Hellobee Boards


July 2017 POAS - Star Spangled.. Wondfo's?

  1. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @mrskansas: @bhbee: 11dpo. I only have a digital HPT and I want to save it for a special occasion! I dunno...I might wander over to Walmart or Target tomorrow for an HPT. I'm trying not to get too giddy about the possibility, but obviously can't help it.

  2. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: please don't torture us like that.

  3. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @mrskansas: You are my favorite enabler. I'm already wearing jammies. No chance I'm leaving the house now!

    I'll do it tomorrow..... *hides*

  4. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: I don't blame you. But I will be watching for it tomorrow!

  5. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: I'll be watching for it tomorrow, too!

  6. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @Coral: The torture! Makes me want to dig mine out to see if I've got an evap...(yes I'm only 7dpo...)

  7. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: ooh I'm excited! Go early!

  8. Coral

    clementine / 874 posts

    @HeartAbandoned: Will you do it for my sake? 😂

  9. HappyBaker

    nectarine / 2242 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: ooh I never even though to do an opk as a test! I might just have to try that too good luck tomorrow!!!

  10. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    @Coral: that is so heart wrenching I'm sorry

  11. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: that is a DARK opk line... you need to be walking over to target in your PJ's... and hey, Wednesday night sounds like a great special occasion to me!

  12. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: doitdoitdoitdoitdoit!

  13. MrsJBeeG

    clementine / 787 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: I think pjs at Walmart is more acceptable so I'd walk there tonight. You wouldn't be just for you - but for all of us hoping For you! 🤣 I'm not even in the tww wait as I'm on CD 13, in the middle of BD week and getting ready to ovulate by my CM and I'm already imagining what pregnancy symptoms will feel like this time. I would have never guessed it can drive you bonkers until you start ttc. At least we can all chuckle at the baby crazy moments we all experience together! 😁

  14. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @bhbee: @MrsJBeeG: @SweetiePie: @Reese: @HappyBaker: lol, you guys! The pressure! 🙈

  15. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    8DPO. Am I seeing things?

  16. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @Coral: These are the 2 I fished out of the trash! 😂Definite Evap action on the bottom one, but not a line...

  17. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @HeartAbandoned: I see it!

  18. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: Have you been to Target yet?!?!?

  19. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @HeartAbandoned: nope. I see it too!

  20. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @HeartAbandoned: no. I've been ready for work for the last half hour but I can't leave cause Target doesn't open for another 45 min! So I'm at home dinking around and telling my coworker I'll be in late (work starts at 8)! 😒

  21. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @HeartAbandoned: ooh looks promising! Not helping my desire to test early

  22. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @bhbee: @SweetiePie: @Mrs. Oreo: Ack! I wasn't planning on testing this morning, but all those darn cheapies are just so tempting! Now I'm worried I tested too early and it will be a chemical, but I'm trying not to think about that. I am going to go by Walgreens before work for a FRER....

  23. nanilani

    apricot / 374 posts

    @HeartAbandoned: I think I see it, but it's a squinter for sure. fx

  24. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @HeartAbandoned: I see it! Good luck with the FRER!

  25. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    There are 8 of us women standing in front of Target waiting for it to open and two workers on the other side of the glass watching the clock. REALLY!! 2 minutes!

  26. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: That is so annoying! Are you going to test there or wait until later?

  27. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: it's been 45 minutes. PLEASE TELL US TEST HAS BEEN OBTAINED!!!!
    ETA: just saw you posted while I was typing. Annoying!

  28. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    BFN!! 😒 But naturally, I keep trying to make a line appear!

    I'll try again this weekend, I suppose ....

  29. nanilani

    apricot / 374 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: Bummer Hopefully you have better luck in a few days!

  30. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: ugh, sorry

  31. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: Sorry girl Is it possible that your body could be trying to ovulate again with the OPK being that dark?

  32. patientlywaiting19

    olive / 53 posts

    @HeartAbandoned: Ahhh crossing my fingers for you! I been so tempted to test but I only have 2 digital ones. I also saw brown spotting 2 days ago after we finish the deed but it stopped so I'm assuming my AF is coming soon. It's due this weekend. Ugh!

  33. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @Mrs. Oreo: Bummer! Hoping for something more this weekend...

    I decided to order my FRERs (and digitals, because DH won't believe it unless it says "pregnant"...) on Amazon because I can't stomach spending so much more at Walgreens. Hi, I'm HeartAbandoned and I'm cheap...

    Plus, that guarantees I won't pee on all the FRERs before Friday, right????

  34. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    Sorry I've been MIA ladies- I've been reading faithfully but only have my phone so can't respond to all the going on. A huge congrats the bfpsso far!

    Question- on a scale of one to ten how bummed do you get/should you be to see a bfn on 8 dpo? I'm mood swinging over here

  35. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @knittylady: like a 2? I mean it's always depressing to see but the chance at 8dpo is really low. I think no major bummed feelings warranted until at least 10dpo or later.

    I know where you are though, I'm going to lose my mind this weekend!

  36. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    @bhbee: I won't lie.. tested yesterday and was bummed too. IM INSANE!!!

  37. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @knittylady: I'm bummed any time I see a BFN...even at 5dpo, which, realistically, means implantation hasn't happened yet and there is literally NO chance of a BFP that early. For me, though, I hold on to a little bit of hope until around 12dpo...

  38. Coral

    clementine / 874 posts

    @HeartAbandoned: Thank you! Maybe I got a bad batch because it's a legit line with color.

  39. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @knittylady: it's extra hard post loss I think, at least for me I feel desperate for things to be "fixed" or something

    I'm mentally driving myself crazy because I started to have major metallic taste yesterday and continuing this morning. At 7dpo it can't mean anything but still!

  40. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @Coral: Did you test again this morning?

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