Hellobee Boards


January Post Partum thread

  1. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @pinkb: vent away. I'd rather do it here than to my mom or one of my friends! I am at least proud of myself for being calm, and not berating him for not "following instructions." I mean, like you said, the schedules the best thing for all of us.

  2. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @pinkb: We have not discussed the next baby yet. All along we've been saying we'd probably wait 2-3 years. Right after D was born Hubs said that maybe we just have one and I'm actually kind of ok with that. But, no, we haven't had any serious discussion about it.

    On another note, we tried to dtd last night. Yeah, that was unpleasant. I started to cry, both because it hurt and because I was so frustrated that it hurt. Poor Hubs was freaking out cuz he thought he hurt me. Once I explained that it wasn't anything he did it was just my "new" anatomy, then he was the one reassuring me that it'll get better and it's ok that I'm not ready yet. It was really sweet. But come on, body! We haven't had sex in like 5 months - mama needs to get some!

  3. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @littlebug: ugh I'm so sorry! It's so frustrating and disappointing !!

  4. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @dagret: My husband is awful with keeping to the schedule! I swear she's the best baby in the world, as long as you know what she wants when she wants it. He thinks she's super cranky - yeah, because you don't listen to me!!!

    It's ridiculous, because I just end up doing everything myself, because it makes it easier on me in the short term. I figure I should make him learn for the long run?

    If DH puts DD to bed, she wakes up 3-4 times. If I put her to bed, she wakes up once. Coincidence? Nope.

  5. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @littlebug: We haven't tried yet - I'm scared! I feel bad for him, because it's been so long...

  6. Rescuemom10

    pear / 1965 posts

    @allison: Yay, they are Birthday twins. Plus my Birthday as well. Groundhogs day apparently is a pretty "happening" day! ; )

    @littlebug: I am scared about this. DH already left and is in training now until end of July before he goes to Afghanistan for one year. He will be coming home perhaps on a weekend or at somepoint before he goes over to Afghanistan, and I am so scared of the "pressure" that I feel to dtd because its going to be a loooooooong time with out and we havent yet. Ugh! Seriously scary!

  7. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    I told my husband we need sex therapy (I was joking). It doesn't help that we don't go to bed at the same time.

    Is anyone hitting any milestones? I kind of hate to ask because I know everyone's lo's will hit them at different times and I don't want any of us to feel bad comparing...but I'm still curious.

    Dylan is rolling from tummy to back and perches on his elbows from time to time. He's smiling tons...not sure if he's cooing or not.

    He still sleeps A LOT. So much that today is the first day I decided to track it.

  8. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: DD is inconsistently rolling from tummy to back (took a week for me to see after daycare saw it!), and just started cooing quite a bit in the last 3-4 days. It is the sweetest thing ever! Not doing so well with perching on her elbows, and not interested in grabbing at things. She is SUPER smiley. She's finally starting to spend more time awake, although not reliably enough to have set nap times each day.

  9. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: Eli has been cooing for a couple weeks now, which is so much fun! He loves to talk back and forth with us. Lots of smiles and a little laughing, too.

    Tummy time stuff isn't going as well as I'd like them to. He holds his head up pretty well when he's up on my shoulder or sitting upright in my lap, but when he's on the floor he's just content to lay there most of the time. Definitely not even close to rolling over yet.

    He sometimes tries to bat at hanging toys, but hasn't been able to grasp any yet, including toys I try to hand him.

    He naps a ton, too. Basically in between each nursing session (he eats every 2.5 to 3 hours) he takes a nap.

  10. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    j "talks" to us a lot. Usually right after waking ! We get lots of sweet smiles too. He is starting to explore more with his hands now. Grabbing his feed, flexing his little fingers on me when he nurses. He will play with toys if I put them in his hand - just shakes them- but not grabbing yet ! Does well with tummy time ..... When I remember to do it. Haha! I'm so ready for him to start reaching up for us!

  11. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    D is quite a little motormouth (just like his mama). He talks/coos a lot, but my favorite is the random little yell, which he usually does when he's on his play mat, like he's saying, "Hey, don't just leave me here, come play!" So funny. He's very smiley, and dues this great thing when he smiles where he kind of pulls his hands up his face? It's hard to explain, but it's almost like he's so happy or excited, he can't contain himself. It kills me.

    He mostly bats at toys, but if we're patient enough, and put something right at his hand, he will grasp it!

    Tummy time still sucks, though. He just hates it. But he does great holding his head up when he's sitting or up on my shoulder. So I'm not so worried about his neck strength, just more about his arms and his ability to push himself up. I feel like we're going to be behind the curve on that, though the daycare did say they will work on tummy time, too.

  12. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    I'm so behind again!
    After five days without DH. LO and I flew solo to Virginia for my grandmothers birthday. Grandma has sloooooooooooooow Internet, but lives about a quarter mile from buy buy baby so it's all good. I really miss American shopping.

    She was awesome in transit! Slept on the way to the airport (subway, shuttle, ferry), nursed during takeoff, then was happy smiling charming baby in flight and fell asleep (and stayed asleep) just before landing. I couldn't have scripted it better. Proud mama.

    She has been talking for weeks now and my favorite is when she yells. So cute. I have to be careful where I put her down now because if she is even slightly inclined she will sit forward and then fall on her face and inch away. Seriously. Girl is moving and it freaks me out. She will roll front to back with great effort but not the other way. She's not an ambi-turner. She loves tummy time and will push up to her waist. She totally planks if I support her feet.

    Is anyone considering another one soonish? I haven't filled my mini pill script and I think we are just going to see how effective breastfeeding is as birth control until I'm pregnant again.

    And favorite thing of all time....when she smiles and coos while nursing. Yes little girl, you are welcome for the delicious milk.

  13. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: wooooo! Brave woman ! So glad she did so well !! She is SO cute and I'm loving her with a hairbow !

  14. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Yay for successful travel! We are due to go to Michigan this year fur Thanksgiving with my family, and Hubs is already saying we should skip it because he can't imagine a 10-hour drive (frankly, neither can I), and really doesn't want to take him on a plane. I will have to try to gather more success stories like yours to convince him!

  15. pinkb

    pear / 1599 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: That gives me hope our 3 hour flight in May wont be so bad! Yay, so glad she did so well. DH goes back and forth from saying he only wants one (on bad nights when Abi is a fusspot) and saying we need to start trying at the end of the year when she is a year old. I can't take hormonal birth control anymore so its condoms for us, which DH hates, so I *think* we will really be NTNP close to the end of the year.

    Abi had to go to the DR yesterday she was running a little fever. Did anyone else know when they are this young you shouldnt give them Tylenol for a fever until you can pin point the cause of it? It was only 99.4 and she said a "real" fever isnt till 100.4. The Dr was worried cause by the time we got there for the appointment 3 hours later, the fever was gone so she didnt know if it was going to get worse and if there was an underlying issue other than the cold Abi has. So far no fever so crossing my fingers.
    And Abi has only just reached 10lbs at almost 13 weeks old. Since feeding/eating is an issue we are trying different bottles, and then in a few days if she still isnt consistently eating 4 oz every 4hrs then we are suppose to try switching formula again, this time to Enfamil Gentle ease.
    We dont get consistent cooing or smiling, mostly just in the morning. Abi loves tummy time although she turns it into nap time most of the time. She will hold stuff if I put it in her hand. And she has rolled from front to back 2 times but only by accident.

    We need more pics on here

    Abi trying out her gumbo, and then her outfit to go see the easter bunny.

  16. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @pinkb: she is sooooo cute !!! I hope she is feeling better !!

    Here's some recent pics of J !

  17. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    We are considering trying maybe this summer bc we need 6 mo under our belt again before the RE will see us. I was watching a baby show on tlc the other day and after the birth scene I was thinking, ooh, I want another one soon! I totally freaked myself out that I even thought that.

    Speaking of...we successfully rounded home plate last night ladies. Hooray!

    L is cooing and smiling like crazy, swatting at stuff and the other day he kind of half rolled over but I think that might have been a fluke. He hates tummy time too!

    Here's a pic of him in an Easter outfit I bought but already handed down to his cousin. He's in 3-6 month clothes except for the sleepers and a few outfits and onesies.

  18. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @dagret: yahoo!!! I think we may give it a go again tonight Fingers crossed ! L is soooo cute !

  19. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    @pinkb: have you tried feeding her more frequently? D will prob hit 10lbs right around 11 weeks. What are her issues with feeding? All I've been thinking about is feeding for the past month so let me know if there is anything you want to talk about!

  20. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    Wow! I can't believe the baby fever! We are one and done.

    Is there any way to post pics from a phone? That's how I usually get on here.

  21. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: I post from my phone ! I just click attach a photo And it takes me to my photo album !

  22. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    I honestly never tried! Here goes...

  23. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: he is SO CUTE !!!

  24. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @coacheswife123: he has such long limbs! Tall like his daddy I think.

    @pinkb: Abi is so sweet! I love her shoes!

    @Mrs Green Grass: I saw your blog post with some photos of D, he looks so great! And you added more while I was typing. So cute!

    Here is Livy from yesterday with her first hair bow. Repeat from IG - sorry!

  25. pinkb

    pear / 1599 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: I did drop her feedings last week to 3 every 3 cause with her being sick she wasnt eating well at all. That did seem to help then, maybe it is worth another shot. IDK what exactly is the issue, she did great when we went to 4 every 4 per the Dr request, but then it was taking an hour atleast to get 2.5 to 3 in her and she would be falling asleep or lose interest by that time. So after a few days of worrying I switch to level 2 nipples and that seemed to help until she got sick. Now she seems to eat well for the first 3 feedings most of the time, which I give, but then the last couple DH gives and he has issues. And he varies the length in between cause he says she acts hungry and melts down.

    LOVE all the pics !! such cute babies!!

  26. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: all of his clothes look silly. They are all about an inch short in the arms and legs but the next size up swallows him !

  27. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @coacheswife123: that's how 0-3 fit L but the waistband was squeezing his little belly and the pants seams were starting to leave marks...so I switched him.

  28. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    Love all these sweet babes!! Pictures are the best.

    Rowan has had pretty good head control from Day 1. Even the ped in the hospital commented! So tummy time is good for her. She kick flipped herself off the couch two weeks ago and we were both pretty shaken up. My mom said it's a right of passage for your kid to fall on the ground, but I felt so bad/guilty. Luckily she wasn't hurt just shook up. She flipped herself another time but it was totally accidental.

    Sleep has been going well. Now that we have a regular wake up time (645-715) she's been much happier waking up smiley and cooing and has a good stretch from 7 pm ish to 2-3. Last night was the first time DH and I could just hang out after she went to bed and not worry that she would wake up early and make us regret not going to bed when she did!

    I guess I'm weird in that DH and I DTD about 5 weeks PP and it was more mental than anything else. We still go slow and I keep a bra on often bc I'm leaky but we're close to being back to our regular pre-baby adult time. It's not all the time but feels right for us. I'm sure DH wishes it was more often but that's always been the case!

    We want 3 but DH is still in paramedic school and I'm hoping to quit my day job soon to do photography full time. I want him to at least have a regular job before we go for another. Ideally they would be 2.5-3 years apart.

    Some recent pics:

  29. edelweiss

    grapefruit / 4923 posts

    @birdofafeather: oh those eyes and lashes!

    @pinkb: abi is precious, and i love the easter outfit! i hope her eating improves, i know that must be very stressful. but it sounds like she's doing really well!

    @Mrs Green Grass: such a little man! the smile in that first pic is to die for. heartbreaker.

    @oliviaoblivia: look at that bright-eyed face! love her little bow and sweater.

    @dagret: what a ball of cuteness! i can't take it.

    @coacheswife123: i love the contrast in expressions. so serious and curious in the first, and then such the little charmer in the second!

    we have not talked about having a second. i guess if we want a second one we should talk about it soon since i'm almost 37. i think i have to wait until E is at least 1 year old to be able to evaluate whether i want to go through this again--these past few months have been extremely challenging.

  30. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @birdofafeather: do you have her using baby Latisse ???? Haha her lashes are so so lovely !

    @edelweiss: he makes some funny faces !!

  31. edelweiss

    grapefruit / 4923 posts

    wow, can't believe it's april already--going back to work seemed so far away when LO first came home. now it's just a few weeks! i have mixed feelings about it. maternity leave can feel like groundhog day sometimes (in that not-so-great way), but i'm definitely going to be sad about all this time i have just to dedicate to LO being over.

    but i'm looking forward to someone else (i.e. daycare) putting him down for naps! whew!

    did anyone bring their LO into work to "show them off"? my office kind of expects it, so i have to schedule a time. i just hope everyone washes their hands and that anyone not feeling well stays far away.

  32. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @edelweiss: totally agree w maternity leave.

    I was kind of having anxiety about the rest of the year so I sat down and looked at all my paid holidays
    I just sat down and figured out from the time I return,
    It's 5.5 weeks to Memorial Day.
    5.5 weeks after that is 4th of July
    5.5 weeks after that is our beach vacation.
    3 weeks after that is Labor Day
    5 weeks after that is Columbus Day
    4 weeks after that is Veterans Day
    2.5 weeks after that is thanksgiving
    Then 4 weeks after that is Christmas/new years.

    It's kind of relaxing to realize ill have a long weekend pretty much every 6 weeks. plus work is pretty liveral with letting us work from home when your kid is sick. it does sucks that the Fourth is on a Thursday this year...

    Anyone stressing about the quantity of BM to send to daycare? In the mornings L eats every hour - so he only eats 2 -3 oz at a time. (I'm guessing- this is what he ate at church yesterday). This means I'm going to be sending a zillion bottles each day!

    @edelweiss: I took l into work a few weeks ago. Glad I got that over with. I do feel a bit guilty for taking the whole 12 weeks though - both of my coworkers who just had babies started back at 9 weeks.

  33. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @dagret: @edelweiss: I feel a little conflicted about maternity leave too. Blah ! It helps to see all of those holidays laid out though !!

    J is in 3-6 mo now and weighs 13.5 lbs ! When did this happen ?!? I also ordered him a Sophie today after hearing how much y'all's Lo loves theirs !

  34. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    So, I think L's 12 week growth spurt came 2 weeks early. At least, I hope that's what it is! He breastfed for 3.5 HOURS yesterday - the longest he's breastfed in a 24 hr period since I started tracking. He's super cranky and fussy and naps are a big challenge

    How'd you guys cope with it (if you've been through it already?)

  35. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    I think D is going through a growth spurt too. He's even eating great for him! (Almost 22 ounces yesterday). And he fussier than usual - although his fussing is really mild. I'm very lucky so far.

    I haven't gotten a. Sophie yet either...will your lo's still chew on it without grasping?

    I've already had a dream about going back to school (work) and I still have 5 weeks! Teaching is going to be extremely stressful with a baby. It just takes so much energy and time to plan and grade (I teach HS English including AP). I've never been a weeknight laundry person, but I can't leave everything for the weekends...

  36. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @dagret: wow ! Hungry boy !!!

    @Mrs Green Grass: I hope the remainder of the school year flies by for you!! Then you have all summer to love on little D

  37. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Oh man - I love her hair!!! She is adorable!

    @birdofafeather: Her eyes are precious!

    @pinkb: So cute! She's sitting up so well!

    @coacheswife123: Oh my goodness - his arms are so long! He's so cute!!

    @dagret: So adorable! That smile is the sweetest!

    @Mrs Green Grass: He is sooo precious! Those eyes are to die for!!

  38. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @swurlygurl: his daddy is 6'7" - I think we are gonna have a tall boy! His arms are so long- he is a little monkey !! How is your pumping going ? I hope your supply increases ASAP!

  39. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    I would get pregnant right now if DH would let me! How do I already have baby fever?! Haha. I want 4, and I would really like them all close together - I don't want to be in baby stage for 10 years!!!

    In her Easter dress, and her Easter onesie (since those poofy dresses are crazy awkward on a tiny baby!)

  40. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @coacheswife123: Oh, it's not improving very much. I just got in a bunch of supplements yesterday, going to start adding an extra couple pumps, and going to add oatmeal. Hopefully I'll some increase within the next week!!

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