If you use the "bedtime pass" method for getting a child to stay in bed at bedtime, what is the consequence for getting out of bed again after a child has used their "bedtime pass"?

I'm considering using this method with my four year old, who is really having trouble staying in bed at bedtime. But I think for it to work, there needs to be some sort of consequence for getting out of bed repeatedly - and I'm having trouble coming up with a good one. It seems like most things I could do (take away a toy, take away the opportunity for a treat/screentime, etc.) wouldn't be implemented til the next day, and don't really relate to the the behavior I'm trying to eliminate.

Would love to hear what works for you!

For those interested, part of the reason it's such a problem is that she shares a room with her two year old sister...her getting out of bed is sometimes distracting to her sister. I also don't want the two year old to learn that it's ok to get out of bed since she may be moving out of a crib to a bed soon-ish.