What would you prefer from someone trying to help you out- a check just to you for a set amount, or an offer to pay for something specific? I said in another thread that my mom is probably coming up on time to make end of life decisions for her cat, and she doesn't have a ton of money to pay vet bills. DH and I would like to help with that. If we can make it possible for the cat to be comfortable for even an extra week together we want to do it. But my mom isn't going to be big on accepting anything from us. I can barely keep her from paying me for my gas to take the cat to the vet for her, much less pay for the vet itself. If you were in her shoes, would you prefer a straight check, or for us to just take over the vet bills? I'm inclined to go with a check (or possibly cash, so she can't just not deposit it), so that she doesn't feel like she needs to run any treatment plans by us, or worry that she's going over whatever amount we plan to pay. But I'd appreciate any input!