of me. Strangely not stressed.

  10. Periwinkle

    pear / 1879 posts

    Thinking of you...

  11. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Periwinkle: thanks! Still waiting.

  12. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    All is good!! Heart rate of 183, growth still on track, baby was even wiggling. Giant sigh of relief! Thank you to everyone for your shared stories and good thoughts, they were SO helpful! I cannot thank you all enough.

  13. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts


  14. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Awesome! Did they say what could have caused the bleeding?

  15. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Awesome news!

  16. KatieBklyn

    cherry / 188 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Yay! So happy to hear. I was just about to post my story - I had a big gush of red bleeding at 10 weeks with my son. Went to the ER, they did a scan and exam and found absolutely nothing wrong. The doctor was like, "that happens more often than you'd think, and most of the time we don't even really know why." Everything turned out fine with the rest of the pregnancy. So glad for your good news!

  17. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Yay!! So glad to hear

  18. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @StrawberryBee: That's so great! Phew!

  19. Mrsbells

    squash / 13199 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Awesome!! so happy to hear goodnews. Grow baby grow!

  20. kiddosc

    grapefruit / 4278 posts

    Awesome news!

  21. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @StrawberryBee: just saw this!! So glad everything looks good. Bleeding is super scary. I bled with L from our August '13 group and everything turned out fine with her. Best wishes to you for a healthy and uneventful pregnancy from here on out.

  22. Bibliolove

    kiwi / 526 posts

    @StrawberryBee: yay!! Now enjoy the upcoming weekend!

  23. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Great update, congrats! Hope the rest of your pregnancy is easy and stress-free!

  24. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Amazing news! Phew!

  25. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: @2PeasinaPod: @josina: @KatieBklyn: @lilteacherbee: @mrskansas: @Mrsbells: @kiddosc: @delight: @Bibliolove: @erinbaderin: @psw27: thank you all! ultrasound tech said she wasn't allowed to diagnose anything, so I'm assuming my dr will call when they've had a chance to review things. She took a lot of different views, as well as color coding to show my blood flow. Hopefully this is the most exciting things get during this pregnancy!

  26. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @StrawberryBee: so happy to read this news!

  27. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Yay, I'm so, so happy to see this!

  28. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: @periwinklebee: thank you

  29. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @StrawberryBee: so, so happy to see this!! YAY.

  30. Coral

    clementine / 874 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Yay!!! Congratulations!

  31. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @theotherstark: @Coral: thanks girls!

  32. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @StrawberryBee: yay! So happy to see your great update!

  33. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    @StrawberryBee: yay and fingers crossed the rest of your pregnancy is boring and uneventful!

  34. mamainthesun

    apricot / 356 posts

    @StrawberryBee: I'm so happy that things are looking great!

  35. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @GoGoSnoGirl: @Kemma: @mamainthesun: thank you

  36. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    Update: my dr called today after looking over the ultrasound pics, and confirmed that it was a SCH! She said it had already diminished significantly and would probably fully be absorbed by my next ultrasound (NT on March 7th), but that they'd look for it again then. So, I'm VERY glad that I have an answer. Thanks again to everyone!

  37. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts


  38. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @StrawberryBee: I'm so glad you got answers about what happened and that it is well on its way to healing.

    I noticed in the description that you mentioned sex a bit before it happened, and my case was similar, we'd had sex both the day of and the day before the SCH formed. I know it was probably just a coincidence, but having lost a pregnancy to an SCH I think next time I'm going to be super paranoid about DTD the first few weeks after a BFP, until there are better connections formed between me and the baby and an SCH is less likely to derail things. Sorry, ugh, it just got me to thinking...

  39. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @periwinklebee: my first MC started the day after sex. It made me feel pretty concerned for the next pregnancy (also mmc but not after sex) and we avoided it until the 2nd tri with DD. We have had sex once this first tri but again we mostly avoid it. I helps that I feel pretty awful for my first tri's so I never want to do it!

    Mentally it made me feel in control a little, and while it was unlikely the cause it still felt like a good precautionary measure.

  40. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @Banana330: Thank you for sharing your experience I agree that it probably doesn't ultimately make a difference, but is not that costly to avoid at the beginning of pregnancy. I've been on pelvic bedrest for over a month now, and with not feeling great in general, I can't say I've been in the mood that often anyways.


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