Today was the morning all the kids at daycare moved up to their next classes. We got a note last week about who their new teachers would be, etc. We've been talking to the boys about their new class and moving up to the 4-yr old room so they would be excited (they've been 4 for a few months but they move everyone up at one time).

This morning, we walked into their new class and their names weren't on cubbies, weren't on the class list, etc. The girl in there didn't really know what was going on but said she thought they were supposed to stay in their old room because maybe they were going to school somewhere else next year (they're going to a public school pre-k in August). I said okay, and walked them to their old room to try to put their stuff up. Their teachers in that room are never there so we usually leave them in the young 3s classroom. I tried to tell them that maybe they were just staying in this class until they started at their new school in August, but they were heartbroken. They were both sobbing and saying they didn't want to stay in the old classroom they wanted to go to the new one with all the other 4 year olds. The teacher in the little threes heard what was happening (they have an open door between the two classes), and came in. She's super sweet and said she thought they had made a last minute decision to keep E & F in the 3-year old room because there were so many 4-year olds and E & F would be leaving in August. I kept trying to talk to the boys and make them feel better about it but they were still sobbing and trying to go to the new classroom when I finally just had to leave. It was awful, and I'm pissed that they made the decision without talking to us about it and that they let us build our little 4 year olds up about moving to a new class, had me walk them in the freakin' room, and then have to tell my kids that no, in fact, they had to stay in the 3-year old room. We haven't even given any kind of notice about them leaving yet, but I know their old teachers know because the boys were so excited about their new school and talk about it all the time. I'm angry that no one felt the need to communicate that last minute decision to us so we could have handled the situation better and prepared them for it more. I'm also a little irritated that they won't be with the older kids because they are pretty smart and (per their 3-year old teachers), they already have to try to find extra stuff or teach them different stuff. Now, the little 3 year olds will be in there with them and they'll be starting to teach the things that E & F did last summer.

One part of me knows it's only for a couple months and it's not really a big deal, but the other part of me is just so frustrated about the terrible communication and hurt for my boys' hearts this morning. The director wasn't there this morning, so I haven't talked to her.

What would you do? Am I overreacting and it's not really that big of a deal?