I know that this is ultimately a personal decision but I change my mind daily so I'm crowd sourcing some opinions.

The story is that LO2 was born at 34 weeks, spent 4 weeks in the NICU and was released this past Friday. While she was in the NICU, I was pumping round the clock to build a supply - resulting in a pretty good start on a freezer stash (hundreds of ounces so far). For the first 3 weeks, she exclusively had expressed breastmilk, either through a tube or a bottle. However, she was a reluctant eater and was exhibiting signs of reflux, which in turn was causing some breathing/heartrate issues. Her doctors recommended that we switch from breastmilk to enfamil AR, with the hope that the thickened formula would stay down better and resolve the more important issues (ie breathing and heart rate). So we switched, it resolved her issues and we were discharged 5 days later. Yay!

At the end of the day, she doesn't have to stay on formula forever - most preemies outgrow these issues, so it's just a matter of waiting it out. Her doctors have said that if I want, I can start nursing her for 5 mins each feed and then give a bottle of formula, gradually increasing the length of nursing sessions and decreasing the amount of formula, depending on how the reflux responds. Additionally, after she eats, she needs to be held upright for 30 mins and then I would need to pump to maintain a normal supply. I also have a 2 year old. This seems completely overwhelming to me.

My first LO was formula fed, so part of me wants to throw in the towel, commit to formula, celebrate my new free time, and use my freezer stash to supplement her bottles once she's ready. On the other hand, I worked really hard to build my supply over the past month and it sucks to walk away from that. Plus, I think because LO2 was premature, I really wanted her to have breastmilk for as long as possible.

I don't think there is a right or wrong answer here, I'm just curious as to what others would do under these circumstances....