Hellobee Boards


January 2014 babies!

  1. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Emsmems: Well, we just replaced the NASTY carpet downstairs with laminate and it looks amazing! I really wanted to get that done before the baby came because I didn't want to have my kid crawling around on that.

    Our next project is cleaning out the office, which is about 2/3 of the way completed. My DH had held on to everything (and I mean *everything*) since college, so it was full of crap. He is almost there though! He won't let me go through any of it because he knows I would just throw everything away.

    After we clean out the office, we are going to paint and start putting the room together!

    Oh and DH and I finished up our registry this weekend. I've had a running "wish list" on amazon of all the things I heard about on here and what works/what doesn't work, so I had a good idea going into it what I wanted and didn't want.

  2. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @Emsmems: we are mostly done registering. It took forever and I got kind of overwhelmed at one point reading baby bargains and amazon reviews and asking opinions, and on and on.

    Baby is moving about three times a day. So crazy to feel. Dh hasn't been able to feel yet. Has anyone been able to have their dh feel?

  3. Emsmems

    persimmon / 1331 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: I have done the same thing with Amazon!

    @MrsH: I think DH has felt the baby move. It's hard for me to know when you can feel it outside and when you can't, so I'll put his hand there and then say "did you feel that one?" And he'll say "I think so". So I'm not sure! I know it'll get obvious soon enough!

  4. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @Emsmems: my dh has said I think so but I don't really think he has because he usually seems pretty disappointed

  5. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Emsmems: We got our registry done.. it was a lot more fun then my wedding registry! haha

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: We did our flooring downstairs (carpet to tile) when I was in my first tri... needless to say that was a week from HELL but it was well worth it! We also replaced all the carpet upstairs so it feels so nice and fresh... I love new flooring. Feels so nice..

    Baby actually kicked DH in the head last night! I asked him to see if he could hear anything while she was moving, his whole head actually moved it was pretty funny haha.

  6. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @Emsmems: We have started getting the nursery. We got my office moved out of it, I still need to find a place to put all this crap but it's doable. We finalized colors & fabric this weekend. Who knew it would be so hard to coordinate boy & girl colors!? Also the in-laws have started to help fix the closet & paint the trim. We still need to have all of our hard wood floors refurbished which will take a week on top of all of the painting & buying and registering for stuff that we haven't even started!!

    We are so screwed I was told to have everything done by 7 months "just encase". That's like weeks away!

    I feel the babies moving a ton! I can sometimes tell when Izzy is moving but its hard to determine if Michael is moving. I get tons of punches to the southern region though. They are super active after meals & during car rides. I can't imagine what it will be like at 30-40 weeks!

    @MrsH: DH is oblivious to what the movement & kicks feel like. My mom has felt the babies move & DH is bummed he wasn't the first to feel it, even though I'm pretty sure he has. He keeps saying all he is feeling is my pulse.... It really bums him out. Tonight I'm going to have a cold caffeinated regular soda to try and get the babies active for him so he can finally feel them.

    We should all post progress pictures of all of our nurseries!!! I love seeing what others have come up with.

  7. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @wahine08: HAHA I love that your Lo kicked your DH. Maybe i'll give that a try tonight

  8. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    One more thing. When is everyone having their first shower? I think mine might end up being in November

  9. Emsmems

    persimmon / 1331 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: my shower is the end of October! That's why I'm trying to register but it's so much harder than our wedding registry because I don't know what I want and need like I did for our wedding registry! I'll get there though!

    We should totally post nursery pics! I think navy_mommy started some sort of nursery thread... We could use that one!

  10. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: we are having one at the end of October.

    I think we made it hard on ourselves with the registering because we know the sex but aren't telling anyone and don't want to give it away.

  11. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: DH actually had a work shower last week (some other ladies in his department are due around the same time, so they did a group on) It's way early but he really enjoyed it. Our personal shower is going to be co-ed and it'll be early November. I think my work one is also early November! Time is flying! Already halfway through Sept!!

    @Emsmems: I seriously visit my registry EVERY day and adjust haha. I go through registry guides and add or delete things.. mostly adding.

    Got all the furniture for the nursery set up except for a bookcase and waiting on the crib to come in.

  12. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @wahine08: I'm getting nervous! We don't have anything planned except the nursery colors & we are expecting twins! UGH! Time to get busy!

  13. Lindsay05

    pomegranate / 3759 posts

    Let the nesting begin! Today I went through all of DD's clothes (very emotional seeing all her small clothes) and pulled out all the gender neutral items and washed them and put them away in baby's dresser. I also organized the change table and got all the pacifiers ready to go. Next, I will have to set up the bassinet and get the car seat ready to go. It's getting real!

  14. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @Lindsay05: Yay! How exciting! I can't wait to start putting stuff away. DH & his dad are going to work on the nursery this weekend while I'm at the baby shower. We are still finishing the remodel. Only furniture we have right now are the cribs & they are in the boxes still.

    I've been creeping on our registries & found that someone bought out pack N play & both of our car seats!!! I'm starting to regret registering for clothes. We registered for mostly boy clothes because that's what we need but that's a lot of what is off our registry right now. MIL says we have about 20 RSVP's so it'll be a pretty good turn out. How has everyone else's showers gone? I have no idea what I'm going to wear! EEEK! TIC TOC TIC TOC.

  15. Emsmems

    persimmon / 1331 posts

    @Lindsay05: I have been nesting too! I have organized and will probably re-organize before things are all said and done!

    @Sugar.Biscuit: when is your shower?? That is exciting that someone bought some big items! My shower had about 20 RSVPs too, we got lots of good stuff, and surprisingly not as many clothes as I thought (which I'm ok with!). We got some doubles too so took them back for credit and are just hanging on to the gift cards right now to wait and buy bigger items! I'm sure you'll get some great stuff!

  16. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: that's so exciting! Our pack n play got purchased too! I've been seriously stalking my registries and I'm scared that I'm going to get an s-load of clothes and nothing really useful. It's DH's family shower this weekend and we will have about 20 people too. I'm wearing that maxi dress I bought a month out so ago with a cardigan. It was pretty long then and I had to hold it up but I think my tummy has gotten big enough to hold it off the ground! Lol.

  17. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @Emsmems: Our shower is this Sunday. I'm excited that we are having it right before Thanksgiving weekend so I can snag all the baby deals on black Friday/cyber Monday. I'm pretty sure DH's aunts went in on the car seats & pack N play. The MIL was asking if we wanted 1 big item or a lot of smaller items. I never really answered her so I'm assuming it was probably them... It'll be interesting to find out who bought what.

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: Exciting! I want to see an updated bump picture in your dress.

  18. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: I was a HUGE registry stalker!!! And big items are awesome!!! I was so thankful that we didn't have to buy a pack n' play, carseat etc. I hope you have a fantastic shower this weekend!!!

    @Lindsay05: Oh the nesting! I want to throw out all of my kids toys because the clutter is just KILLING ME. Of course that is dumb because now we have another kid on the way that will eventually get to all these toys, but man o man I just want the clutter GONE! And, we haven't even put out the baby stuff yet, that just makes the house feel MORE cluttered.

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: Clothes were something I was super afraid of the first time around! It seems like that is what people want to buy.... We didn't get ANY though, because we were team green and no one wants to buy gender neutral clothing (though I love love LOVE duckies on little babies hahaha) I hope you have a fantastic shower this weekend and get what you need

  19. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    Are you ladies doing anything for your babies for Christmas? DH & I were talking about getting them a small gift since they aren't due till the end of January. Something more like a sentimental/keepsake type present (for us more then for them). We are getting a small angel ornament for Gabriel, our angel baby, for our Christmas tree. Any ideas? I'm at a loss.

  20. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: I was thinking about having the baby give something for my husband and probably my other LOs as well. But it's tough, because the latest he'll be here is December 27th.... so he'll be super close to Christmas. I don't think he will have anything under the tree. I might do a big sister/big brother gift of some sort for my kids and I can't tell you what I'll do for DH because he stalks me on here hahaha

  21. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    I think there were a couple of us that had showers this weekend... How were they??

    We had DH's family shower this weekend and while a bunch of people ended up not being able to come because they were sick, we ended up having a really nice time with the family that we normally hang out with anyway! So it was like a family dinner, but with presents. They had these amazing mini bundt cakes from Nothing Bundt Cakes and they were so yummy! I had never had them before. We also got a ton of useful things and not many clothes so that was awesome! Overall, a great time. Hope y'all had good showers too!

  22. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: we had our shower & a handful of people were sick as well. Like you we got a bunch of useful stuff. A friend brought a stash of boy clothes she had snagged from another mom which was awesome cause we needed boy clothes! DH & FIL put the finishing touches on the crown molding & put together the cribs this weekend so that was an extra bonus!

  23. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: That's awesome! Glad you got some boy clothes and useful items as well. And yay for finishing some room projects!

  24. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    Wow ladies. I'm in tears this morning simply because we have made it to 30 weeks! I have always questioned in the back of my mind if we would ever get to 12 weeks, 15 weeks, 18, 20, 24, 28 weeks. I know as I type this I will always be worried about my babies, I think it's what mom's are suppose to do. My next goal is to make it to at least 35 weeks and bring home two healthy babies. Being a mom changes your whole world. I knew that it would & that it will continue to change as our lives change, I just never expected to have such strong emotions & feelings towards another human. I didn't know it was possible to love someone this much!

  25. Honeydew

    kiwi / 568 posts

    @sugar.biscuit Congrats on hitting 30 weeks! I'm hoping you make it past your goal of 35 weeks with 2 healthy babies! I agree with you, life is about to change, and I cannot fathom how I already love this little one even though I haven't seen his face yet.

    I'm at 32 weeks (which still amazes me) and counting down!!!!

  26. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: I do a My Gym class with my two other LOs (it's like Little Gym or Gymboree) and there is a mom in there with twins. She made it to 37 weeks with a 7 pounder and 6 pounder! Can you believe it?!?!?! I hope you make it to at least 35 weeks

  27. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    I got a dress for DH's Christmas party for work! I actually love it and want to find other reasons to wear it, lol.

  28. Emsmems

    persimmon / 1331 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: yay for 30 weeks!! That's awesome for your babies!

    @Navy_Mommy: very cute dress!

    I had my 32 week appt today and our babe is measuring perfect and is head down. But, I gained FOUR pounds in two weeks!! I have no idea how that happened! My midwife isn't concerned, she says my weight gain is perfect (overall) but I really hope this doesn't happen very two weeks! Eek!

  29. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    I really wish these babies would space themselves out!
    They are both laying on my right side & its killing my back & ribs. Look at the bump (sorry for the massive belly shot)! That is my sons head. He is suppose to be on the left side & that should be his sisters head.

  30. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: you poor thing! Hopefully he'll give you a break soon and move back to where he's supposed to be! Silly boys.

    I feel like I'm looking especially pregnant today, so I took a rare bump shot. She's been moving around like crazy! I actually dreamed last night about her kicking me and she woke me up with a swift shot to the side!

  31. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: Last year we had our loss around Christmas, so I got a small felt angel ornament and a knit heart with a 2012. This year we put them together on the tree. Not front and center, but it's a little something!

    I can't believe I'm at 33 weeks! It's going by way too fast now.

    We had our showers and they were so fun and amazing. I get so emotional these days!! haha

    I haven't gained as much weight as I thought I would (16 lbs) but my OB says I'm doing fine size wise. Just getting kind of sick of hearing how small my bump is and I NEED to gain weight from people.. I know that's a dumb thing to hate hearing but it just makes me worry when I shouldn't be!

  32. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    I'm in so much pain today! I went in and got adjusted & it helped. I saw my OB today when I was feeling better & now I'm nervous that I won't be able to work tomorrow. I released my sub this morning after I was feeling better & they have already been picked up! I'm so screwed & am just sitting balling. UGH!

  33. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    @Emsmems: I wish I could say the same! I had my 34 week appointment and I'm measuring 36-37 weeks! ugh And the weight gain.... I'm up about 40 lbs..... ugh ugh ugh

    @wahine08: I get the exact opposite, about how BIG I am, but it doesn't matter, people shouldn't feel like they can comment on a woman's size. Plus, different women carry differently! I have a friend who was 38 weeks pregnant when I was about 28 weeks and I looked so much bigger than her, because we carried differently!

    @Sugar.Biscuit: I hear ya on the pain! Everyone keeps telling me I need to get adjusted. Does it really help? Or does the pain just come back really fast? I hope you feel better soon!

  34. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @MamaBehr: I have gone since i was about 15 weeks & just recently I had to cut back because I ran out of sessions on my insurance. So just recently have I started having problems with back, hip & rib pains. I highly recommend getting adjustments during pregnancy just make sure they are certified in prenatal care.

  35. creativemomma15

    pear / 1610 posts

    Love all the updates ladies! I can't believe January is almost here. Right now we are just trying to keep this baby girl in. I am a little over 34 weeks and my midwife is concerned I will go early again. She did my strep b test last week and checked me. Nothing was going on cervix wise, but she was concerned by how low baby girl is. She is already super low and causing a lot of hip pain for me. The good news is that she is head down, so we are definitely on target to try for a VBAC. This makes me excited and nervous at the same time! I have been having some contractions more in the evenings as well, and I just keep being thankful for another day still being pregnant. I really want to bring my baby home with me and avoid the NICU this time if we can.

    @MamaBehr: I am up plenty on the weight gain too… I try not to think about the total number.

    @Sugar.Biscuit: I hope you can get some continued relief from all the pain! I'm in a lot of pain with 1, I can't imagine 2! Especially when baby boy isn't cooperating

    @Navy_Mommy: cute dress! Plan a date night so you can wear it again!

  36. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: Love the bump! How was the shower?
    @Navy_Mommy: Cute dress!

  37. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: The shower was great! I actually got a bunch of useful things and not a ton of clothes. I have another one, not this weekend, but next weekend. Have you had any showers yet? How were those?

  38. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: Yea we had our shower. Just now did I remember us already having talked about this...Serious prego brain these days its ridiculous! My show turned out great. Now I just need to get to obsessing over getting the nursery done...It's not looking so hot right now. I wanted to see a picture of you in your dress you bought for your shower! You worked so hard on finding the right one.

  39. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: I want to see a picture of myself too! Haha. My FIL took pics and I need to get them from him.

  40. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    Ugh. I've been up since 1am just in general discomfort/yucky feeling. It's 4 now and I got sick of tossing and turning so I got out of bed intending to catch up on my DVR but I can hear DS1 stirring upstairs and I don't want to wake him. DH was deployed the past two Thanksgivings and I'm afraid I'm gonna ruin this one feeling sick/uncomfortable. Wahhhhhhh... cue the violins.

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