I have been obsessing over which glider to get recently and if i end up getting a new one, i need to order it 8-10 weeks before my due date which i feel gives me less time to looks for deals on used ones......and i feel like i always hear that people get the most use out of their glider in the nursery in the first few months. But i am wondering how does that work logistically when you have baby sleeping in a bassinet beside your bed. I would not be able to fit the glider in our bedroom and i can't fathom i will want to get out of bed and take the baby into another room multiple times during the night, only to come back to my room for us to sleep.

With LO1, we had an old wooden glider that fit next to our bed, and i did use it a lot in the first couple of months. We don't have it anymore and couldn't fit it next to the bed anymore anyway since we moved and have a bigger bed than before but not a bigger room. So i am thinking i will need to master nursing side-lying in bed to get through the newborn weeks.

I really want the glider because i think back to the majority of the first 2 years with LO1, we spent HOURS standing in his room and holding/rocking him to sleep and i am determined not to do that with LO2. I have no problem rocking to sleep, but i want to do it sitting down this time! Hence my desire for a super comfy, high quality glider. Also, with LO1, in our old apartment, we kept our spare queen bed in his room, so i did have that to sit on for nursing and reading books. With LO2 in our new house, we will not have a spare bed in his room, so we need something to sit on in general in his room for those purposes. But he will only start using his room when he is 5-6 months old.

So i am wondering if you co-slept (in bed, or with bassinet next your bed), is a big nursery glider really essential in the beginning?