Hellobee Boards


If you had an "oops, how'd that happen?" pregnancy

  • poll: Baby's sex in relation to TTC or not
    Girl - not TTC : (36 votes)
    20 %
    Boy - not TTC : (29 votes)
    16 %
    Girl - actively trying : (49 votes)
    28 %
    Boy - actively trying : (62 votes)
    35 %
  1. wonderstruck

    pomegranate / 3791 posts

    @ladybee: The theory that boy sperm swim faster has been disproven, so I wouldn't hold my breath on that one! Super prevalent myth thanks to one study that was very popular while all of the ones discrediting it haven't gotten as much attention - at least, not online.

    I have two boys - one from TTC, one not.

  2. wonderstruck

    pomegranate / 3791 posts

    And a link just because I'm seeing lots of people agreeing about the whole boys sperm are faster/girl sperm live longer thing.


  3. scurbro

    pea / 15 posts

    Don't know yet but this baby is definitely a surprise from me going not trying not preventing. I'll update when I find out. hoping for a girl! First child was a boy and he was definitely planned. Actually this one was wanted but I'd given up checking anything for a couple months and then I get pregnant.

  4. MrsSRS

    nectarine / 2987 posts

    We were NTNP and got a boy first and a girl two years later. Not tracking with the second (nursing, wonky cycle). Tracking loosely and thought we were in the clear with the first (but clearly not because, again, wonky cycle).


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