Hellobee Boards


January Post Partum thread

  1. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: I started by pumping one side when he didn't eat off it. I pumped 2 oz and DH gave that bottle the next day. When he gave it I pumped again, etc. I really want to add another session though for freezer stash. We are block feeding so shouldn't be too bad. Also jack didn't love the medela bottles or nipples. We have had better luck with ventaire

    She is a doll!!!

  2. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @allison: so glad it didn't last too long ! Sounds like your hubby is a keeper. Don't beat yourself up over it ! You can't help it.

  3. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    I don't know anything about pumping and bf'ing but I've been exclusively pumping for 4 months now so I feel like an unwilling expert ; /. If you have any questions about parts or what to expect, let me know!

    Dylan ate another full bottle last night...but then he always regresses back to his average.

    We also found out that we have termites and need to tent the house next week AND my dog has to have knee surgery on Thursday! I'm doing okay but c'mon now!

  4. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: Yay for Dylan, boo for termites! And your poor dog -what kind of surgery?

    @coacheswife123: I typically block feed, too, so even though I pump both sides, I only get anything substantial out of one side (whatever side I didn't nurse from). But then do you feel like you're sheets giving LO the same breast? Like tonight, he ate exclusively from the left, so I pumped from the right. I drained the right, so now that he's up again, I'm giving him the left again. It's been two hours, so I'm sure the right's supply is back up, but for during the day when he doesn't go so long between feeds... Ugh, I really wish someone would write a start-up guide to breastfeeding!

  5. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    Kellymom is the best site for BF questions! La Leche League is #2.

    She tore her MCL probably. Her knee-cap pops out all the time : (.

  6. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @littlebug: yep I do exactly what you do and sometimes I feel like he is constantly on the same side !

    I have found helpful info on kellymom.... But does anyone else think that site needs a makeover ?? I find it so difficult to navigate !

  7. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    I want to pump too! Still haven't gotten our pump from our insurance. I have a used pump in style and new parts for a hospital rental...I don't know if that will work.

    We had been sleeping OK. He would cluster feed every night until about 11 or 12. Then wake up 3 hrs later, be up for an hour, then sleep 2 more hours and be done for the day. I would feed him (which takes like 45) and then DH would swaddle/rock him. But he is SUCH a noisy sleeper (grunts non stop) we weren't sleeping much. So lately DH has just been staying up with him so I can get a little more sleep. It's very sweet (last night he kept the baby calm for 4 hrs!), but worry baby will get un used to the. PNP and need to be held all night.

    I forget who else asked..I want to start creating good sleep habits, even if you can't spoil a newborn.

  8. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @jedeve: I know, they say you can't spoil a newborn, but in the back of my head all the time is my mom saying, "Either you raise them ior they raise you!" She has said it my whole life, so it's hard to turn that off!

    @coacheswife123: I agree! I have used it, but it is definitely not user-friendly.

  9. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    I kinda feel like I live my life in 2-3 hr increments now. And when the baby eats the clock restarts. Anyone else ???

    @Mrs Green Grass: the progress Dylan has made is soooo amazing ! What a blessing. He is really precious and I hope he gets to come home really soon !

  10. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Mrs Green Grass: so sorry about your god and the termites. You deserve some better luck lady. At least you won't have to worry about these things when Dylan comes home.

    @coacheswife123: I totally agree with you on the kellymom site redesign. And the 2-3 hour increments, though it seems that just when we get into a routine she has a growth spurt and wants to eat every hour. Oh well, love her to pieces anyway.

    As for pumping, Livy usually eats from both sides so I don't know that I'd have anything to pump after she nurses. I should probably put that to the greater HB readership.

    And a vent....MIL is visiting for the weekend and hogs the baby. She hands over the baby as soon as she fusses and says she wants groceries. And then refers to me as groceries. I finished nursing her a while ago, let MIL hold her so I could take a shower and MIL starts bouncing her all around, LO spits up and MIL says its because I over fed her. How do you overfeed an EBF baby?! Ugh. She is driving me nuts!

  11. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: this sounds JUST LIKE my MIL . I can totally relate girl.

  12. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: my FIL took my baby out of my arms the other day!! The first few days/weeks we had lots of family here and they all wanted to give me a break. It's hard to feel bonded when allll you do is feed. I started hogging him more.

  13. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    @littlebug: I keep thinking that he isn't going to suddenly like his PNP at 3 months!

  14. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Ugh, annoying. I had thought that living 1.5 hours from our family would prevent the unexpected drop-ins, but no. Our first weekend home, MIL called Hubs and said they were on their way, and were bringing our niece, who they were just having tested for mono! I was so furious. Especially because I wasn't feeling well and needed to take it easy. When they showed up and she asked how I was feeling, I told her not great and I needed to take it easy. She said, Oh, you overdid it, huh? See, you need to take care of yourself! it was all I could do not to say, then get out of my house! And then she got snitty with me when I wouldn't let our niece hold the baby!

  15. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    I've already told family that I want a week alone when Dylan comes home. No visits unless I call for help! We had some family show up at the hospital unannounced - I was so annoyed. Who doesn't ask permission to come visit?

  16. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    I'm starting to feel frustrated. D has very few moments of happy awake time - if he's not attached to a nipple (either nursing or a paci), he's fussing, if not outright screaming. This usually is from about 7am till sometime around lunch, and then again in the evenings from about 7 until I put him down for bed (usually around 8:30 or so). In the hours between, he's only awake to nurse - he falls asleep between every feeding. It's incredibly frustrating, especially when I'm home with him during the day - I can't put him down at all. He doesn't really love his carrier (we have a Beco Gemini) yet, so I can't even babywear him to get stuff done. I just ordered a sling hoping that he'll like that more now while he's still tiny. But it really makes me feel like I am just not able to soothe him or understand his cues. I've tried giving him the gas drops, but I don't think that's the problem, cuz they don't really make a big difference in his mood/temperament. We're seeing the ped next week, so I'll definitely ask about it. Anyone else experiencing this? Have any suggestions?

  17. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @littlebug: L won't cry from 7 to 1, but he won't really nap more than 10min either. And he def has a 2 hr fussy period where he's inconsolable that is traveling all over it he clock- one day it was 2-4am, this morning it was 4-6 am. FUN. I'm asking about it at his f/u appointment for the abscess tomorrow.

  18. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    @littlebug: G doesn't love being awake. He flails his arms and squirms, but I don't think he's unhappy. I think they don't know what to do awake yet. He also squirms the first few minutes in the carrier, like he does with a swaddle and then calms down.

    I need to start saying no to my inlaws. They offered to watch G on their way through town so we could go to mass. I was looking forward to taking him all week. And I don't like leaving him. People always want to give you a break from your baby. T only time I want a break is at night from breastfeeding, and that isn't happening!

  19. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    So... when do all-night cluster feedings stop?! For real, this kid is attached to the boob from 9pm to 3am. He might take a short nap somewhere in the middle. Is this like a 2 week deal, or are y'all still doing this?

  20. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @allison: D didn't cluster feed for quite that many hours, but it definitely got better this week (he was 3 weeks on Thurs). I just kept telling myself he's building my supply so that he won't need to do it soon. Hang in there!

  21. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    @littlebug: Yeah, husband found something online that said babies cluster feed at night because that's when our hormones surge, or something? Something about our hormones and biology and establishing milk supply. I have to remind myself of it every night!

    E did sleep for 4.5 hours this morning, so that was AWESOME. I think that might be the most sleep I've gotten since I went into labor.

  22. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @jedeve: Yeah, I don't necessarily think he's unhappy or in any pain. He just fusses, and if I let him go for a minute or two (like if I'm eating or peeing), he quickly escalates. I do agree that it's probably just that he doesn't know what to do with himself, but in the moment, sometimes it just makes me feel like a huge mom fail.

  23. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @allison: isn't it funny how now the smallest bit of sleep seems like an eternity ?!

    @littlebug: hang in there. I bet we have all felt the mom fail moments. Mine are always when J is gassy and fussy and NOTHING I do helps. I could (and sometimes do!) just cry with him because I can't fix it !

    Also, idk if it is breast feeding or what but my sweet tooth is Off the charts ! I've got to reign it in.

  24. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    If any of you took a stool softener PP .... When did you stop ? I'll be 3 weeks pp tomorrow and still taking one daily and prob should stop but I'm scared !

  25. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    I think I might have ppd. I'm 5 weeks postpartum and I still breakdown crying all the time. I don't feel super depressed all the time, but I have mood swings where I just suddenly cry. Also I'm not loving being a mom. I feel kind of trapped. I love G, but I can tell my husband is enjoying all of this a lot more than I am.

  26. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @jedeve: oh honey I am so sorry. My first few days home I felt pretty underwhelmed about our new normal and really mourned the loss of our "old" life. I felt really selfish for doing that, too. But this is all just such a huge change. I think it's normal not to love these changes despite your love for LO. Things have gotten better for me and I know they will for you too. This newborn stage is something I am sure I will look back and miss but for now I'm kind of ready for the next stage. Just wanted to chime in and say you aren't alone and don't beat yourself up. I'm willing to bet we have all struggled to some degree with these feelings HUGS !

  27. pinkb

    pear / 1599 posts

    @jedeve: I am sorry you are feeling so down sometimes. I, Like @coacheswife123: have missed our old life and I am still having trouble getting use to that, especially since DH is feeling very forgotten and unloved (LO seems to know anytime I am trying to give him any of my attention). And for the first few weeks I wondered when I was gonna feel the super happy in love feelings with LO, and I felt bad that I didnt have them right off the bat. I had the super emotional downs for only the first week or 2 but I do still have mood swings just not to the extremes. But I dont think it would hurt to speak with your Dr if you are still feeling this way, if for nothing else but peace of mind.

  28. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    @pinkb: @coacheswife123: thanks ladies. I'm gonna talk to my MW Friday.

    I know LO is too little for a schedule. But when is he going to start moving towards consolidated naps? And fewer feedings? And how will I know? How often do you feed a 6+ week old? Is it still 8-12 times a day? When should I start putting him in his crib for naps? He sleeps so much better on me, but I don't want the crib to be a foreign experience!

  29. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @jedeve: I was just wondering the same thing about when feedings would start to space out. Of course, J is only 3 weeks old so I'm sure not for a little while for us but still looking forward to him eating more at a time and less often!!

    Seriously if this belly button doesn't fall off soon.... when i lift it up and away from his skin it is almost grey looking and kind of moist??? it doesn't look red or infected so I don't think there is any reason to worry but it seriously grosses me out and i'm so ready for it to go away.

  30. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @coacheswife123: are you the one who's giving your LO probiotics? The pediatrician recommended we give them to L since he's on antibiotics. Do you just mix it in w a cold breastmilk bottle?

    @jedeve: I'm sorry you're going through this. I hope your midwife is helpful.

    I've been having mood swings too, and having those "trapped/tethered to the boob" moments as well. It is so hard.

  31. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @dagret: yep ! He gets 5 drops a day and I just drop them in his mouth but you can totally mix in a bottle the ones we use are tasteless ! We are actually out I've got to get more today ! We use the bio Gaia (sp?) ones

  32. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @coacheswife123: the only ones they had at our pharmacy were a packet you mix w something cool. Where did you find drops?

  33. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @dagret: Walgreens! They also have them on amazon with 2 day shipping on Prime

  34. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @jedeve: I'm sorry you are having a rough go of it. It's totally normal. I've had a fairly easy transition, but still cry every few days at the enormity of this new responsibility. I'm sure your MW will help and you will feel happier soon. On the meantime, if you are feeling too stressed or overwhelmed we are all here to listen. My email is on our google group doc, if you'd like a more private ear. Hugs.

  35. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    So I'm going to incorporate another pump session a day starting today to work on my freezer stash. I have maybe 25 oz frozen now and am gonna try to add to it each day while on maternity leave. Thinking ill do one pump in the mornings on a side he doesn't eat off of and freeze it then in the afternoons pump while DH gives a bottle for his next day bottle. Hopefully I'm going about this the right way !

  36. pinkb

    pear / 1599 posts

    @jedeve: My LO is 6 weeks also and she still eats pretty much every 3 hours but we don't breastfeed so I am not sure it would be the same as your LO. I pretty much let her do what she wants the last couple days she naps for anywhere to 3 to 4.5 hours and then I let her eat what she wants, anywhere from 2 to 4 ounces. I was waking her during the day every 3 hours to eat. And if she falls back asleep I have been using her swing or carseat for her to nap in, she does not nap well in her crib. But who knows I fly by the seat of my pants on what works everyday! We just went to my parents house for 2 days and she slept in her pack n play in our room for the first time and she was only up twice at night, way better than what she was doing at home in her crib at night. So we are now letting her sleep in our room at home in the pack n play.

    @coacheswife123: When LO's belly button thingy fell off the first time it had a little bump still underneath it that was wet looking and ivory yellowish in color. We swabbed it twice a day with alcohol per our Dr and it scabbed over. But the scab kept falling off and every time the lump under was just a bit smaller. No redness or oozing. At her last appointment they said it was an umbilical granuloma and they used silver nitrate to get rid of it and it was gone within a day or 2.

  37. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    How much expressed milk does your LO eat? Just started pumping!

  38. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @jedeve: at 3 weeks J takes a 2.5 oz bottle each evening from his Daddy I pump another bottle when he takes his and pump a bag for the freezer each morning !

    J has a clogged tear duct :(. Our pedi didn't seem concerned but it looks so yuck !

  39. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @jedeve: I give L 2.5 oz bottles too. (3 Wks 1 d).

    @coacheswife123: in also still taking the stool softener - just 1 a day right now. My midwife told me to keep taking it until the thought if a bm without it didn't scare me!

  40. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @dagret: do our babies have the same bday ??!!! Jan 21 ?

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