Would you change it?

I feel so stupid writing this post, but obviously at 9+ months pregnant, I'm a bit hormonal. I'm due next week and we've been planning to name our little girl Charlotte for months now. My 2.5 year old son chose the name. We have no idea where he got it from, but as soon as we told him mommy was having a baby, he named her Baby Charlotte.

Obviously a "first world problem" but now I'm kinda freaking out that William and Kate named the royal baby Charlotte. My son was born on 9/11 and I've had two and a half years of crappy comments every single time I have to give his birth date. You wouldn't believe how many people have actually said things like "Oh what a shame to have to live with that birthday" or "I would have held him in for another day just to spare him that." (Yes, totally practical.) So now I'm just picturing another birth with every comment about how we copied the royal baby's name. I've already gotten three texts from friends in the last 10 minutes asking if we have to change our name now that the royal baby has been named. (No one knows the name yet, but a few people know it starts with C.)