The blog post today got me thinking more about this. It talked about sort of separating the gift and the intention, in terms of accepting something you don't necessarily want because the person was thoughtful and had good intentions. But I'm curious about how you handle receiving gifts that you don't want or need, particularly if you've specified you don't want or need it?

My MIL is the queen of giving us crap we don't want. Or need. She is ALWAYS trying to pawn something off on us. And she's relentless. She will offer us a thousand things (lots of time stuff she is trying to get rid of or something she's found at a yard sale) and keep offering until we grudgingly accept just to get her to stop.

We recently moved into our first house and she has continued to bring us stuff that I have no interest in. She's literally given us probably 7 or 8 rugs after I expressed interest in ONE rug she was getting rid of. When we try to tell her we don't need it she always says, "Well take it anyway because you might find a place for it down the road." After Thanksgiving when we turned down a bunch of stuff, I'm not even joking she did a drop-in the following weekend (they live a 3.5-hour drive away!!!) and brought all the stuff we had told her we did not want.

At Thanksgiving she also said to me she didn't know what to get us for Christmas. I very quickly told her we'd love gift cards for places like Amazon, Target, BuyBuyBaby, Home Depot, etc. (We are also expecting our first baby next month.) I was actually really happy she mentioned it b/c she usually just gives us a bunch of random crap.

She called DH the other day and asked him if I was nearby so she could discuss gift ideas for me and I heard him telling her "Well you've seen the house, you know the general decor and layout." Which makes me think she's gifting something like furniture/decor and we don't need anything else!! I don't want anything she picks out and she's made lots of suggestions that I've said thanks, no thanks to. I told DH to tell her not to get us anything house-related and he said that would be rude.

How would you handle it? Accept whatever is gifted and then...not use it? With something like furniture/decor that's hard because she'll expect to see it in the house. I kind of want DH to have a frank discussion with her (not just centered around Christmas) and tell her not to gift/give us big things because we may not have a use for them but he hates confrontation...I could just talk to her about it myself but I dread that idea.