Hellobee Boards


June 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Eko: well if it's a boy, Jackson. If it's a girl.... No idea!! We are driving with all J names. Although I'm nervous if it's a boy because our first is Jana. So our kids would be Jana and Jackson. It sounds like Janet Jackson haha. I'm irrational!!

  2. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @schubr03: We have only done a couple overnights and it is definitely weird.

    We too keep thinking about more babies, but we really need a house first so we will reevaluate once that happens by the end of the year.

  3. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @MrsBrewer: is that what your boy name pick was before you knew you had a girl? I can see the Janet Jackson thing. We are still keeping Our girl name we had picked out..Evelyn. We liked Theodore as another boys name, but where DH thought of the president I thought of the chipmunk! Haha. We maybe would've kept it until we found another name we liked better... Whittaker. It's another W name but I like that it's non family related since DS' is 100% family name.

  4. schubr03

    apricot / 486 posts

    So I posted the other day on another forum about thinking about trying for a second around the time that DD turns one and I got shot down with a ton (and I mean a ton) of responses of people saying I was crazy! That my body isn't healed at that time, I need to wait 3 years in between each kid, etc. etc. I'm glad I'm not in the minority here about wanting to have my kids closer together.

  5. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @schubr03: So, I read an article about waiting at least 18 months, for a host of health reasons. I asked my midwife about it, and she said she recommends a year in between pregnancies, and 18 months if you had a c-section. She told me it takes a year for your body to build back up its nutrient stores, and hormones to level out. sorry they weren't very kind!

  6. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @schubr03: oh wow! I am certainly not ready for another but definitely think those thoughts seem fairly outrageous. I think that by a year our bodies are more than capable to handle another pregnancy. Glad you find yourself in good company here.

  7. schubr03

    apricot / 486 posts

    @dc yoga bee: @Eko: I agree to the year/18 month mark! I just couldn't believe how many people jumped on me for it! Anyway, very glad to be here in this forum. It seems so supportive!

  8. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Eko: yep that's still the name we had picked out for a boy when I was pregnant with LO1. It's a boy name that we've known for a very long time we want to use. When we ended up having a girl though, we were scrambling for girl names!

  9. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @MrsBrewer: Then I would definitely still use the name!! It would be kinda funny if you had to come up with another girls name!

  10. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @MrsBrewer: I like your boy name. When we found out that we had another boy early in pregnancy, we were still scrambling for names. Like our first, we named him after delivery and careful deliberation. His middle name was almost Andrew, but we kept it all in the maternal family side.

    @dc yoga bee: @schubr03: I waited a good two years before having another pregnancy with LO #2. I'm glad that I did. I lost a lot of weight and was ready for pregnancy again. One to two years old is a really fun age. I'm glad that I wasn't exhausted from pregnancy to enjoy it. Being pregnant from two years old to almost three was a bit challenging, but still enjoyable. Having a huge life change with two kids and one turning 3 years old was quite the challenge. Three years old to 4 has been the toughest year yet. It makes going through the newborn and early infant stage seem like cake even with teething and poopy diapers. I'd take those over a 3.5 years old attitude and tantrums any day. My 3.5 year old is still adorable and sweet, but his need for control over his environment can be staggering.

  11. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    Hi!!! I haven't been on HB much at all lately since I'm trying to be a good employee and all, lol! We are doing well though!

    Holly still isn't crawling, much to her dismay. She is getting SOOOOO frustrated. She gets on all fours and rocks, as well as doing planks and bends, but she just can't make forward progress, poor thing! Makes her so MAD! I'm sure she'll get it soon. She can't pull up yet either, but she loves to stand holding onto something if I help her up.

    She was EBF until 6 months, then BF with some solids, then combo fed starting around 7 months. Now at 8.5m, AF came to visit and my supply is TERRIBLE, so she is getting more formula than anything. I'm still trying to pump at work and get my supply back up, but I'm barely getting anything. Makes me sad.

    She still wakes up a lot in the night, but last night she actually made it through without me going in there. I'm hoping for a repeat tonight... she's been teething and waking up a ton, and I am soooo seriously sleep deprived!

    Holly has such a sweet personality and my older daughter just adores her, so life is great in that regard!!!

    Here are a few fairly recent photos I took when we were trying on summer clothes! She's already 21#, so she's out of 6-12 already! These clothes aren't going to make it to summer, lol!

  12. schubr03

    apricot / 486 posts

    @78h2o: oh my goodness! Those big eyes! So adorable! My DD is also 21lbs. We will probably have to break out some of the summer clothes and do a photo shoot too!

  13. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @78h2o: What a cutie!! Baby J is 18 pounds. My little guy isn't interested in rolling, but is loving standing up. He also loves throwing himself around to get places. He gets mad when he ends up on tummy time as a result of it. We're getting over colds here.

  14. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @schubr03: Thank you! Your daughter is adorable!

    @cascademom: Aww, so cute. H has her first real cold right now and she's pitiful! I hope they both feel better soon!

  15. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @78h2o: oh my goodness H is just precious!!!! The look in her face in the second photo is priceless!!

    @cascademom: Hey cutie!! His expression is priceless too! What ya looking at?

    I think M is about 16lbs! She's getting some chunk on her thighs, and is wearing 9-12months.

  16. schubr03

    apricot / 486 posts

    @78h2o: @cascademom: it must have been something in the air! Ella is getting over a cold too! Poor babies!

  17. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @78h2o: Aww, colds are so tough. J's had his fair share of colds already plus the eczema and cradle cap. This one was the worst. The fever just wouldn't break until we alternated Tylenol and Ibuprofen.

    @dc yoga bee: He's so cute when he looks at his brother or flashes a smile.

  18. schubr03

    apricot / 486 posts

    Random question: has anyone had any issues after shots with a rash on the thighs where the shots were given? They are like little tiny bumps all over her thighs. We tried this last time wiping off the alcohol, thinking maybe she had too sensitive skin and the alcohol was bothering her. But she still has the bumps this time after her flu shot. I'm thinking maybe the bandaid adhesive?

  19. hocuspocus

    apricot / 373 posts

    @78h2o: she's so pretty! I LOVE her outfits! Where are they from?! That dress is adorable!

  20. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    What size clothes is everyone's LO wearing? We are in 18 month now, and it's ridiculous! Her 12 month onsies aren't long enough to snap, and the 12 month pants don't come over her butt enough. She must be really going through a growth spurt, or I'm horrible at washing clothes and I'm shrinking everything!

  21. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @MrsBrewer: We're solidly in 9 months clothes. J's about the same size as E was at this age.

  22. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    Oh my- we all make such cute kids!

    @MrsBrewer: Yeah - she has so many rolls! I actually really like the mobile stage so far. DD seems so much happier that she can actually move around and explore! And she loves to pull up on everything! If she can reach it, she'll pull herself to standing. Our ped thinks we're going to have an early walker!

  23. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @schubr03: Look at those beautiful blue eyes! Welcome to our little group! Tons of people on HB have shorter age gaps between kids so you'll be in good company around here!

    @dc yoga bee: We're thinking we'll probably start trying for #2 around the holidays.

    @MrsBrewer: We're in 12-18 month clothes too! At 24 lbs and with her chunky thighs, they're definitely needed. They are always too long though so I have to roll everything.

  24. hocuspocus

    apricot / 373 posts

    @MrsBrewer: Ellie is in 9 mos but fits into some 12 mos stuff.

  25. anniefannie

    grape / 78 posts

    Hi all.

    Im going to ride on schubro3's coat tails and introduce myself too. I'm pretty shy when it comes to message boards so I'm a little timid about saying hi.

    but, hi! I have an almost 8 month old boy and I have been LOVING motherhood after initially being very nervous about joining the mom club. L is crawling, although he still isn't totally up on his knees and lets his belly drag on the floor. He loves his solids and is pretty easy going. He sleeps reasonably well at night - some nights he will even sleep through from 730-6, some nights he wants to nurse around 2 or 3am. He's SUCH a chatterbox and loves making sounds with his mouth ALL THE TIME. Even in the middle of the night when he wakes up which is super fun. (we live in a small apartment and we share a room with him and a 50 pound dog) He's ok at napping when he's home with me, but naps TERRIBLY at daycare. Trying to figure that one out...

    Everyone's babies are super adorable and I'm loving catching up on the thread. Nice to meet you all!

  26. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    Oh man, I must have a peanut!!

    Based on her weight curve all along, I'm guessing she's about 16 1/2-3/4 lbs right now? She's still fitting in some 3-6 month clothes. A lot of the 6-12 sizes are big so kinda in between I guess.

  27. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @anniefannie: Welcome! What a cutie! We have a 45 lb lab mix who isn't loving that DD is mobile now. She seemed to prefer when she stayed in one place!

  28. schubr03

    apricot / 486 posts

    @anniefannie: welcome! Glad I'm not the only newbie here! Your little guy is so cute!

  29. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    Ellie and I are about to go run errands but I wanted to share a picture since everyone is posting recent photos!

  30. anniefannie

    grape / 78 posts

    @LindsayInNY: L is tiny also. hes just about 17 lbs and wearing 6 month clothes firmly.

    @Mrs.KMM: thanks! Cambodia (our pup) is also not a fan of the motion lol. We feed her treats nonstop whenever hes on the move to try to get her to think that the movement is a positive thing. Tha'ts how we got her to like him in the first place so hopefully it works now. But she's started to get a little heavy with all the extra treat calories...

  31. anniefannie

    grape / 78 posts

    @schubr03: thanks! Yours too... And I'm happy to keep u company!

  32. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @78h2o: too cute!! W is also not crawling. He gets on all fours and does a lot of rocking. Just when I thought he was going to crawl he has figured out how to stick his butt in the air and that's all he wants to do now. Maybe it'll turn into a bear crawl?? who knows.

    @schubr03: are the tiny bumps around the injection site? or just all over?

    @MrsBrewer: We are mostly in 12 month cloths, but still get away with some 9 month pants. W will likely be in 12 month cloths for the next couple months....except the super small onesies. But W is also only 20lbs. and barely has any rolls.

    @anniefannie: Welcome!! such a cutie

    We have been off and on dealing with sickness and teething. W just got his top two teeth in, so he was miserable through the weekend. But all he wants to do is bite and with 4 teeth it hurts when he grabs a hold of me sometimes!!

    Everyone has such cute babies!!!!!!!

  33. schubr03

    apricot / 486 posts

    @Eko: it's all over her thighs. So I guess that's around the injection site. But it's more than just where the needle went in and where the bandaid was.

  34. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @schubr03: Has it gone away by now? If she has gotten it before with the flu shot I would call the dr. and make sure it's not an allergic reaction. Usually the allergic reaction shows up as more rashy then bumpy....but I am not even close to a doctor.

  35. rosegold

    apricot / 428 posts

    @schubr03: have her looked at! i would want to know a professional opinion.

    here's my boy at just over 8m. 20lbs, all 12m clothing. i'm obsessed with his cheeks!

  36. schubr03

    apricot / 486 posts

    @Eko: @rosegold: it has happened after every appointment where she gets vaccines. The doc knows about it, they think it just because she has sensitive skin and the alcohol is irritating her skin. Which is a good possibility. But then this last time we went, we wiped the area down with water after to try to get rid of the alcohol, and she still got the bumps. So unsure. It still might be that, we just didn't get it all. But who knows. It doesn't seem to bother her and no other symptoms, so I'm not super concerned.

  37. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @rosegold: oh my gosh - he has so much hair!!

  38. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    Hi! How is everyone doing?! I can't believe Holly has her 9m appointment tomorrow... this year is flying by! I am calling tomorrow to reserve a park pavilion for her birthday - craziness!!!! (I'm reserving it so far in advance because it's free and at an awesome playground, so it fills up FAST. Reservations open tomorrow, so I'm sure I'll be on the phone awhile!). Has anyone else started thinking about it?! Are you having a theme? I am thinking about hot air balloons or maybe just regular balloons. Or maybe birds. LOL!

    Holly still hasn't figured out how to crawl, poor thing. It is making her so MAD! She is getting realllly close though. Today I saw her crawl a step or two before turning to sit up or roll over. She also spends a lot of time on her tippy toes, sort of walking while on all fours. She's so confused!

    She has finally started sleeping through the night more often than not - thank goodness!

  39. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @78h2o: W just started crawling about a couple weeks ago. He really felt the need to go after my soda can one night. Haha.

    We just started planning our first birthday party. We are holding it at my moms on Memorial Day weekend so we are planning ahead. She is renting a house on the ocean so it'll be a fun location for the weekend. We are doing a music theme since W loves music so much.

    We also have our 9 month appointment tomorrow! I feel like we are finally in a really good groove. He mostly sleeps through the night. Is being weaned from his reflux medicine, doesn't cry in the car anymore, and is able to entertain himself more. The only sleep disruptions we get is because of his teeth. He has his 6th tooth coming in!

  40. schubr03

    apricot / 486 posts

    Ella just turned 8 months and has been crawling now for about a month! She is REALLY fast! She loves being able to go wherever she wants. She explores the whole house. She also loves walking along the furniture. She grabs at everything she possibly can and it all goes directly into her mouth. We think she is going to be walking before 10 months.

    She still wakes once a night to eat, which I really don't mind, right now. She still isn't taking a bottle well. The lactation consultant told us not to worry about it and to just continue to give sippy cups of water or juice during meal time.

    I'm starting to think about the first birthday party. We are probably doing a princess theme. I know the colors are light pink and silver and I have purchased her dress already! I am super excited about it! Not sure of anything else for the party though!

    No teeth yet! I'm still okay with that. As long as she's nursing, no teeth is a good thing!

    Ella has her own little personality now! She has started to whine when she wants/doesn't want something. Have any of your littles started doing this? Do they respond to no? When is the age where they start to recognize the word no and its meaning?

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