Not looking for anything in particular here, but was discussing forms of discipline with a friend of mine, and we do things differently.

When DS does something wrong, we will firmly tell him why that was wrong or put him in timeout. I wait until he calms himself and will go get him, make him apologize and explain why what he did wasn't the correct choice. After that, we pretty much go back to normal.

My friend takes away everything...even after the apology is made, and for most of the rest of the night or even into the next day. Our kids are similar ages (2-3), and while I would never judge anyone else's parenting choice, I couldn't imagine enforcing that with our son. I think our son thrives on being included and it would seriously break him if I wouldn't allow him to play with any of his toys or have any sort of fun for days. I don't think he has the mental capacity to understand what's going on.

Thoughts? How do you discipline your kids and how old are they?