Hellobee Boards


July 2014 Mamas!

  1. littleredhairedgrl

    persimmon / 1135 posts

    urgh didn't even think of that... since we were going thru rounds of IUI with injectables i hadn't been drinking for a while, so i guess i could just milk this cycle or pretend we're starting a new one.. or take a glass and then just set it down when no one is looking

  2. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    Since I have been in the infertility roller coaster for so long, it is not unusual for me not to drink at social events. No one even questions me anymore about it. Our friends are doing the annual Christmas party the day before I turn 12 weeks - we may just announce at that party. Other than that, we'll be with family who already know so it won't be an issue.

  3. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @littleredhairedgrl: @justdarling: that's good that not drinking isn't out of character for y'all!! Def will make it easier!

  4. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    @runnerd: before we started TTC, I always had a glass of wine in my hand and it would have been totally out of character for me not to drink. I used to get a ton of questions every time I wasn't drinking. I guess 2 years of TTC really changes things! You can always use the excuse that you aren't feeling good or that you are the driver that night.

  5. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @Littlebit: ugh how frustrating! 100s doesn't seem out of the ordinary for the 4th week. Plus I would think it depends really on when implantation occurred. I think people who deal with women who are TTC/pregnant really need extra sensitivity training!

    AFM I'm *still* waiting on my betas from Friday...I've called my doctor's office at least three times since Friday and apparently they don't have anyone who can "read the results" ?? Ugh. So I'm still up in the air....

  6. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @thismustbetheplace: I would also ask for progesterone, just for peace of mind. Good luck at your appt!

    @runnerd: I have no idea how I'm not going to drink at events without people knowing. We already had two dinners with friends this weekend where I wasn't drinking and I'm 100% sure they know what's up but are just too nice to push it (they are both pregnant/have recently had a baby so they know better to ask if I'm not volunteering the info) and I trust them enough not to go blabbing about it to others. I think Thanksgiving will be tougher -- I'm planning on just holding a glass of wine and not drinking it and hoping that people won't really notice. And for holiday parties I'll probably just try to order a mixed drink that looks like a cocktail....or just skip the work holiday parties maybe.

  7. littleredhairedgrl

    persimmon / 1135 posts

    just heard back from my RE office and my hcg went from 191 on thursday to 808 today!! so excited but they did say my progesterone went down a bit so i need to add a second suppository to the mix (yuck) kinda makes me nervous but trying to focus on the hcg numbers

    @norcalwayfarer are you serious that no one can read the results in your office?! that's kinda nutty.. when did they say you'd get a call with the results?

  8. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @littleredhairedgrl: FABULOUS!!!! So thrilled for you!!!

    Well, the labs switched ownership since the last time I had betas (and they used to have a stellar turnaround time). This time it took me like a day and a half for the first numbers and they said 24 hours for the second ones, but it's been what three days now? I'm kinda worried something is wrong since they keep telling me they have to find a provider or nurse to read the numbers and call me back ;-/ Ugh.

  9. BlueberryPie

    cherry / 105 posts

    @Littlebit: First off, hello! So happy you're here with us! As for hcg, mine was at 114 at 4 weeks exactly. Sounds like you are perfectly within range to me! I'd be so upset with that yucky lab tech though

  10. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    @littleredhairedgrl: Those are great numbers! I am currently taking one oral progesterone, one progesterone suppository and one estraliol/progesterone combo suppository. It's a lot! My progesterone went down slightly this week and they weren't too concerned. Adding one more suppository is probably just precautionary.

  11. BlueberryPie

    cherry / 105 posts

    @thismustbetheplace: I would definitely ask for your progesterone level. My doctor has checked it every time I've been, just to make sure.

    @NorCalWayfarer: Sorry you can't seem to get an answer about your results. Try not to read too much into it though -- they probably just need a nurse or doctor to tell you for liability reasons. Hopefully you hear from someone soon!

    @littleredhairedgrl: Awesome hcg numbers! And like you said, just focus on the positive And I feel you on the m/s -- I had to close my eyes and breathe through the nausea a few times this morning. Yikes!!

    Also, I heard back from my doctor this morning and my hcg was at 114 on Friday (14 dpo) from 40 on Wednesday (12 dpo), so I'm happy!! My progesterone is also over 30, where it was around 10 last pregnancy. I feel like I can finally relax a bit. I scheduled my first appointment for November 27 and am already counting down the days!

  12. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @BlueberryPie: Those sound like great numbers! So happy for you!

  13. littleredhairedgrl

    persimmon / 1135 posts

    @justdarling wow that is a lot of progesterone!! yeah not too worried, just making sure things are ok.

    @blueberrypie that's great!! curious was your progesterone aroudn 10 the whole time? or just in the beginning? did you supplement?

  14. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @NorCalWayfarer: the problem for us is that so many people know we had a miscarriage that even though they will be polite, I'm sure they will all be on to us. I am also thinking of the holding a drink trick, and maybe even taking the tiniest sip or two.

    @littleredhairedgrl: wow!! Super impressive numbers! I'm jealous now, I want betas! Lol

  15. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @BlueberryPie: your numbers are looking great too, and wow on the progesterone!

  16. BlueberryPie

    cherry / 105 posts

    @littleredhairedgrl: My progesterone was 10 at 7 weeks. I had some spotting so they checked my numbers and immediately put me on supplements. We found out two weeks later that the baby's heart had stopped beating. Please don't let my story scare you though. It sounds like your doctor is on top of things

  17. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @runnerd: We only told a couple friends about the mc and haven't told anyone about this pregnancy yet. We won't tell anyone until at least after the 8 wk u/s, although I'm sure a couple friends know that something is up but luckily aren't prodding us.

  18. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    Just got my numbers back and the Dr. said things are looking really good!!!! HGC on Wednesday was 456 and Friday were 1253! I'm officially letting myself get excited now

  19. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @NorCalWayfarer: great news!!!

  20. tejbee

    cherry / 151 posts

    Thank you to whoever invited me to this board! And thank you to those that gave me congrats. We are super excited and a little bit scared. But only a little bit.

    EDD: July 19

    When Did You Find Out?: early this morning

    Child Number: first one!

    Where You Live: Tennessee

    What kind of provider will you see?: OB/GYN

    When's Your First Appointment?: Dec 10

    What kind of birth do you want?: natural, uncomplicated

    What You're Most Excited For: starting this new wonderful chapter in my life with my husband and learning as I go.

    What You're Most Scared About: misscarrying in the first go around, managing my pregnancy at work, having our income cut in half

    Symptoms so far: Swollen/full breasts, fatigue

    Share a picture of your bfp, announcement, &/or chart:

  21. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @tejbee: Congrats and welcome!

  22. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @tejbee: cool, another Tennessee! what part?

  23. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    Anyone have any weird cravings yet? I can't get enough soy sauce mixed with srirachi -- been eating it with gyoza, stir-fry, garlic noodles, etc. My mom said she gained a ton of weight with me the first month, so I'm trying to be careful...but I'm just totally into this salty/spicy thing right now!

  24. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @NorCalWayfarer: yayayayayay!! Awesome news! So happy for you friend!

  25. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    Hey everyone!!! I'm joining the July mamas!

    EDD: July 22nd

    When Did You Find Out?: today! November 11th!

    Child Number: 3

    Where You Live: Seattle area

    What kind of provider will you see?: OBGYN

    When's Your First Appointment?: I haven't called yet, I'm actually trying to find a new doctor!

    What kind of birth do you want?: hopefully no induction, just smooth labor and maybe an epidural

    What You're Most Excited For: This is the first time we've felt READY beyond belief to have another child. Our first was a surprise, our second was planned but then some tragic events happened and DH and I both struggled throughout that pregnancy. I'm excited to see if this pregnancy will be a challenge! I'm excited to plan the babies room and prep both LO's for their sibling!

    What You're Most Scared About: not too much...newborn sleep is kind of scary but I have 9 months until then!

    Symptoms so far: just peeing a lot!

    Share a picture of your bfp, announcement, &/or chart: the bun was SO cliche but it surprised DH and he loved it!! We are so thrilled!!

  26. thismustbetheplace

    kiwi / 633 posts

    @tejbee: Yay! welcome!
    @HLK208: ADORABLE with the bun.. I love it!! So happy to see your post!

    Just got my first beta and progesterone back... HCG= 1934, Progesterone=42.6! This is really happening! Will repeat in 48-72 just to make sure it's rising appropriately, but it feels good to know everything is normal as of this moment!

  27. littleredhairedgrl

    persimmon / 1135 posts

    wow great numbers @thismustbetheplace!!

  28. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @HLK208: welcome! What a cute announcement!!!

    @thismustbetheplace: Those are fabulous numbers, yay!!!!

  29. Mrs. Amethyst

    olive / 55 posts

    @HLK208: LOVE the bun in the oven!

    Question: Is anyone having problems with low back pain?? Mine has been killing me the past couple days... it's even hard for me to find a comfortable sleeping position.

  30. littleredhairedgrl

    persimmon / 1135 posts

    @mrs.amethyst i have too, esp when going to bed AND my bbs are so sore that i can't even sleep on my stomach.. urgh!

  31. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @Mrs. Amethyst: I had low back pain for about 5 days after my BFP, but it's subsided now

  32. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @HLK208: welcome!!

  33. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    7/1 - justdarling (#1)
    7/6 - coopsmama (#2)
    7/6 - MrsSpottts (#4)
    7/7 - mellybelly (#1)
    7/15 - NorCalWayfarer (#1)
    7/15 - runnerd (#1)
    7/16 - thismustbetheplace (#1)
    7/16 - littleredhairedgirl (#1)
    7/18 - BlueberryPie (#1)
    7/19 - Mrs. Amethyst (#2)
    7/19 - tejbee (#1)
    7/22 - HLK208 (#3)

  34. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    I had my first appointment yesterday. We got to see the baby and its little heart beating away!!! It was so great to see. Everything looks great right now. Because I am high risk, I get another ultra sound in 2 weeks.

  35. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @justdarling: how exciting! Glad to hear things are going well!

  36. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    So excited to be joining you ladies! Still haven't even told DH yet, lol! Been ntnp for the past four months, my LO is now 11 months so looks like they will be 20 months apart!

    EDD: July 29
    When Did You Find Out?: today
    Child Number: 2
    Where You Live: Maryland
    What kind of provider will you see?: midwife
    When's Your First Appointment?: not sure yet
    What kind of birth do you want?: hospital and unmedicated.
    What You're Most Excited For: Another miracle!
    What You're Most Scared About: Another m/c. I'm terrified.
    Symptoms so far: metallic taste in my mouth... That's how I knew!
    Share a picture of your bfp, announcement, &/or chart:

  37. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @NorCalWayfarer: @runnerd: glad to see some running mamas! I actually just did my second half marathon two days ago. In the tough parts, I kept visualizing coming home and getting a positive test!

    As far as holiday drinking, my family will be all up in my business and I like to not tell until later bc I had one miscarriage. So I'll probably hold a glass with a sip here and there.

  38. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @kml636: too bad I haven't run since I got pregnant haha! I spotted when running during the pregnancy I lost, so I'm too paranoid to do anything! (Not saying running was related!)

  39. coopsmama

    cantaloupe / 6059 posts

    Welcome to all of you ladies who just got your bfp's! I've been following along here but haven't been posting -- we had a busy weekend!

    As for me, I'm feeling horrible. I forgot how awful MS (all-day sickness, really) is, but I'm taking it to mean all is going well in there and for that I'm grateful. The constant nausea is just rough and lately nothing has sounded good to eat. Bleh.

  40. littleredhairedgrl

    persimmon / 1135 posts

    @kml636 @runnerd i haven't run in over 2 months and it's driving me NUTS!!! but we were with an RE doing IUI cycles with injectables and i was advised against it. can't wait to get the OK to start again

    @justdarling that's great!!! how many weeks are you?

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