My kid is a food thrower. Doesn't like something? Tossed off the high chair tray. Does like something but feels like testing gravity? Tossed. Had enough milk or water from her straw cup for *right this second even though she will want more in 20 seconds*? Tossed over the side. So... yeah, meal time is messy.

I'm trying to work on this, mostly by ignoring it (not working) and watching when she looks like she might throw something and taking it first. I usually just put her food directly on the tray, but I am thinking I should start introducing a plate or bowl at some point. Any recommendations for plates or bowls that work for throwers? Obviously, it must be unbreakable, but would heavier make her less likely to play with it, or just more likely to put yet another ding in my hardwood floor? Also, the tray on her highchair is pretty small (it's a chicco 360 hook on chair) so the plate or bowl much be small.

Recommendations welcome! Also, any tips to reduce the throwing and dropping would be cool too.