Hellobee Boards


March 2013: Mamas & Babies!

  1. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    @Adira: Oh honey. Don't waste your time and energy on the negative aspects of all this. Look at the bright side and keep your chin up. I know @Smurfette and @QueensBee have already said this but you've done a fantastic job. You're still doing a fantastic job and you will continue to do a fantastic job, my dear. The fact that it bothers you shows that you're a good mom, that you care deeply for your child but for your sanity, I need you to let go of this mommy guilt. It isn't doing you any good, I promise you. This is advice I wish I could have given myself when I was in your position a year ago with Henry:

    You are a wonderful mother whether you breastfeed your child or not. I know at first you felt guilty, giving him a bottle of formula or pumped breastmilk instead of nursing him, but in the end? He was fed and happy and you were able to give your poor body a rest. And you need the rest! While he is stinking adorable and you now live your life around his, you still have to take care of yourself. If you don't take care of yourself, how can you do a good job of taking care of him?

    You've given him more than you thought you could, time and time again. More hours awake than you thought you could manage on less sleep than you've ever had in your life. And you made it through it marvelously. But this? You don't have to do this. It hurts you, it frustrates him, there's no need to continue on with this when the 'bonding' experience you've been told breastfeeding is just isn't there for you. And you know what? That's okay, you're not alone! There are some women who do exactly what you're doing - they tried and they decided it wasn't for them, and that is -not- a failure! You haven't failed! In fact, you've triumphed by holding on this long and giving as much as you have. And if you continue to go above and beyond and pump for the little nipper? Then more power to you.

    But you have to let this go. Worrying yourself sick over it isn't helping you and your frustration over the whole situation isn't making the baby happy either. He is a little ball of Id. He doesn't understand why you're upset, only that you are and you're the mama, mama. He can't truly be happy when you're not happy. He is a tuning fork for your emotions. So find a happy place, whether it's pumping exclusively or quitting completely (and remember that you can always change your mind later), and let it all go. Just breathe. Take a hot shower and clear your mind and emotions, finish crying it out, and then realized how blessed you are. You have a healthy baby boy and you're healthy, you have a roof over your head and you're together, and there is an abundance of love and support around you. Life is good. Life is beautiful. You're beautiful.

  2. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: @QueensBee: @NaturallyCathy: Gahh, you ladies are too sweet and made me start crying all over again!!!

    I talked to my mom about it briefly and she's all for me switching to formula if it would make me happier. I guess both her and my dad were formula fed (which I didn't know until today), so even though she breastfed both me and my brother, she's pro-formula too!

    I'll have to talk to Hubs tonight and see what he thinks. I do think about exclusively pumping instead of going to formula, but lately, even pumping hurts my already sore nipples, so I'm not sure what to do. I wonder if my nipples can heal if I continue to pump every 3 hours and just stop nursing... I'm also worried about how Xander will deal with the switch - even though he doesn't latch well and hurts me, I think he likes nursing, especially at night - if he's fussy, it calms him and puts him to sleep! I'm worried how he'll react to formula.

    Ugh, I don't know! I want to do what's best for Xander and I feel like I should just suck it up and keep nursing him, or at least provide breast milk in some way. It's crazy that I feel this way because I know that everyone would be supportive if I decided to quit breastfeeding, but it seems like there's so much pressure from society to keep doing it! Bleh.

    I'm also mad at myself for even feeling this way! When I was pregnant and people asked me if I was going to breastfeed, I always said "I'm going to try, but I'm not so set on doing it that if it doesn't work out, I'm not going to worry if I decide to quit." And now I'm making a liar out of myself! I don't know why I care so much about this!! I guess because it's the one thing that only I can provide him?

    Mommy guilt sucks monkey balls..

  3. aprk

    pomegranate / 3452 posts

    @Adira: Just please don't forget to take care of yourself. I am trying to remember the advice "don't quit at the worst moment." Whatever you decide to do will be best for you AND X, which will be exactly the right choice.

  4. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @aprk: That's probably good advice. I figure whatever I decide to do, I'm going to at least continue to nurse until the weekend, which is when we'll go shopping. If I still want to quit, then I'll buy formula. But maybe things will be better by then... I don't know!

  5. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: Buy formula so you have on hand. What if you try one feeding at night with formula? Then you could pump but maybe your nipples would heal a little bit. Hang in there!!! We are here if you need to vent.

  6. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @naturallycathy what a lovely and heartfelt post! A good one for us all to go back to whenever we're feeling inadequate or frustrated as new moms, regardless of the reason.

  7. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    Reagan did great this morning with napping. Granted I couldn't put her down and then this afternoon, I laid with her and we took a 2 hour nap together. I really needed it. So she woke up at 3 and then wouldn't nap for the rest of the day. Well at 6 we finally tried and put her in the car seat and she slept for a little while we took a quick walk. So maybe 20 mins. Nothing would work to get her down. Finally at 815, I just put her on the boob, she nursed for almost 50 minutes!! Then DH took her and finally got her settled down. It is so hard trying to get an over tired baby to sleep. I start trying to get her to sleep as soon as she yawns, so I don't know what else to do to get her to nap. Seems like it is at least once a day, either morning or afternoon, she won't sleep.

    On a side note, on our walk, we meet a neighbor, and she had a little girl that will be a month on the 14th. So we said that we need to take walks together. But her LO is already 13 lb, was 8.9 when born. She looks huge next to Reagan. Of course I am just jealous cause she said that her LO is only getting up once to eat. But it would be nice to have another Mom to hang out with during the day.

    I can't believe Reagan will be a month old tomorrow. She is getting so big. I am meeting a couple girls from HB for lunch tomorrow so that should be fun. Then friends are bringing us dinner tomorrow. Hopefully R will be in a better mood! We are going to wait till Sat to do her one month photo shoot. Figure we have more time then.

  8. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Awww, sorry to hear about your sleep issues!!! Xander doesn't really nap well either, but it doesn't seem to bother him. He'll do maybe two one-hour naps and then a 30 minute nap and then be up for hours before finally falling asleep somewhere between 8 and 9 (after nursing of course). Luckily, he'll sleep fairly well at night so I can usually get some sleep.

    That's cool you met another mom with a newborn!!! It's always nice to have mom friends. One of my friends from highschool just had her baby earlier this month, so I'm thinking I might reconnect with her for playdates since our kids will be so close in age. Do you know if she feeds her child breastmilk or formula? I think formula fed babies tend to sleep for longer stretches, so that could be why her LO is only waking up once to eat at night.

    Happy One Month to Reagan!!!

  9. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    So... my husband doesn't support me... when he came home from work yesterday, I asked him about switching to formula and he said he was against it. I explained how much pain I was in and that I was miserable and he basically told me I was being a wimp and that he doubts it's as painful as I am saying. Then he said that if nursing is the problem, I should pump and bottle feed. He's got in drilled into him that breast is best and said he couldn't support me stopping and that I was essentially being selfish if I did. I got no sleep last night because I couldn't stop crying. FML.

  10. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    @Adira: Oh momma... I'll refrain from husband bashing but it does seem like someone needs a reality check. The only problem is that I don't know how to give him that check. No, that's not true, my way involves low voltage to tender places for twenty minutes... But as to what to say to him? My temper would have supplied me with amunition at the time.

    There. I think I've expressed my displeasure. Now on to some helpful advice.

    Talk to someone in your life whose opinion you trust, like your mother. Tell them what happened and ask for advice. Reaffirm your feelings, one way or another, with them and with yourself. Call your pediatrician and discuss the matter with them or a nurse. Maybe set up an appointment to go in with your husband to let him discuss all his issues about the situation. And then go out and buy some formula while he's at work. I know that seems sneaky but only use it when you're at your wits end or are in a comfortable spot to give it to X. You need another option other than you, hon. You're hurting.

    And he can't know. Can't understand. There's no good way to make him understand but remember it's your body. Yours. You are in charge of you, not him. He can't feel what you're feeling, he can't imagine the pain of childbirth and the pain we endure ever after. There's no way to make him feel it. Normally, I'm all for equal partnership and everything in a marriage but on this aspect? You're the general. You're in charge. Take charge of your comfort, sanity, and happiness.

    We're here for you.

  11. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    Good morning, everyone!

    @smurfette: It sounds like yesterday was a pretty good day! A two-hour nap is definitely a good start. And with 50 minute nursing sessions, you know she's eating well and she'll be growing in leaps and bounds soon! Hopefully her sleep and reflux will improve during month 2 as she grows. Hang in there!

    How exciting that you already made your first neighborhood mommy friend. I have to admit that I am a little jealous! We moved from a very family-friendly neighborhood in Brooklyn with tons of young moms, to a more affordable place i n Queens, and I haven't been able to make any new friends yet. It's been one of my biggest concerns, as I'm nervous about feeing isolated and lonely here. I don't really know how to approach someone with a baby yet. I wish I could have business cards printed that I would hand out to pregnant women and new moms with my number on them! But since I would feel ridiculous making business cards, I am going to try to sign up for some new mom groups once we are more comfortable leaving the house together.

    @adira: I'm so so sorry that your husband wasn't supportive. I second everything naturallycathy already said... You are the captain of this ship! It's your body and you've already given so so much to sweet baby Xander. There is nothing selfish about that.
    I also agree that it could be helpful to keep a little formula on hand. I was sent a bunch of free samples in the mail (entire containers of formula!), so you could always say it just arrived. Just knowing that it's there as an option might help. And chatting with your own mom or other experienced moms about this could also help validate your feelings and decision. I hope you are able to come up with a plan that helps you recover and feel peace soon. We want you to be enjoying these precious moments with your baby, not tormented by the anxiety of breastfeeding vs. formula.

    I am leaving Pete for the first time today, actually twice in one day! I have my ob/gyn post partum check up today at 11:30am. My parents will be watching him while I am gone. Then, later tonight I have five girlfriends who are coming to my neighborhood to go out to dinner. I am going to leave Pete with DH. I think they could use some bonding time while I'm not around! And, I'm so excited to be able to have a glass of wine with my friends over dinner. It's been so long! Here's hoping we all survive okay...

    Alright, off to prep everything for Grandma and Grandpa!

  12. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @NaturallyCathy: Feel free to bash my husband! I'm completely pissed at him and think he's being an asshole. I wasn't completely ready to throw in the towel yet anyway, but the fact that he wouldn't support me if I was is unreal. I'm so mad at him right now. Guess who's not getting sex once I get the okay from my OB tomorrow!

    I actually spoke with my mom before talking to Hubs about it. She breastfed both me and my brother for six months, so I thought she would try to convince me to continue, but she didn't! I guess both her and my dad were fed formula, so she doesn't think one is better than the other. She basically said breastfeeding isn't for everyone and that I shouldn't feel guilty for stopping. And then she sent me a link to babycenter where a lot of women discussed their decision to stop breastfeeding and support of one another. I just wish my husband would be supportive...

    @QueensBee: Good luck at your OB appointment!!! And gahhh! So jealous you're going out with friends tonight!!! I haven't been able to do a damn thing in the evening since Xander was born because he's so unpredictable at night! Although maybe if I switch to exclusively pumping, I could leave him with Hubs. Good luck today! And have FUN tonight!! Don't worry about the baby - he'll be FINE!

  13. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    @Adira: I was like you - before I had Jack, I planned to breastfeed but wasn't opposed to changing depending on how my experience was.

    BF has been okay, just intense in terms of time commitment - but I've supplemented with formula maybe 5 times - and honestly, it's been a lifesaver. Jack was cluster feeding from like 4-11 last night (no joke, growth spurt) so I gave him a bottle of formula eventually, and he drank 5 oz and then slept from midnight to 6 AM. I couldn't believe it!!

    Just give yourself the freedom to try whatever feels right at the time. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Supplementing or switching to exclusively pumping or formula... I don't really think it makes a difference at this point. Jack clearly enjoys nursing more than taking a bottle, but he's also clearly REALLY hungry at night and is much more satisfied after a bottle, so I give it occasionally.

    I think I read the term "guerrilla parenting" somewhere in HB for these early baby days... Just do whatever works

  14. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    Vivi is now over 10 pounds! I guess the cluster feeding is working for her...

  15. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: Aww, honey, I am so sorry that you aren't getting support from your husband to quit BF. Is there some way that you can have him feel what it feels like? Like pitch his nipple for 20 minutes and see how he likes it. I like @NaturallyCathy: suggestion, can he go with you to the doctor and discuss it. If he wants you to go to all pumping, make sure you involve him more. Washing pump parts and bottles, so it isn't all on you.

    I didn't ask the neighbor if she is FF or BF. I just hope I see her again soon, so I don't have to go up to her door and ask her if she wants to go for a walk.

    @QueensBee: How did leaving Pete go? I went out with friends when R was two weeks and it was heaven to just get out for a little bit. Next week we have our April monthly dinner, I just hope R is in a good mood that day so I feel ok leaving DH with her all night. Tonight she would only take 1.5 oz of her bottle and then wanted the boob.
    @keepcalmcarrie: I want to start doing a bottle of formula at night. Just going to wait till we talk to the ped about what kind is best for her reflux.

    @Arden: Way to go V!!

    R has spit up every time she has eaten today. I can't wait till her appointment on Tuesday so we can get her some meds. I also can't wait to see how much she weighs now. She doesn't look that much bigger to me.

  16. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Ugh ladies - I am having the WORST couple of days. So yesterday and last night I tried not having Xander feed on the side that is sore and instead I just pumped on that side and fed him a bottle. Talk about time consuming! And I think the pumping made it worse. Plus I only got four hours of sleep because every time Xander would wake up, I'd feed him 20 minutes on my good boob, then 10 minutes to give him the bottle, then pumped for 20 minutes, then probably 10 minutes cleaning parts and prepping the next bottle. I am EXHAUSTED.

    On top of all that, last night, Hubs and I talked and he basically told me that he regrets having Xander and he didn't want kids in the first place and it's just as time consuming and miserable as he thought it would be. I haven't been able to stop crying.

    It's weird because this is how I feared he would feel, but those first couple weeks after Xander was born, Hubs seemed soooooo into it. He seemed like he enjoyed every aspect of it and told me that when Xander was being born, he got excited. I guess now the novelty of him has worn off and it's all work all the time so Hubs is sick of it?

    ETA: Is it possible he's just venting frustration (he was upset at the time he said it) and doesn't really mean it? I'm not sure what to say or do when he says stuff like that...

  17. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Arden: Wow!!! What was her birth weight again?? Go Vivi!

    @Smurfette: Awww, sorry about R spitting up! That must be so frustrating. Some days Xander does that too, but definitely not all days, and he usually only has one of two big spit ups during a day. He's filling out the 0-3/3 Month outfits I have, so I know he must be growing, so I'm not worried. But it sounds like R spits up so much more than Xander, and if you can't tell if she's getting any bigger, no wonder you're concerned! Boo!!!

  18. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: I am so sorry you are having a rough couple days. Can you get a hands free bra and pump while he feeds? I just feed R on one side each time, is there a reason you have to do both? Can't you just put the pump parts in the fridge overnight after each use? I think I read lots to that while at work and then was when they get home.

    That has to be so hard hearing DH saying he regrets having X. Hopefully it is just him adjusting to your new life with baby. Or maybe he just doesn't get newborns. Lots of guys don't get into fatherhood until the baby is more active and responses to them. Hang in there lady, things will get better!!

    Last night was rough R woke up at 430 to eat, half way had a huge poop so I had to lay her down to change her, big mistake. She then spit up about 5 times, one time it went over my arm, all over the floor. Then she wouldn't go back to sleep, just screamed. Finally got her down at 6, and she woke up at 7. But she went back to sleep on me till a little after 9.

  19. mole

    apricot / 373 posts

    @Adira: Oh no, I am so sorry that you have been having such a rough time this week. It sounds like your husband is also just frustrated and upset. Can you guys sit down for a talk sometime this weekend during a time when neither one of you is stressed? That would make it easier to get across your feelings and thoughts so that the other person could really listen and understand. Good luck!

    @Smurfette: sorry to hear that R has been spitting up so much! I hope you get some relief after your dr appt.

    @Queensbee: I have been meeting other moms at at Stroller Strides. I also just joined a Mommy and Me class (starting in 2 weeks) and also a neighborhood parent listserv. By the way, people totally have those types of business cards around here!

    My kid is 7 weeks today. We are having some trouble with naps in the afternoon now. Baby boy has some great stretches of sleep during the morning and early afternoon, but then he only takes very short naps in between 3 and 730/8. These naps are usually in the carrier or in my arms. Instead, he just wants to eat all of the time! I think I am going to try swaddling him more often during this time and see if it helps.

    On the brighter side, he has been sleeping for longer stretches at night! Last night even featured a 4.5 and a 3 hour stretch.

    Like @adira, we also have a tummy-to-back roller on our hands! I was able to capture his first roll on video, and he has done it a few times since.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  20. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: Do you have someone that could come over and babysit X for a couple hours so DH and you could go and grab dinner for a mini date night? Maybe some normal activity would make things better.

  21. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    @Adira: I wish I had some advice for this but I'm afraid that, for once, I'm speechless. I really don't knkw what to say that hasn't already been said. It sounds as if you both need some time away from the baby to talk and reevaluate the situation. It could be that he's overwhelmed by fatherhood, the enormity of being in charge of this one little person who is defenseless. Or it could be some sort of crisis not baby related. Or it could just be sleep deprevation and all of the emotions he and you are going through. Although it does sound like he may have been hesitant about having kids to begin with - was that addressed before having X? Or am I just reading too much between the lines?

  22. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    Adira, I'm sorry your husband is not supportive. I don't think they understand how incredibly painful it can be! Sucking it up will make you unhappy and miserable and resent feeding your baby and it should NOT be like that. Formula is NOT poison-it is made for a reason! Period.

    I know some of you have talked about exclusively pumping and I am starting to feel like I may be an exclusive pumper, too. I've now had numerous LC's and nurses suggest that that may be where I am heading. My kid is a piranha and it is horrendously painful because she has SUCH a strong suck. I'm also having so much swelling in my breast that I am not getting near the quantities of milk out that I consistently should be a week PP and I'm worried I'm headed towards mastitis because of some warmth and redness. The LC advised heat, pump one breast at a time for 15 min each, then 30 min of ice. Repeat in 45 min. Time consuming. But she takes bottles well and DH can feed her and she switches between formula and breast milk no problem.

    I'll see how it goes in a month and reevaluate. I am not gonna spend all this time attached to a pump for a measly 10ml of milk when I could spend the time snuggling on her.

  23. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: I'm not sure my supply is abundant enough to get away with just feeding on one side... I've always done both. When I just did one side the other morning, he woke back up after only an hour and a half hungry.

    @mole: Yeah, I'm hoping we can talk this weekend or something. Last night was so rough because every time I tried to go back to sleep after feeding the baby and pumping, I would just start thinking about how unhappy my husband is and how he doesn't care for the baby and just start crying. This is part of why I think switching to formula would be good for us - then we could easily have someone babysit the baby and go out and do stuff, and it wouldn't be as stressful on me, which in turn, wouldn't be as stressful for Hubs. I don't know though - he's really adamant that we continue to breastfeed.

    @NaturallyCathy: You are correct about Hubs being reluctant to have kids. He actually originally wanted children and I convinced him not to! This was back in college when I was anti-kids. Then my BFF had her baby and I suddenly wanted one! Even though he seemed reluctant to have kids, he didn't seem totally against it. When we got married, we talked about when we wanted to have them. And when I would complain about wanting one RIGHT NOW (before our original date), he would tell me that I'm the only one holding us back (I had things I was doing pre-baby). Then when we started trying, he was insistent that we have sex more often to better our chances. And when I got pregnant, he seemed happy! He was never super enthusiastic during the pregnancy, but when I was in labor, he seemed excited, and when Xander was born, he seemed so happy! So... I don't know... I guess I thought if he really didn't want children, he would've put up more of a fight and wouldn't have worked with me so much to have one...

  24. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    @Adira: I'm going to keep my two cents of speculation to myself and instead offer you the best advice I can - seek a therapist. Either a marriage counselor, couples therapy, something. Anything. I feel as if you both need a neutral third party to work through these issues instead of someone who will take sides, like I'm prone to do. Seek help. I don't think this a problem that can or should be fixed by yourself.

  25. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @adira: I don't have a lot of advice to offer that hasn't already been said. Your post made me tear up. I can't imagine how emotional is must be to feel like your husband isn't on board during these early days. I know it can be difficult for husbands to feel bonded with new infants because the babies often find more comfort with their mamas in these early days. I hope that some of the suggested down time, date nights, or counseling can help him feel more adjusted to his new role as a father.

    @smurfette: Dinner last night went pretty well! We kept it pretty short and I was only gone for about 90 minutes. I had a great time enjoying a very indulgent meal of beer, shortribs, and mac & cheese at a local smokehouse. One of my closest friends announced that she is pregnant and due in November so that made the night extra special!

    DH said that Pete was fussy for most of the time I was gone. Of course he settled down as soon as I came home and he was back in my arms. But, as much as I hate to think about him feeling fussy while I'm away, I think it's important for DH to practice soothing him and for DS to become more comfortable with his dad.

    I'm sorry to hear it was a rough night with Regan. Do you have any opportunities to catch up on sleep during the day? How are you coping with the sleep deprivation? If Pete has one bad night, I feel like I am a useless zombie the next day.

    @Mole: Thanks so much for the tips re: ways to meet new moms. I checked out Stroller Strides and the closest location is in Central Park. In a few weeks I'm going to see if I can come up with a way to egt myself there with the stroller. There is a Mommy and Me yoga class in my neighborhood that we can start once Pete is 8 weeks old. I definitely want to try that too! Ha, you now have me contemplating the business card idea again...

    Glad to hear you are getting some longer stretches of sleep at 7 weeks!

    @blackbird: You are a champ for even attempting to keep up with that heat, pump, ice, repeat schedule the LC has you on! That takes a lot of dedication! Do you feel like it has helped at all, or it is still too early to tell? I think one month is a great goal. My LC suggested that I treat my nipples as open wounds, in order to avoid mastitis. This means cleaning them with an antibacterial soap in the shower, soaking them in warm salt water during the day, and wearing a new clean bra each day. So far, that has been enough to ward off infection and they are finally beginning to heal at the 3 week PP mark.

    Has anyone thought about Mother's Day this year? Any special plans?

    I had been feeling a little sorry for myself because DH has a business trip scheduled for Mother's Day weekend that he can't miss. Obviously, I know I'll survive and I don't want to be melodramatic, but I can already anticipate feeling a little down all by myself that weekend. However, things started looking up a bit yesterday...he randomly won a $1,500 shopping spree to Barney's at work! Now I feel a bit more cheerful that I can spend my Mother's Day morning keeping busy at Barney's! It definitely won't replace a sweet Mother's Day with my DH, but at least I feel like it's a very unusual treat to take my mind off of the fact that he's away. And, he promises that we can have a special family brunch together on the following weekend, so I will look forward to that!

  26. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @blackbird: Wow! I can't even imagine keeping up with that schedule with heat, ice, pump, etc. I find it hard to just find time to pump once a day. I hear ya, don't want to lose any snuggling time. They are only this little and snuggling for a little bit.

    @Adira: How does he feed on one side? Could he feed longer? Have you tried Mother's Milk, oatmeal, etc to get your supply up.

    I do think pumping would be good for you and your DH, so you can have time away. Even with BF, you can still get out for a couple hours, just feed right before you leave and then leave a bottle.

    I am a firm believe that you still have to make your marriage a priority just as much as baby is. Happy parents = happy baby. Maybe he is just feeling a little neglected since X, as all newborns, take up so much of our time.

    @QueensBee: So glad that you enjoyed dinner. I always feel bad when R is fussy for DH as well when I leave him with her. The last couple days though, he has been able to calm her down when she has been fussy. So sweet. Love seeing him with her. I usually get one nap a day although the last couple days I haven't. I am going to take one this afternoon for sure.

    That stinks DH will be gone for Mother's Day but that is awesome you get a shopping spree at Barney's. I am jealous. Look at it this way, you get two weekends to celebrate.

    We always spend Mother's Day at my Aunt's with the whole family. The men/non Mom's have to wait on the ladies all day. I am so looking forward to being lazy for once and not having to get my Mom cocktails all day. I have been looking on etsy for a necklace with a R on it to send to DH to order for me.

    My Mom is coming to babysit tonight, so DH and I can sneak out for dinner for a couple hours. Fingers crossed she eats good before we leave and she will take the bottle if she gets hungry.

  27. cokiezombie

    apricot / 286 posts

    @Adira: I'm so sorry you're going through this. It sucks to deal with the recovery, sleepless nights and also the challenge of breastfeeding. Adrian is 3.5 weeks old now and for the first 2 weeks, I had such a hard time with BF'ing that I almost threw in the towel to give up. It didn't help that Adrian didnt even gain his birth weight back yet at his 3-week checkup. Thats when the pediatrician encouraged me to supplement with formula. I was really reluctant at first, but it's really about the baby's health and well-being, and also taking care of yourself!

  28. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    Hi Everyone!

    My laptop battery charger totally died on me yesterday, so I actually HAD to go to the Apple store with K today. There are some things - like internet and HB - that are totally necessary for this SAHM!

    Hope I can keep track of catching up with everyone!

    @QueensBee: Welcome to the thread! Glad to have you jump right on in! I'm also jealous and looking for new mommy friends in the neighborhood. We moved 2 years ago into an established neighborhood, with mostly original owners, who are all retired now. I've constantly been on the lookout for younger couples and young families, but they tend to move into the newer developments in our city. A couple months ago I noticed that a couple around the corner from us are expecting and I seriously kind of stalk them hoping to see the wife outside some day to make a neighborhood mommy friend! But she works a lot and I only ever see them when I am driving by. I think those card things could be funny and a conversation starter! Sounds like you had such a great night out! And yay for friends jumping on the baby bandwagon!

    I have been dealing with a similar regime for nipple/breast care. It's so time and energy consuming! I have to wipe them with a solution after every feeding (every hour is preferable), let air dry, apply APNO, and basically I'm told to walk around naked all day. I also have to wash my bras and nursing tanks after every wear. It's exhausting.

    Sucks about your Mother's Day with DH gone, but whoo hoo to the Barney's win! I've started thinking about Mother's Day and I kind of selfishly want to do something just the 3 of us for my first mother's day. Is it horrible, I don't even want to share the day with my own mother and MIL?

    @Smurfette: Yup, jealous you found a neighborhood mommy friend! Sorry about R's tough night. I totally know that feeling, baby is so fussy from being tired but can't fall or stay asleep. Exhausting. That and the marathon feeding session sounds like she is going through the 4 week growth spurt? I remember I wanted to cry for 2 days when we went through that.

    Yay for HB meetup! Are you in Atlanta area? I have such a terrible memory...

    @Adira: Oh honey.... {{{HUGS}}} I can't really add much more advice than everyone else has given you. I hope that your DH just is tired and frustrated and really didn't mean that. But I still know that would hurt me immensely and I don't know what I would do. Hopefully some time for you two to re-connect can help and just time in general, to get used to having baby and all the responsibilities. It really is such a drastic life change, that you can't imagine how much one little thing can consume of you and how much you lose of yourself (at least in the initial weeks).

    @keepcalmcarrie: "Guerilla parenting" - lol! I love it! SO true! Some days and nights, I'm willing to disregard any and every stupid thing I believed about parenting before I had a baby. All for a heavenly hour of sleep!

    @Arden: Wow! Way to go Vivi!

    @mole: Wow! 7 weeks! Almost at 2 months! K is the same with the sleeping. She is a terrible day-time napper (only if I am holding her, wearing her, or being her bed), but getting better at night time sleeping. I'll take the night-time sleep though over the naps! That's awesome about the rolling over and that you caught it on video!

    As for us, last night was rather exhausting. DH suddenly came down with something. He had chills, hot flashes, sweating, etc. He went straight to bed and left me to deal with everything by myself. Usually he takes the first night shift with the baby and lets me get a couple of hours of sleep. He also takes the dog out and does the dishes and puts random stuff away at night. But last night I had to do it all on my own (which means a lot of stuff didn't get done) and baby and I stayed out in the living room because I didn't want either of us to catch what he possibly has. Exhausting and uncomfortable night to say the least.

    On a positive note, I've been trying to get K used to the car seat. She generally HATES to be strapped in it. But I was able to take her for a ~3 mile walk round-trip in the stroller today while she slept in it. I also left her in it while I showered really fast. On the flip side, we tried to do a Costco run again and 2 for 2 she would NOT have it! Another stressful car ride home. Girlfriend hates Costco apparently!

  29. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @QueensBee: Awww, sorry that your DH isn't going to be around for Mother's Day! That's a total bummer. If it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure my husband won't do anything for me for Mother's Day. I doubt he even knows when Mother's Day is!

    @Smurfette: How did your dinner out go?? I bet it was so nice to have an evening away! Or were you thinking about the baby the entire time you were away from her?

    @shopaholic: Yikes about your husband getting sick!!! I hope neither you or the baby catch it!!! Also a bummer that you basically had to try to do everything yourself. I have no idea how single parents manage it! That's cool you were able to go for a walk with K, but bummer about Costco!

  30. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Thank you all sooooooooo much for your kind words and encouragement! Yesterday was pretty miserable because I couldn't stop thinking about what Hubs said AND after work, he went out with friends, so I didn't see him ALL DAY.

    When he came home (around midnight), I was still awake from having just fed the baby, so I asked him how his day went and stuff. He seemed like he was in a really good mood (probably spending time away from us helped), so I asked him if he really meant it that he regretted having Xander. He didn't even remember saying it!!! He then said he didn't regret having the baby and apologized for saying it. He then went on to explain that when I'm upset, he gets upset, which makes for unproductive conversation, and he admitted that it was his fault because he was just feeding off my emotions instead of trying to make me feel better. He said he doesn't find the baby stage very fun, but he thinks that toddler Xander will probably be more entertaining. He also said that even though he doesn't know why, he actually missed Xander (and me) while he was gone all day and that he was looking forward to seeing us both again. He also said that he had been thinking that on weekends and the days he works from home, he'd be much more willing to help me out at night and basically said he'd do anything I asked him. It's just the nights before he has to go into work that he really wants to make sure he gets some sleep.

    Soo... I feel soooooooo much better. I really think he just said it in the heat of the moment out of frustration and he clearly didn't really mean it! I'm so glad we had a chance to talk last night because I was able to sleep and I woke up feeling a million times better!

  31. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @shopaholic: Glad you got your laptop battery fixed. I would be lost without my laptop. Sorry DH was sick but glad K and you didn't get it. I understand what you went through on the car ride. We never know how R is going to react. We are attempting lunch, Costco and Home Depot this afternoon. Wish us luck!!

    @Adira: Dinner out was great. We were just gone for an hour and half. Mom said she was fussy but nothing grandma couldn't handle. We just texted my Mom half way to see how things were going. It was really nice to get away but I did miss my snuggles with R. I fed her when we got home, since she didn't drink much of her bottle, and it didn't take long to get her off to sleep. And we only got up twice to eat last night which was nice and no spit up's last night.

    So glad that it was a misunderstanding with your DH and what he said. Great news he is going to be more willing to help you out at night. That will be great if he can feed X a bottle while you pump. So happy that you feel much better! I still say yall need to get a babysitter and have a couple hours to go to dinner. It really helps for sure.

  32. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @Smurfette: @Adira: I am seriously contemplating pumping exclusively, but my big hang up is that I already have supply issues and I'm concerned that my supply will tank even more. Oh, breast feeding woes...

  33. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: So I didn't exclusively pump, but in an attempt to let one of my nipples heal, I stopped feeding from it and pumped instead. It was a HASSLE. I mean, maybe if I was pumping from both sides and just bottle feeding, it wouldn't have been so bad. I was feeding from one side, giving a bottle, and then pumping the other side, so each feeding took about an hour! I decided to go back to feeding him instead because even though it's painful at the moment, it's more efficient and less time consuming!

    I think if you do decide to go to exclusively pumping, you may want to start by pumping more often than you would feed, since you won't be able to get as much out with the pump that the baby can get out when nursing. That might help increase your supply enough to keep up with your baby's needs!

  34. aprk

    pomegranate / 3452 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: I don't have any experience nursing yet (sad, but we're still trying) so I've been exclusively pumping. I'm so glad he's getting breast milk but it sucks to be tied to the clock and tied to a machine.

  35. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @adira, I'm glad hour husband didn't mean it! Sounds like you guys had a good chat and cleared the air

    I think the cycles have been helping. The LC said to stop the ice since I'm not engorged anymore. But I'm still only getting 1-1.5 oz with a good pumping. So we will see. She also wants me doing lots of kangaroo care

  36. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    @Adira: SO glad to hear about your DH and that he didn't really mean it. Hope everything continues to get better for you guys!

    @shopaholic: I'm having the same issues with Vivi and the car seat. I'm afraid to go anywhere because she just bawls, and we have to pull over constantly to nurse and comfort her back down.
    I've actually managed to nurse her while she's still strapped into the carseat and it works for her, but it's super painful for me since twisting myself around like that isn't working with my stitches.
    I've got an appointment this week and my midwives are almost an hour away, so I'm really dreading that drive.

    She's pretty much outgrown all her newborn clothes, and honestly I don't have that much in the clothing department anyway. I really want to buy her a bunch of Tea Collection rompers for the spring/summer, but my husband's work cut his hours this month (the business is struggling) and we are really tight.
    I also have like NO nursing clothes (and only one nursing bra!), so if we're going to go out in public, we're going to need to fix that! Hopefully he gets his regular hours back or he gets hired on one of the part time jobs he applied to this week, and then we'll be okay.

  37. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @aprk: @Adira: at the moment, I'm both nursing, supplementing with formula, and pumping, so I feel like I'm currently getting all the negatives of every method times 2. Twice the nursing time (except when I tandem but that adds other tricky components), twice the bottles, etc. If I switch to pumping exclusively, I'll definitely up the number of time I pump and take more supplements. Right now, I'm only taking Mother's Milk Tea.

  38. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Arden: I am with you on the car seat. DH and I feel trapped at home. But this week we put her in the car seat at least once a day, even just for a 15 min walk in the stroller. So far I think it is helping a little but. Today we went to lunch, did ok in the ride there but then freaked out. So I wore her and she fell right asleep. Then I realized we had to put her back in the car seat. So she screamed. I wore her then at Costco and Home Depot. She then slept through putting her back in the seat, Whole foods and then slept still when we got home. She even was fine for about 5 mins when she woke up, just looking around. We did take out the infant head support in the seat. It looked like it was too tight around her head. So now we just use blankets. Maybe that will help? If anything else works for us I will pass it along. It sucks, R has cried for 45 mins straight a couple rides and works herself into a sweaty mess, which is so hard. I also have tried sitting in the back but that didn't help for us. R loves being outside, so sometimes putting the window down a little works for a little bit. Sorry this is so long!!

    Bummer about your husband's work. Hopefully he will get more hours soon. I moved R to 0-3 cause newborn were getting to short for her, but a lot of 0-3 is to big on her. I don't have any nursing stuff other then a couple tank tips so I hear you on that. Just get a nursing cover, cheaper then buying new clothes.

  39. aprk

    pomegranate / 3452 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: yeah you definitely are getting a triple whammy, times two. I could see how exclusively pumping would help and maybe the "scheduled" aspect of it might help you. Good luck!!

  40. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Arden: @Smurfette: Boo... sorry you ladies are having car seat troubles! I guess Xander really IS an easy baby, because he's fine in his car seat and the couple times I've been out, he just falls asleep and stays asleep for a few hours! That's got to be rough to be trapped at home! Maybe just keep trying to put them in the car seats so they can get used to them? I wish I had some helpful advice...

    I also have pretty much zero nursing clothes. I have two nursing tank tops that I rotate every day and then two nicer looking nursing tops that I put on if I have to go out or if I have company over. No bras yet! And people are probably sick of seeing me in the two shirts I have, haha. Oh well...

    @Mrs. Blue: Yikes - that sounds so stressful! How are you holding up?? I'm really impressed you're continuing to nurse your boys! I think if I had twins, I wouldn't even try, haha! I'd just go straight to formula so Hubs could feed one while I feed the other, or something like that. Even though the whole situation must be stressful and difficult, you've got to be at least proud of yourself for working on it and providing your boys breast milk while you can! I think about quitting every day and I only have ONE baby AND he's pretty easy going! I can't even imagine how challenging it must be with two!

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