...how did their sleep go in the long term?

After a bit of sleep training and circumstantial CIO (for some reason I always had to go to the bathroom when my son was going down for naps so he learned to fuss himself to sleep), my son is now excellent at putting himself to sleep. I can put him down wide awake and he will roll around and chat to himself, and fall asleep. At night he wakes at 4 or 5am for a feed, and always feeds voraciously so I know/feel that he really is hungry. He's also a bit underweight so I don't mind the feed.

He's only 6 months old though, and I know we have a lot of challenges still to come! For those parents who don't rock, nurse or soothe your baby to sleep, how did they weather things like teething, regressions, illnesses, etc? My guy had his 6 months shots yesterday and was running a low temperature, and woke screaming at 12:30 which he hasn't done in ages. He had a huge feed and went back down easily, but it did get me thinking...what might be in store for the future?

Please tell me positive and negative stories!