Hellobee Boards


January Post Partum thread

  1. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @coacheswife123: I'm planning to take the stool softener until the hemorrhoids go away. )c:

    Right now I'm pumping first thing in the morning from whatever side he didn't nurse from overnight (I get 3-5oz). Hubs just started giving him s bottle in the evening, so I'm going to start pumping then, too. I may pump again before I go to bed, because otherwise I get really engorged and wake up drenched in breastmilk - gross.

  2. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @coacheswife123: yup!

  3. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @dagret: oh yay! Didn't realize !

  4. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    I think J is losing his hair his scalp is dry up front near his forehead and his hair feels really dry and wispy and some came out when we bathed him ! Boooo !

  5. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    This isn't kid related, but is anyone else amazed at how much pee your bladder holds now?!?

    ETA: yesterday was interesting...l pooped on me twice before noon and then at night he pooped in the tub. And all of a sudden this morning he has started to spit up after feeding. I'm not sure if its the antibiotics or something else...

  6. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    Anyone doing anything for v day? DH probably will just get a card. I can't even think about sex!

  7. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @dagret: yes!!! I can't believe how long I can go between potty breaks now!

    @jedeve: we don't have plans. I got DH a little photo gift of J from shutterfly but that's it! Ummmm I'm so scared of sex. I haven't gotten the ok for it yet but I'm so scared when I do that we won't be able to for some reason ?!?

  8. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @coacheswife123: @jedeve: we are supposed to go see Mumford and sons Saturday, as long as MIL can still watch L. Big night out..I feel terrible but a tiny part of me wouldn't be bummed if we had to miss it. And a part is glad DH mAde these plans this early.

    Eew, sex. Can't even think about it either yet. And don't exactly feel like helping DH out either when I'm so tired and cranky.

  9. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    How much do you get a pump session? I'm trying to squeeze in some sessions, which is hard since LO eats every 2 hrs during the day. But I only get an oz or two. It looks like that's normal according to Kelly mom, but it seems like most people get way more!

  10. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @jedeve: I pump 3 oz off one side in the mornings. That goes in the freezer. I pump a bottles worth (2.5) in the evenings when DH gives a bottle. I have pumped as much as 5-8 in. Sitting but don't see a need to do that daily since I don't want to deal with oversupply so I am just keeping sessions close to what he is actually eating.

  11. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @jedeve: In the morning, I get 3-5 ounces. I haven't started the evening pumping yet, so I don't know how much I'll get then. Hoping to start tonight.

    Ohmigosh, the thought if sex makes me a little ill. I'm not cleared yet anyway, thank goodness, ha ha. For Valentine's Day, Hubs is picking up Carrabba's for dinner. D is too fussy in the evenings to try to go out. @dagret: Jealous if your Mumford and Sons tickets!

  12. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @dagret: Totally jealous of your Mumford and Sons show! We haven't left Liv yet. I'm still working on that.

    I have no idea what's in store for Valentine's Day. V-Day planning is up to DH. I have a feeling it will involve take-out and some flowers. Nothing too special.

    I still haven't done any pumping so I can't answer that question. I think I'm nervous about starting that up. I tend to be a bit of a control freak and am definitely responsible for 97% of her care and while it would be nice to let DH give her a bottle I think subconsciously I'm hogging her feeding times. I really need to let go a little and give him the opportunity to feed her.

    I moved Liv up to size two diapers yesterday. We were having a bunch of leaks with the size ones. It's crazy how quickly she's grown. I put a pair of 3-6 month pants on her yesterday and they fit perfectly. Where did my little baby go?!

    We had sex. Granted my hoohah is still in factory condition, but it was still weird. I'm technically not cleared yet, but I've stopped bleeding and we used a condom. I'm not sure what made it weird. I've been ready for a while, but I think I was totally freaked out about getting pregnant again (despite EBF) that I couldn't get there all the way mentally.

  13. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: I was really sad when DH gave J the first bottle. I was almost jealous !!! Haha. I look forward to it now though !

  14. pinkb

    pear / 1599 posts

    @dagret: I love that I have my bladder back!

    We have not had sex yet, I was just cleared yesterday. Still a bit tender where the stitches were. Anytime we try to do anything LO wakes up or cries.

    So Abi had to go get blood work done today, still waiting on the results. She was really fussy the last day or so and cried all night. I took over at 9 am from DH and took her temp, it was 100.6 So I called the Dr and they had us come in. She still is not pooping everyday, hasnt gone since Sunday So since she is still under 2 months of age they have to check to make sure she isnt going septic. And they had to check for a UTI which means they put a catheter in She was a trooper, a very upset one, but she did good. Just hoping for good results or they will have to admit her to the hospital.

  15. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    Oh god, sex. This will not be happening for us for a LONG time. Sorry, dude.

    I just got my pump in the mail yesterday! I was super excited to get it, but now I don't know what to do with it... I'm staying at home with E, so I don't really have a NEED to pump like you guys that are going back to work. But I thought it would be a good idea to have some sort of stash in case of an emergency (like I had to be on meds and couldn't BF) and just to let husband feed him occasionally. I don't know, though, when I'll get around to actually doing it. I'm intimidated.

  16. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: lol at "factory condition". Good for you for giving it a go!

    @pinkb: aw, your poor girl. Hope the results are good.

  17. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @jedeve: i'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time. it's a huge transition and i'm glad you're reaching out for help! no shame in that at all!

    @dagret: yeah, i'm shocked! i can hold it for a long time, but then when i have to go, i better be on the seat quickly because i can't always keep it in! guess i need to get on those kegels!

    @oliviaoblivia: way to go on DTD. i was feeling like i might be up to it but i haven't been cleared yet either and the whole thing is kinda freaking me out. i had a couple stitches. i told DH that he was in charge of getting the appropriate tools (aka: lube and condoms) if he wanted to make it happen.

    i think v-day will be really low key. DH is stressed with school, so i'm going to propose breakfast at our fave place with a hike and then give him a pass.

    i am also waiting on my pump, so once i get that, i guess i'll start with a morning session and see what happens? i'm super leaky, so i've been using milkie milk savers to catch the milk and i already have a good stock pile. i don't know if i'm ready for DH to give a bottle yet though! i don't know why! maybe i'll have him try to feed some to her in the next week or so with the stuff i've collected. like @allison: i'm super intimidated by the whole process. the breast just seems easier now? i know i need to get on it though because i will be going back to work in april!

    @pinkb: thinking about your girl and hoping everything comes back okay.

  18. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @pinkb: poor Abi ! Keep us posted!

  19. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @pinkb: Poor girl! And poor Mom and Dad! Hippie she recovers quickly. Keepus posted.

    What time do you guys put the littles down for the night? I take D up for bed around 8, and he usually nurses for about 30 minutes before he falls asleep. But before that, he is super fussy. He needs to be held constantly, and often that's not even enough. I'm starting to wonder if we're keeping him up too late, and he's getting over-tired. But if I take him to bed at his prior feeding, Hubs will hardly see him at all - 45 minutes, tops. So what time do you guys start the bedtime routine?

  20. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    We've had sex once since Oct. I wouldn't say it was fun, but it wasn't horrible. But that in itself sounds pretty bad, right? I know we "need" to start trying again, but I am definitely in no hurry.

    My house is tented for termites right now and my dog is having surgery tomorrow. Fun times!

  21. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @littlebug: we start about the same time as you. And he fusses big time before. I don't think we are waiting too late though ! I think it's just his fussy time because when he finally goes to sleep he sleeps long and hard. I read on kellymom that it is typical for newborns to be fussy like that prior to their last feeding of the night ! The thing that frustrates me is he rarely wants to nurse then. For example I nursed at 8 and he only ate for 6 mins. Refused every other offer of the boob after that an screamed like a banshee each time I put him on me to nurse ! We just got him to sleep but he usually rests for 4-5 hrs before waking to feed again so I guess I shouldn't worry over his short nursing session too much ??

    @Mrs Green Grass: bless your heart ! When it rains it pours !

  22. edelweiss

    grapefruit / 4923 posts

    @dagret: it's amazing how i don't think about peeing every 30 minutes anymore. making sure i peed before i left any place with a bathroom (apartment, work, etc.) used to be priority numero uno!

    @jedeve: hahaha sex no. NO.

    @pinkb: oh little girl! i'm sorry she's not feeling well, that must be so hard for everyone. let us know how she's doing.

    @allison: i was intimidated of using my pump as well, but when i had milk supply issues and the lactation consultant told me to use it, i took my marching orders. i won't lie, it's a pain in the ass because it's an extra 10-15 minutes on top of nursing, diaper changing, and trying to get a baby to stay and fall asleep, but the upside is building a freezer stash and having someone else feed him, like you said. maybe you could start by just pumping once a day in the mornings? that's when milk supply is the largest. you can do it!

    @Mrs Green Grass: that sucks about the termites. i'm so sorry about your dog--please let us know how s/he is doing!

    @littlebug: we only started doing a nighttime routine the past few days, so the timing is not really established. it depends on when his feeding comes up--one night we put him to "bed" (i mean let's face it there is no day and nighttime for this guy) around 7, today it was more around 9pm. i started doing infant massage after his bath and thought of you (you had mentioned it previously)!

    anybody having issues with their little one taking in a lot of gas during bottle feeding (or nursing)? i swear, burping him is becoming one of the banes of my existence (the #1 bane being getting him to stay asleep). i sent out the husband to babies r us to try some new nipples/bottles to see if they help cut down on gas.

    is anyone nervous about sleep training? i know it's too early for any real sleep training, but i'm worried about building "bad" habits. i rock him to sleep and use the pacifier, and i can just see myself, months from now, standing for hours rocking him when i should be sleeping!

  23. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @edelweiss: we rock and use the paci too AND he sleeps in a RNp

    What kind of bottles are you using ? j takes one bottle a day and we have had better luck with ventaire over medela !

  24. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    Is everyone block feeding? I've recently become concerned that E's not getting enough hindmilk (just because I like to have things to worry about?). I think I'm going to start block feeding at this next session. Then, if I do that, it would be pretty easy to start pumping? Just pump the side he doesn't eat from? My concern, though, is engorgement in the side he doesn't eat from (when not pumping). Does it just take a while for your body to balance out?

    I envy those of you with a "bedtime". I'm still waking to nurse every 2 hours, so we just do that around the clock. Fun times. E never "refuses" a boob, though. He just falls asleep.

  25. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @allison: yep that's how we do it and how I got started pumping !! Your body will even out. Somehow I think block feeding has actually helped with engoregement. My boobs haven't hurt since we switched to block !

  26. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @coacheswife123: Yeah, I've read that evenings are fussy periods, too.This just seems extreme. Or it did, in the moment, after a 58-minute nursing session!

    @edelweiss: We use Tommee Tippee bottles. It sure SOUNDS like he's taking in a lot of air even he drinks from it, but he usually burps once or twice immediately afterwards,which is no different from bf'ing. Generally, I'm pretty happy with them.

    As for sleep training, yes, it terrifies me. D won't go down right now without nursing, and I definitely don't want to be like my friends who established that habit and couldn't do anything ever because they always had to be home to put their LO to bed! Every couple of days I try to put him down "drowsy but awake," but so far it backfires. I'll keep trying, though.

    @allison: Yes, I block feed, so that D gets the good stuff at the end. And re: bedtime routine, I think I only really started being conscious of ours in the past week - your LO is s few weeks younger than D, so you've got time!

  27. edelweiss

    grapefruit / 4923 posts

    @allison: i wanted to start block feeding last night, but i haven't been super dedicated about it. and don't envy the nighttime routine--this has only happened maybe 2 or 3 times, and it's not like he goes down for a longer period than his daytime sleep cycles, so arguably it's more psychological and soothing for me at this point!

    @coacheswife123: we were using a standard dr. brown bottle and nipple, and after one horrendous night of taking 20 minutes to get him to drink less than .25 ounces, we went out and got avent natural flow and dr. brown wide bottles. we used the dr. brown wide bottle tonight and it worked much better.

    @littlebug: with the dr. brown standard, he not only sounded like he was taking in a lot of air, but he would scream and not take the milk very well. with the dr. brown wide bottle that we started using tonight, it's like you say--he sure sounds like he's sometimes trying to suck all the air out of the room, but he drinks the milk much faster. i *think* it may be because i'm switching between bottle and breast, and the dr. brown wide is supposed to mimic a breast more. not sure if i totally believe that but if it works better, i'll take it regardless of the reason!

    "drowsy but awake" is so hard! i sing to him and rock him, and just pray that he reaches that stage where his eyes are drooping a few times and i can put him down. he usually does not cooperate, and i end up putting him down with his eyes pretty open. it either words or it doesn't (usually the latter, and i have to rinse and repeat the process several times).

  28. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @littlebug: yeahhhh so right after I wrote that J woke up and fussed until midnight not our finest night.

  29. pinkb

    pear / 1599 posts

    Thanks ladies. Abi is much better today, results showed elevated white blood cells so she has some type of virus, but no sign of becoming septic. And she finally pooped last night! Her fever broke early this morning and she is a happy baby today, just hope it stays that way. And I hope we get her longer sleep stretches back that she just started before this whole mess. I feel so guilty for taking her around so many people last weekend Live and learn.

  30. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    Eli gained 20 oz in one week! No more strict feeding schedule. I'm sooo excited. And I feel so accomplished that he gained all that weight from stuff my boobs produce.

    Also, i talked to a lactation consultant today, & she discouraged me from block feeding. Since I don't really need to pump & he's obviously getting enough calories, I think I'm gonna stick with the two-sided feedings for now.

    @pinkb: so glad to hear lo is doing better! I know that must be a huge relief to know she's not septic. Hope she feels 100% soon!

  31. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @allison: go Eli ! Great news !

  32. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    We are so bad. Our nighttime ritual is bathing or lotioning L around 8 or 9, depending on his fussy period. then DH will put him to sleep...but we let him sleep on us while we watch tv until about 10 or 11 till he's ready for another feeding/diaper cycle, and then we swaddle him and put him in his crib for the night.

  33. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @allison: Yay, Eli! That's great - for everyone! I bet Mama's thrilled, too!

  34. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    Bedtime - ha! We usually put him down after whatever feeding is after 9 or 10. Which tonight it's at 1130. Should've woken him up to eat earlier. Then we swaddle and rock and goes into the PNP. It would be nice to out him down before us though.

    I was block feeding because he was so gassy I was worried about a hind milk imbalance. And he typically refused a second side. Now one side won't fill him up and it's faster to switch!

  35. edelweiss

    grapefruit / 4923 posts

    @allison: 20 oz--hooray! what a thriving little one. may i ask the reasons the LC said that block feeding wasn't necessary? i can't decide whether to stick with it or not--i started because he was having some green poops and acting a bit fussy/gassy at the breast, but i'm not sure if i should keep up with it.

    is anyone both breast and bottle feeding? i originally started pumping to establish my milk supply and supplement feedings because LO was a really sleepy nurser, and now that my supply established, i don't know how much i should continue pumping. i would like to in order to help build a freezer stash, but i'm so confused as to how often to do it without creating an oversupply or hindmilk/foremilk issues. i should probably talk to the LC again, but just wanted to reach out and see if anyone had any advice or knew anything about how much to pump in order to create a backup supply. thanks in advance!

    @pinkb: oh thank goodness she is feeling better!

  36. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    @edelweiss: she just said that milk supply would be better and I wouldn't have to worry as much about engorgement. said block feeding works for some but for most is unnecessary. E wasn't having any issues with gas or weird poop though like your lo.I would definitely give an lc a call and see what they have to say.

    So E went for 4 hours twice last night! I got a combined 8 hours of sleep! It was amazing. The Dr told me I didn't have to wake him at all to eat, just to follow his cues. But I'm afraid of letting him go too long... how long do y'all let your los go before waking to feed during the day?

  37. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @allison: during the day I let him go 3 hrs max but he usually shows cues closer to 2. At night its whenever he wakes me up !

    Question .... If your LO is rooting around and grunting at night after a long stretch but their eyes are still closed and they just do it on And off do you wake to feed or wait until they are fully awake ?? I never know what to do so I just let him do that a while until I feel like I need to get on up and feed him. He never gets to the point of crying ??? Idk what to do

    J's circumcision bell is falling off and freaking me out.

  38. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    @coacheswife123: if he's not crying, I'd probably wait until he's awake? Just because trying to feed a sleepy baby is about one of the most frustrating things I've dealt with lately. Definitely wouldn't let it get to the point of crying, though.

  39. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    @edelweiss: I'm trying to start a stash now, but I have no clue what I'm doing! My goal is 25 oz in the freezer by the end of the month. My husband has given him a few bottles. I might start to pump one just so he can do that. It's way faster...DH thinks we should pump at night. But I feel like he needs me then.

    @allison: jealous! He went four hours but then just one after that. Well, one after he was done eating, which took an hour. I wish I knew how to get him to sleep longer in that second stretch. But he slept from 730-1130 so I guess there wasn't much hope.

    I wake him up at least every 3 hrs, though usually he eats every two. Occasionally I'll lose track of time and he goes 4. Sometimes at night he will sleep for 4 hrs *after* he finishes eating. But mostly he is up every 2 hrs.

  40. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @pinkb: how is Abi doing? I'm so glad her fever is gone and that she's pooped. Is she back to her long sleep routine?

    @allison: gaining 20 oz. is so great! We're not really block feeding. I offer the second boob and she'll drink from it sometimes but not every time. I've noticed that she's more likely to take the second boob at the end of the day. I've been feeding her on demand. If her nap starts pushing 3-4 hours I'll offer her a feed, but she usually eats every 2.5 hours on her own. And congrats on the big nighttime sleep! It's so much easier being a mom when well-rested!

    @dagret: our bedtime routine is pretty much identical to yours. Except the last few nights instead of on me while I'm watching tv/internet she's next to me. Baby steps..

    Liv has had a bit of a growth spurt this week. The past two days she has had terrible naps and night sleep. She was literally eating every hour on the hour for seven hours straight yesterday. I was really struggling. Then last night she slept for SEVEN hours straight. I feel like a new woman. It's amazing how her schedule affects me.

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