Since A was born 9 weeks early I was EPing while she was in the NICU and occasionally would try to nurse her, but had to use a nipple shield and she just wasn't strong enough to empty my breast and was being supplemented with expressed milk.
Lately we've been having a lot of trouble with reflux and she is on Zantac and today was doing well but then just decided she didn't want the bottle during the last 2 feeds so I tried nursing and she LOVED IT!! BUT.. first of all, I get almost 40 oz pumping 5/6 times a day so I feel so so full after she nurses and I just feel like I don't know what I'm doing. It seems like she will go forever as if she's on a pacifier so how long do I let her go before I stop her? And do I keep her on the every 2.5 hr schedule or nurse every time she seems like she'd take some?
I also feel like my back hurts so much when I do it. I use a nursing pillow but I am so hunched over watching her and holding her head and making sure she's latched (still using the shield) that I am so so slouched. Help!