LO has been potty trained for 2 weeks. We've even gotten through the poop holding and most days she will poop on the potty. Occasionally she will still poop in her pull-up, and after every nap and every morning her pull-up is wet. Not soaked like she was holding it for the pull-up but definitely wet.

The past few days, when I go get her she immediately says, "I pee pee the bed," in a sad voice. She feels around her crib mattress and seems confused that even though she peed, the bed is not wet. A few times she has said, "Check," like, "Find where the pee went." I really feel like she doesn't get why the pull-up is catching it at this point and sees it as just another accident. This is different than several days ago when she was intentionally holding poop for and asking for a pull-up.

I think this is a good sign that she is very aware but I don't know what to do or what to tell her. I usually, "That's okay, you were sleeping," but I don't really go into, "You were wearing a pull-up and it caught the pee and that's okay." I feel like that is counter intuitive or maybe not?

Please don't tell me this means we need to try to night train because she clearly isn't physically able to hold it that long and I don't want to mess with sleep!

One thought I did have is that maybe she is peeing right when she wakes up and I'm not getting to her soon enough, and that's why she's upset - it's more of an accident than just waking up wet. But the only solution I can think of there is for her to be in a bed instead of a crib with her potty in the room so she can get up and potty right away... And again, her sleep is great so I don't want to move her out of the crib!

Thoughts? Maybe just ignore it and she'll get over it?