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Is anyone else afraid of labor and afraid of the epidural?

  1. rachiecakes

    coconut / 8279 posts

    @artbee: I was actually scared of the catheter and totally forgot that I was numb down there, I didn't notice they'd given me one, lol

  2. Minnie_Girl

    persimmon / 1453 posts

    I'm scared of the epidurals, the thought of getting a c-section, getting pushed by doctors and nurses to do things I "have" to do, being forced not to eat or drink anything for hours, getting strapped to a bed with an IV in my arm and being unable to walk around or move into more comfortable positions, stalled labor thanks to drugs and no movement, getting an episiotomy, having six different people prod around in my vagina...

    Hospital birth? My personal vision of hell. Actual birth? Not the LEAST bit scary!

  3. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    I'm nervous about labor - the part I'm most nervous about is timing my contractions. I've had quite a few contractions already and have an app for timing them, but I feel dumb like I can't figure out exactly when they begin and end, and often it starts as a BH and then immediately goes into a "real" contraction, but I'm not sure when I'm suppose to start timing it. Some are long ones (like, 1 minute long), and many are super short (like a few seconds, but super painful). I'm not sure which to count, or how to properly count them. Everyone says you know...but what if I don't?! eek!

    I'm not afraid of getting a c-section, or of the epi (except that it will limit my movement during labor). Then again, my hospital is a very supportive, modern set-up - not the straight of the the 1960's birthing experiences some people's seem to be, and I'm pretty pro-medical intervention.

  4. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    I'm terrified for sure! I have a pretty high pain tolerance and am planning on using an epidural, and that right now calms me down a little! Honestly, I try not to think about that aspect of it or my heart starts to race!

  5. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @yoursilverlining: I'm nervous about this too! Or that I'll somehow miss my water breaking. There are so many unknowns to first time moms!

  6. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    @Nskillet: I myself am in no way against c-sections when necessary. I am afraid of the surgery itself but I am actually more sad for the fact I won't be able to bond with baby for a while. My favorite part of having my daughter was when she was placed on my chest immediately and I was able to breastfeed and make a connection right away. My fear is having problems breast feeding since we won't be able to establish it right away.

  7. EloiseKE

    cherry / 106 posts

    @mediagirl: My water broke at the hospital on it's own loooong after contractions had started, and I was worried about the same thing. My midwife basically said "If you feel like you're peeing and can't stop on your own, your water is breaking." I keep trying to reassure myself that I'll know if it happens.

  8. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    i was terrified of both! from the beginning i said i wanted to have an epidural...then i read about how it's administered...i freaked the f out! haha then i was worried about labor because if i was afraid of the epidural how would i handle labor without it!!? in the end, i think adrenaline takes over, and the want to have the baby. the epidural was amazing...and in the end i needed a c-section

  9. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    as far as being afraid of the epidural - my friend said the only pinch was the stuff they numb you with before the actual epidural. and I'm pretty sure they used the same stuff when I had a mole removed on my arm. it burned going in but was numb in seconds!

  10. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    I was more terrified of the epi than the labor. For me, the labor pains were intense, but being able to move around helped me to manage them quite well.

    I really believe it's one of those things you have to experience to make your decision. You never know how your body will react, YKWIM?

  11. MsLipGloss

    GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts

    @Eloiseke: Thank you for the description of your water breaking . . . I, too, worry that I won't know when it's happening.

    @MediaGirl: I am terrified of the labor process, but not of the epidural. Can't really explain it other than to say that there are just so many more unknowns (for me) when it comes to labor, whereas with an injection I know a lot more of what to expect. (I don't mind needles or injections . . . I used to give myself injections for migraines.)

    When I had pre-term contractions at 22 weeks, I was strangely calm even though I knew what was happening. And that was, in its own twisted way, reassuring . . . in the sense that when it was happening I just *knew,* like everyone says you will.

  12. Lone Palm

    cherry / 143 posts

    Gosh, since I'm still in my first trimester I have quite a bit of time in front of me to worry about this but I'm not going to lie - I'm terrified of both labor and the epidural. I don't know if its better to do a ton of research on each to know what to expect or to just go in there blindly knowing I'm going to get one, get through it and just take it as is.


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