I was reading an article earlier that said almost all studies show that quantity time does not matter (as far as long term impact)... it's all about quality time. And we spend more time with our kids than any generations prior. That got me thinking about how much time I spend with my kids.

On a typical weekday - Charlie 3 hours. Olive 5 hours (she gets home 2 hours earlier). That translates into 15-25 hours during the weekdays.

On the weekends, pretty much from when they wake up until they go to sleep, so at least 12 hours a day. We'll say 24 hours on the weekends, though it's a little bit more for Charlie since he doesn't nap and sleeps less than 12 hours a day.

That comes out to 39 hours for Charlie and 49 hours for Olive in a typical week.

What about you?