so my SIL (who is pregnant with her first, but doesn't have friends with kids) is hosting their extended family's big Christmas Eve. we're talking 50+ people with lots of different aged kiddos from 1-15.

the issue that they have a pool with no fence. we live in So Cal, so there is always outside seating planned. i brought this up to my other SIL in a "do you think one of the projects they have planned before the baby comes/party is a pool fence" and she was a no on that. and i mentioned that we really should have something in place because of the "a lot of kids and lots of distractions" issue.

we threw out a dog fence as an option, so they're gonna look around, but wanted to crowd source and see if anyone else had ideas. i feel like i'm the only one in the immediate family that sees this as an issue, but i'm also the only one with young kids and experience with friends of friends losing kids in pool drowning accidents.