Does your SO work a lot? My SO has always been a workaholic but I feel like lately it's been extreme. He has been regularly putting in 70 hours a week. I work too, so it puts a ton of stress on me to do everything.
Does your SO work a lot? My SO has always been a workaholic but I feel like lately it's been extreme. He has been regularly putting in 70 hours a week. I work too, so it puts a ton of stress on me to do everything.
124 votes
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
He's scheduled for 40 but regularly has overtime added on at the end of shifts or picks up an extra shift.
coconut / 8681 posts
He works 40 plus overtime (which he gets pretty regularly) so between 40 and 50 normally.
papaya / 10343 posts
Depends on the week. Usually he works like 9-6 or so (45 hrs/week). During busy periods though he works more like 8-8 and sometimes weekends too.
nectarine / 2631 posts
Around 55-60- sometimes more, sometimes less. I work full time too- so it stresses me out to be doing everything. (also the weeks he works less than 60- he is constantly working from home.... drives me crazy!!!!)
grapefruit / 4862 posts
I didn't vote because some weeks, he works 44 hours, others, 55+. He's a chef. They work 11-ish hour days, so if he gets 4 days it's about 44 hours, and if he gets an extra day (OT) it's 55+.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
DH left a job at which he was working 70-ish hours/week in January 2013, just a few months before dd was born. His job now is ~40 hrs/wk. He's done at 5 everyday (used to be home around 7/7:30) and he no longer goes into the office on weekends. It's made such a HUGE difference to our quality of life.
pomelo / 5524 posts
I would say anywhere between 40-50 hours/week. He goes in around 6/6:30 and leaves a little before 4 most days to get LO from child care (wherever he is that day). Some days, when he knows I'm home and can relieve my dad or FIL, he'll stay a little later.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
Well since he travels M-Th, I don't know for sure how much he works. But he will call at 9 and still be at the client's office. Other nights he leaves at 6. But he will work on the plane on the way home. Then Fridays is it is 8-530, breaks till R goes to sleep and then works another 30-60mins.
So easily 50-60 hours a week.
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
8-5 m-f, with a lunch break, so 40-45. occasionally he'll do something after business hours, but he mostly keeps his schedule
pomelo / 5720 posts
50-55 at the office and then another 10 or so at home, depending on what's happening for him that week.
squash / 13208 posts
50-60 depending on the work load that week - he works at the office during the day then at home in the evenings
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
Usually 42-45, including the grading/prep work he does at home. There is no OT at his job, it's a set schedule. The only deviance's are meetings on Fridays a few times a year since he doesn't work Fridays.
kiwi / 533 posts
Between 60-70. He woke up this morning so exhausted (68 hrs in the last 6 days). I jumped out of bed (5am) and walked the dog so he didn't have to
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@MsLipGloss: Your husband puts in same kinda hours as mine. He was talking last night about 40 hour a week jobs and I told him that I didn't think they existed. At least not in our profession.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@mrs bunchy: What does he do? Just curious, my DH works a ton too.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
I complain a lot about how much DH works because it's always a question of whether he'll be home for bedtime. But I just added up the hours, and it's actually pretty reasonable - he usually works about 45 hours per week (if you don't count the time he spends on his blackberry... sigh). I should cut him some slack.
papaya / 10473 posts
A ton. I'm guessing about 70? More in the spring and summer because he has a side landscaping/lawn care business.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
anywhere from 40-60. He's been working very late lately due to a case overload.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@septca: That's not bad. DH works till at least midnight every night. We never go to bed at the same time.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Hubs is scheduled to work 37.5 hours, but he's been working a lot lately, so over 40. But never more than 50 I'd say.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@Adira: I think our issue is I work 50 and DH has been working 70+. It's rough. Finding time to try for #2 has been all about scheduling, not romantic at all.
pomegranate / 3643 posts
He works 8-5:30 every day, but gets a one hour lunch. I don't know if that "counts." So, 45-50. He is a lawyer, but I have always told him time home with the family is a priority. Plus he doesn't goof off at work - he just gets it done. I forget how many billable hours he puts in a day, but I think it is a lot for how much he works.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@littlek: Ugh, yes, that's too much work and definitely would make finding time to BD hard!!! I find it hard for us and we don't even work that much in comparison!!
coconut / 8475 posts
Minimum 50h but most times more like 60, and then of course sometimes over the weekend, he pops into his office to set/ prep up for the following week.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@littlek: Yeah. Even with sort of similar work schedules, we have very different sleep schedules - my husband is a total night owl and gets a second wind around 10:00 pm, right when I want to go to bed. I feel like we need to schedule BD for #2. Sigh.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@jedeve: my husband doesn't goof off at all. Problem is his group is understaffed and he works at a multi national company so he gets requests at all times of the day.
pomelo / 5220 posts
70+ not including travel + lots of late night calls from Asia and Australia....ugh.
nectarine / 2932 posts
45 hours. With the amount of time he spends on emails and phone calls after hours though... I would guess 50-55. He is ALWAYS on the phone. He's salary though. No fun overtime for him.
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