I'm 34 weeks into my 2nd pregnancy and it still worries me that I won't know that I'm in actual true labor, which happened with my daughter. I was at my 38 week appointment when my OB told me that I was actually 4 cm dilated and having regular contractions. I freaked out because I didn't even realize it! All I felt was my belly hardening, but I assumed it was from her moving about and what I was feeling was her bum. She sent me into L&D straight away. Where I delivered a few hours later.
I always associated contractions with excruciating pain and I just had none whatsoever. Actually it wasn't until they popped my water that I felt how bad a contraction felt like. After that I asked for an epidural immediately.
I'm freaking out this time again because it scares me that I'm not going to recognize that I'm having contraction. They say the 2nd one usually comes faster too.
Did anyone else not experience labor pains?