And how old is your LO? I'm trying to adjust our napping/bedtime schedule to get some better sleep. In doing some reading, I think we are keeping our 4 month olds up way too long between last nap and bedtime. We usually start bedtime routine at 9:00ish and they are down in their cribs around 9:45ish. (Routine is bath, books, bottles, then nursing to sleep, holding upright for 20 min+ because of reflux).

Naps have been chaos lately (well, so is night sleep), but when they were napping well they would take two 2-hr naps, one 1-1.5 hr nap and sometimes one evening catnap of about 30-45 min. If they catnap it might be around 6-6:30ish and then they are up until bedtime starts at 9. If they don't catnap they take their last nap from 1:30-3:30ish usually? Then they may drift off during nursing in the evenings but not for more than 10-15 minutes at a time.

Lately they have pretty regularly fallen asleep for a nap later, around 7:30-8ish. I'm wondering if they're trying to tell us they are ready for that to be bedtime? We have previously tried scooting up bedtime, but they would just cry/fuss until 9:30ish anyway so we just spent the whole evening rocking, feeding, putting them down, picking them up, etc.

I know they are probably going through the 4 month sleep regression, and maybe we just need to wait it out, but if I'm doing things to totally mess up the chance for good night sleep I'd rather change it now. I just want to set them up for success, you know? They've been really good sleepers all along so now that things have fallen apart I feel clueless about baby sleep. I'm willing to take any and all tips except we're not willing to CIO and I'm not interested in giving up nursing to sleep at this time.