How is everyone doing? My boobs hurt! Baby blues have held off for now, although I'm exhausted and probably not as over the moon as DH is.
How is everyone doing? My boobs hurt! Baby blues have held off for now, although I'm exhausted and probably not as over the moon as DH is.
pear / 1599 posts
I think my milk finally dried up so the boobs feel better for me, I dont know how BF moms do it! I had the baby blues really bad for the first week But i have been able to start to do something "normal" every day, after being on bedrest for 3 weeks, and it has REALLY helped! No tears in 3 days And i feel you on the exhaustion and the feelings associated. But it will come in time.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
Yay Jan mommies! I'll be joining this next week I've appreciated you ladies over the past 9 months!
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
Feeling pretty good. I have a routine and schedule going. I have figured out how to have my time with DD1 as well. It is just non-stop, but a lot easier than I thought it would be.
pineapple / 12793 posts
Wow, we're on the other side! I'm feeling pretty good. Annoyed that my incision makes things harder to do, but so thrilled to be this girls mama. So far she has been an easy baby so I'm nervous that I'll wake up to a terror one of these days.
How are the boobs? I can't get over how huge mine are now!
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
@oliviaoblivia: yay!!! My boobs have remained pretty normal both times. Just a bit more full. Hope you have a speedy recovery from your section!
pineapple / 12053 posts
Rowan is under the bili lights tonight. Was hoping to be discharged after a day but she was slightly jaundiced due to my blood being O and hers A. Was doing okay but she's not restin well under the lights so she's waking every hour or so to feed. I know it's good for her to eat to pass the bili but I also want her to get her time in. DH has been awesome and we have gotten some rest tonight in between feelings. The first night I was so stuffed up, I only slept maybe 2 hours total. Glad to be on the other side. Feels like she's always been around, but still in shock that she came out of me!
pomegranate / 3643 posts
@oliviaoblivia: I looked like Dolly Parton the day after my milk came in! It regulated quickly though.
We have been using a nipple sheild because my nipples are inverted. Really trying to get off of it because it makes breast feeding in front of people stressful. My nipples are sooo sore though. A little better each day. I know it's because he doesn't take enough tissue in his mouth with each latch, but I just can't seem to make him do it.
pomegranate / 3643 posts
@birdofafeather: our baby was coombs positive too. We stayed an extra night in the hospital because of it which I was so glad we did!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
XP from January Due Dates...
For all of you ladies who have given birth already - what did you do about visitors? My parents are 2.5 hrs away and DH's parents are 5 min away. DH thinks it's ridiculous for them to come to the hospital when I'm in labor, and to come right after the baby's born.
I think they can come and wait in the hospital waiting room if they want - i don't want my parents to be secondary to his parents just b/c they're far away. I think they all have a right to see the baby at the same time. I don't *think* i'll mind if our parents come right away. And I'm doing all the work, not DH!
Were you exhausted after birth? Wired? Did your parents see the baby right away?
I'm trying to play it by ear but DH is wanting to dictate everything up front. I've told him that it might not even matter, that it's possible that our hospital could ban visitors all together because of the flu....
pomelo / 5628 posts
@Dagret - I personally did not want to see anyone right away (although there was no baby to see). I had a few people show up unannounced or coordinate with my husband without me knowing and I was not happy about it. I was extremely exhausted, but couldn't sleep because of visitors. My sister had EVERYONE at the hospital the whole time and was fine with it, but it was a zoo.
honeydew / 7504 posts
Yay, we have a postpartum board! So, Daxon is doing great. He took to breastfeeding right away, so we are really lucky there. Our biggest problem so far is that he often falls asleep while nursing, especially in three evening and at night, so I don't think he's really filling up (4 dpp, and milk is vcoming in, so it's not a supply issue). So he wakes up every hour or so at night to nurse, and it's brutal. Trying to work on getting him to stay awake, but not sure it's working.
My other concern is that I have zero bladder control. I mean, I have fully peed myself a couple of times. I just posted in the boards, but thought I'd see if any of my fellow recent mamas have experienced this?
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
@littlebug: I had this problem at first but she was a lot more alert by week 2 or so. Not sure about your thoughts on bottle feeding, but you can pump and supplement with bottle feeds after you nurse. I did that for 2 weeks. And about the peeing, I haven't had this with either pregnancy. Maybe check with your OB?
honeydew / 7504 posts
@Andrea: I've considered supplementing, especially because sometimes he'll lay there and barely suck, so I think he can't really be getting.anything from me, but maybe from a bottle he might. I just don't know how I. feel about introducing a bottle at 5 days old. He's doing well with bf'ing and latching, but I'm still worried about nipple confusion.
pineapple / 12053 posts
@littlebug: the LCs I talked to said strip them down to just the diaper, massage your breast, and then talk to them/tickle their feet, etc to keep them up and interested in feeding until they drain your breast. The first couple days, I had to pump DD's arm up and down to keep her up. It was like a gas station pump. now just massaging the breast and moving the milk in keeps her sucking enough to keep feeding.
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
@littlebug: i tried all those tricks to keep her awake but nothing worked. Feeding her from a bottle was super quick. Both my kids had jaundice and I was told to give formula for about a week. Neither of them had a problem switching back to the boob because they were still getting lots of boob time compared to just a few minutes on a bottle.
cherry / 175 posts
I just saw this board! Yay. It's been over a month now since Molly has been born and we are in a pretty good routine, but it is a lot of work with two! Just taking my son to preschool takes a lot of planning and organizing
pomegranate / 3643 posts
I have thrush. Boo. Breastfeeding has been much harder than I expected, mainly just painful. I really hope once this is treated we will have turned a corner!
cherry / 165 posts
Oh Im so glad I saw this thread!
Breastfeeding is my number one enemy right now with Max, he was tongue-tied and we did not find out until 5 days after he was born when I was able to see a lacation consultant. (Also he was jaudince, so that was another thing we had to deal with) The five days of having a tongue-tied baby created a massacre of my nipples. Im talking piercing pain each time he fed, to the point of deep cracks and blood with each nipple. I would pretty much cry each latch. I got medicine to help them help but they are still damaged, I don't know how they are going to heal 100% when I breastfeeding constantly.
I've thought about pumping and bottle feeding but since he was tongue-tied im nervous he would get confused and then not be able to latch and feed if my nipples got better. Also, he LOVES to suck, he was sucking his thumb 3 days after he was born. I really don't want to introduce a pacifier either, to the same reason of confusing since we had a struggle of feeding earlier.
Anyone else have severe tears during delivery? Im pretty sure while I was getting stitched up my Dr. at the last minute said I was 4 on the tear scale. I never asked and never looked. Im terrified that I will never look the same or feel the same.
Gosh there are so many things I wanted to ask everyone.... Ill just keep an eye on this post.
persimmon / 1165 posts
2 and a half weeks pp and I feel like I'm on the other side of the crazy hormones and baby blues! Currently pumping and supplementing with formula while I try to get my supply up. I feel like Tuesday will be the start of the real test for me, that's when my husband will be back at work and family goes home. It's a little daunting to think about handling the feedings and everything for two babies at once!
pomegranate / 3643 posts
@heartsnsunshine: I cry nursing too! I can't get over how foreign my nipples look. They used to be inverted and are now half and half. I hope once the thrush clears we can manage.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@littlebug: with you on the bladder control !!! I've had two occasions that it happened before I even knew what was going on. So weird. I hope it gets better.
@heartsnsunshine: my tear is 2nd degree but my doc kept talking about how it went in a weird direction ??!! I don't dare look. I couldn't believe how swollen I was right after delivery. I was traumatized ! Luckily feeling much more normal now !
I'm 4 days PP and ready for my milk to come in. He lost a lb from his birth weight and weighs right at 8 now. We go back Sunday for another weight check. I'm nursing at least every 3 hrs for about 15-20 on each side or until he is done. Trying not to fret over the weight loss! The doc was ok with it but I hope he has gained a bit back by Sunday !
pineapple / 12793 posts
@jedeve: we have thrush too. Yucko. LO is on nystatin and it seems to be working.
Is anyone dealing with an over supply? LO started latching differently on my right side yesterday and I think that's what's going on..
On a brighter note, got my prepreg fat jeans on today. Bit of a muffin top, but they zipped!
@coacheswife123: DD lost a pound too, they made us stay at the hospital for an extra day butwas over birth weight at 12 days. He'll put it back on, don't fret. It takes a while for your body to produce enough milk for a nine pounder.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@coacheswife123: @heartsnsunshine: I had 2nd-degree tearing, and I think 4 sutures. I refused to look, too, until yesterday when I felt like one of the sutures opened. It's...yeah, just don't do it. I also now have hemorrhoids, which I didn't have after delivery. So that's been fun. My mom ran out and got me a donut to sit on, which helps. The pharmacist there also recommended Cortisone-10 cooling gel, which really feels good. And I'm still using Tuck's.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
We had our first pediatrician appt today and Leo's almost back at his birth weight. So bfing is going well, but the engorgement is killing me right now. I mean, it's been a super brutal 12 hrs (so far).. Anyone have any tips?
honeydew / 7504 posts
@dagret: I only stayed engorged for 24-36 hours, then it kind of tapered off. It seemed to coincide with Daxon nursing more, so I just kept putting him on the boob!
honeydew / 7504 posts
@coacheswife123: I forgot to mention, the bladder control issues got much better yesterday (7 days pp). All of a sudden, I could tell when I needed to pee. I have to get there quickly, but it's way better than it had been! Good luck!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@littlebug: ugh I really hope that's the case. He's nursing every 2 hrs today instead of 3 and I froze some washcloths to stuff in my bra for about 20 min at a stretch.
pomelo / 5628 posts
I'm 3 1/2 months pp now, but the one time we've had sex since (not real fun), my husband said my nipples were rough. Thanks.
The first two weeks are really the worst for nipple pain. They really do toughen up for good or bad...
honeydew / 7504 posts
Do you guys wake your littles up for feedings overnight? Daxon was waking up every 3-4 hours on his own, but last night he slept 6 hours, and I just couldn't bring myself to wake him. My alarm went off at the 4-hour mark, but he looked so peaceful on the monitor. I knew if I woke him up, he wouldn't nurse efficiently and I'd end up nursing himagain in another 2 hours. So I let him keep sleeping, and he woke on his own at 6 hours, then slept another 3.5 hours. it was the best night of sleep I got since before he was born! I know they say to wake then at 4 hours, but I just couldn't. Are you guys strict with timing nighttime feedings?
persimmon / 1165 posts
@littlebug: nope! Our pedi gave us the okay to let them sleep as long as they want at night in between feedings. 6 hrs is awesome! The longest my boys have gone is 4-5 hrs so far. I'm hoping they'll drop the 3 a.m. feeding soon!
pear / 1599 posts
Wow I am super jealous that your little ones are sleeping so long at night! She is almost 4 weeks old and Abi was doing 3 hours but now we are lucky to hit 2 hours at night. (naps can still go 3 hours or 3 and a half) She seems to be up every hour and a half or 2 hours at night, and she eats every time. I am trying different things, Dr seemed to think she has colic. She is formula fed and we have already had to change that twice and she had really bad gas so we do gas drops now. And we had her tongue tie clipped a couple days ago. But she still isnt sleeping long. Starting today I kept her alert more and she laid on her play mat and did tummy time a few times, so hoping it gets better soon. Not sure if its a growth spurt or if she has day and night confused or what.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@littlebug: we're not strict with night waking a either. LO will sleep in two 4-5 hour stretches. It's great. During the day she eats every two hours so I'm sure she is getting enough to eat and I'm so thankful for the sleep.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@littlebug: nope ! If that baby is snoozing at night I do not wake him !!! He will let me know when he is ready to eat !! And like @oliviaoblivia: he is eating about every 2 to 2.5 in the day
I'm 5 days pp and am wondering when my milk will come in. My boobs feel SO full so maybe it's coming. I was really scared he was getting zero colostrum until a few days ago and I finally saw some come out when I squeezed. I feel like I'm just wandering around blind with this breast feeding sometimes ha ha
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@coacheswife123: Waiting for milk to come in is the worst! Right before mine came in on Day 4, my boobs kind of got swollen and the outsides got really hard. Now that I'm used to B
Fing, that's what happens when I get engorged, but they were like that the day or so before my milk came and I was like, WTH? Do you feel a hardness on the outer sides? Either way, it is probably going to come in in the next day or so!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@PrincessBaby: yep I sure do and they look like porn star boobs !!! Surely it will be in soon ! he is also sucking and swallowing a LOT more when he nurses so i think that must be a good sign ?? ?? Hope Harper is doing great she is such a doll !!
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@coacheswife123: Oh thank you! Yep- porn star boobs! I bet it will happen today or tonight... I just kept squeezing after she ate to see what came out until I determined there was definitely milk:)
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@PrincessBaby: that's what I have been doing. So much comes out now and that never happened with colostrum so maybe this is milk ?? Who knows !!! Thanks for the reassurance !!!
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@coacheswife123: It probably is! I wasn't sure about mine at first either, I had to get DH to help me examine what was coming out and we were pretty sure it was milk,, but I got more confident that it actually was milk the more I continued to see it...Good luck!
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