I don't know what happened! T normally goes to bed around 6:30pm or 7pm with no fuss. May wake up around 1 or 2, maybe not. But for sure 4 and then 6:30. Easy peasy. He sleeps in his crib in his room until his first wake up, then DH places him in our bed with me for the rest of the night and he goes to the couch. would always just nurse him back to sleep side lying and we would both drift off.

NOW he wakes up at 10:30pm. I nurse him but lately he hasn't been nursing to sleep. So I kind of cradle him on my side and we snuggle. He goes to sleep with no fuss and he kind of squiggles in about 30 mins or so and I lay him on his belly next to me. Then he sleeps until 4. Then all hell breaks loose. He'll nurse and act so so tired. He won't go back to sleep. Screams whenever I hold him or try anything else. I managed to get him back to sleep this time by doing a little CIO and patting his back. He woke up 45 mins later and same thing. But now he won't lay down. He's so tired but is fighting it so hard. I finally gave up and I'm letting him play with a toy while I get ready for work.

We're both not getting good sleep. I hate taking him to daycare having been awake for 3+ hours. I don't know what happened!

ETA. He's 6 months. So I'm not expecting a sleep regression. No fever. Not teething. Still smiley and happy during the day. Growth spurt?