Our little guy has been sleeping 10+ hours for about a month, rarely waking up enough to wake me up. He's just over 3 months (14 weeks), and the past two nights he has woke up and done what I'd describe as rolling around and fussing, with a few half-hearted yells mixed in. The first night he did this off and on for 1.5 hours until I went in and got him back to sleep around 4am (I kept thinking he had surely fallen asleep cause he wasn't being very loud). Last night he did this for about 30min around 3:30am. He is super happy to see me when I walk in, and falls back to sleep pretty quick with a bottle. All that to say, I'm not sure what's making him wake up (growth spurt), but when do you consider it necessary to go in?

Before he STTN, he always woke up hysterical, so there was no doubt on whether I needed to check on him, and since he's a little bigger, Im not sure what constitutes him needing me.