Hellobee Boards


March 2014 Moms come in!

  1. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    I'm definitely exhausted this week!! Ds and I have been travelling and I'm like omg this is so hard with one...throw another in the mix? I'm insane. Some light nausea and definitely not sleeping well at night. I think my feet are starting to swell too!

    Do you think people how faster with #2? I'm honestly already de looking prego! Need to hide it until at least mid-aug!!!

  2. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @runsyellowlites: what is that little package you made?!? The card looks cute! What's it say and who's it for?!? Congrats again. I'm praying I get to be a march mama too!!

  3. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @lisamarieloves: It's a bag of candy with a print out that says "If I'm gonna get fat SO ARE YOU" tied with twine & I added the hpt! It was for DH b/c this time he wasn't with me when I tested!

    I hope you get to join us soon!!!!

  4. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @matador84: I was only able to hide my last pregnancy 9 weeks! This time though I still haven't been bloated at all so I *might* make it longer!

  5. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    Congrats on all the new BFP! March 16th/17th is a big EDD around here!

    My 2 biggest things are being thirsty and hungry all the time! I feel like I never have enough food or water, even if I ate an hour before. I also have some cramping, but I think it might be gastrointestinal issues more than uterine cramping.

    Going along with all the water drinking is peeing all the time. I'm not sure if it's just because I'm drinking more water (like at least 100 oz/day) or if it is an actual symptom. I woke up at 4am to pee and it took me a while to fall back asleep. I'm going to be tired today!

  6. ChattyCathy

    cherry / 148 posts


    EDD if you have one: I'm going to guess March 20! I literally have no idea but it's probably around there.
    Child Number: 1!!!
    What kind of provider will you see?: Normal doctor at this point
    When's Your First Appointment?: No idea, having a bit of an insurance problem
    What kind of birth do you want?: Med free, labor at home for as long as possible and head to hospital.
    What You're Most Excited For: Finally a freaking baby hopefully!
    What You're Most Scared About: Miscarriage
    Symptoms so far: Nauseous, very sore boobs, fatigue, peeing like crazy, super nose.
    Any fun plans for the summer (or winter in Aus)?: I think I have like 10 more family reunions this summer.

    Yay congrats everyone else!

  7. ChattyCathy

    cherry / 148 posts

    Does anyone else have a crazy urge to shop? I'm going to call that a symptom I feel like I need to rush out and buy everything baby related.... not good lol!

  8. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @Bao: @BLUEDIAMOND: @ChattyCathy: YAY for more March moms!!!

    Yesterday was just day for HB! it!

    I think I may make a due date list today or tomorrow.... or maybe I should wait for more moms?.. hmmmm

    So far I'm still here with minimal symptoms registering at 6wk 1day (so in my 7 weeks) from my suspected O date. I have SUPER tired though as the lovely pregnancy insomnia is already kicking in! I had a "wide awake can't go back to sleep" 2 hours from 4-6 Monday night & then was up till after 1 last night....... Even better, P is currently napping & despite laying with her for almost 45 minutes, I couldn't fall asleep! Gah!

  9. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    I don't have a first appt until end of August/early September. They were really booked up and have to call me back with a date.

  10. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @chattycathy I also want to shop! Good idea calling it a symptom Hubs and I bought a couple sleepers that are gender neutral. I saw the activity table I want at a consignment shop for 30% of the price in good shape. I wanted to get it (I babysit so the baby could use it until ours would need it) but it was gone by the time my husband went back a few hours later!

    I'm going to try to get small things every week to spread the expenses out. Old Navy has a 20% off right now so I'm going to get some white onesies on sale!

  11. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    How many of you ladies have symptoms? It's so hard waiting for the first ultrasound. I don't think I'll believe it for sure until I can see that something is in there, and that all is well! I definitely have symptoms, but they seem minimal. I think this is the first time in my life that I wished I felt sick.

  12. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @ShayNanigans: I've had very minimal symptoms this time! Just a bit of sporadic night nausea & a bit of insomnia which in turn is making me pretty tired!

    I'm not getting a dating u/a & doubt we'll hear the heartbeat on the doppler tomorrow (since I'm still so early) so I feel kinda in limbo until next month! Lol

  13. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    Just got my appointment set up for August 15th, yay!

  14. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    @ShayNanigans: I'm having a low backache and some cramping but it's nothing major, feels like when I was pregnant with LO. With LO I remember wishing I was sick and then when it started at 7.5 weeks I wished it would go away I hope I don't get sick this time but that's wishful thinking.

  15. Mrsjets

    pear / 1699 posts

    Yay! I love all the new March Mommas!

    With all these new BFP I thought it would be good to have a list with EDD. Anyone who is able can update it

    @matador84 - tbd
    March 1 @mrsjets
    March 5 @runsyellowlites
    March 6 @scarletbegonia
    March 7 @shaynanigans
    March 10 @sunderling
    March 16 @bluediamond
    March 17 @lemondrop @debbie18 @norcalwayfarer @bao
    March 20 @chattycathy

  16. Mrsjets

    pear / 1699 posts

    I'm not sure if its because this is #2 and I'm busy with J but I keep forgetting I'm pregnant and then remembering and freaking out a little (thinking "oh no, what did we do!"). No real symptoms besides being exhausted, bloated and having a hard time sleeping. I'm praying ms stays away, it was brutal last time!

  17. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    @runsyellowlites: No joke - I am counting down the days til my ultrasound (26 days.) Seems so far away! I think after that, I'll rest a bit easier!

  18. ChattyCathy

    cherry / 148 posts

    @debbiei8: Since I have been TTC for a long time I have been getting stuff here and there as I go. I actually am borderline hoarding baby clothes. No shame! But I am a big thrift store shopper so I don't feel guilty dropping $20 and getting 40 items. Maybe you can do that too?

    @ShayNanigans: Bleh I have symptoms! Not sure if it is anxiety or just my mind playing tricks. But I have felt sick as a dog.

  19. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @ShayNanigans: Lol! I'll have one around 20 weeks but that's it.

  20. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    Sooo I made this list for some of the other ftm in my month group (another baby site) & thought I should share it! I was really misinformed when I had my first & really had no clue what questions to ask so maybe this might help some of you ladies!

    Prenatal care:
    1. How long do you set aside for each patient each visit?

    2. What if a birth emergency comes up during office hours? How long does your office wait for your return before rescheduling, or will I see another physician in the office?

    3. What standard tests do you order & are they absolutely necessary, or have alternatives (some providers can administer diet alternatives to the cola drink GD tests)

    4. How many standard u/a will I receive? If you order standard 3rd trimester u/s how often do those affect ones birth, at what point will you suggest induction for baby's size? (Note that acog only recommends induction if baby is suspected to be over 11lb)

    5. What foods should I avoid AND, even more importantly what do you suggested for a pregnant mom nutrition wise (how much protein, etc)

    6. How much weight are you okay with me gaining so long as my vitals are still good (some providers make a real stink about weight gain)

    Birth: (the real important stuff)

    1. Who will deliver me? Do you have a scheduled vacation around my edd? If your office does an on call rotation can I meet the other physicians that may be delivering me as well?

    2. Where will I deliver? Do you have attending rights at more than 1 hospital or the hospital of my choice? (You should check out the cesarean rates of your hospital choices)

    3. What is your....
    *Induction rate AND augmentation of labor rate. How often do your inductions end in cesarean births vs vaginal
    *Cesarean rate (primary, meaning 1st not repeats, & scheduled vs emergency)
    *how often do you perform episiotomies & how often do you see severe or 2nd degree or worse tears?
    *Rate of assisted deliveries (vacuum or forceps)
    *rate of shoulder dystocia & what training/maneuvers are you skilled in should the need arise (You can easily look up shoulder dystocia maneuvers to research some)
    *rate of vaginally delivering patients birth without pain meds vs pain meds

    3. What is your offices policy on going past my edd? Will non stress tests &/or biophysical profiles be ordered once I hit 41 weeks? (Given you & baby look fine there is no medical indication for inducing just bc a passed edd)

    4. Are you or your colleagues skilled in breech birth (the facts are a skilled breech birth provider is safer than an automatic cesarean). What will you recommend in the case my bub is breech & at what point will it concern you?

    5. What if my water breaks before contractions start, when will induction be recommended? (Minimizing cervical checks reduce risk of infection & you can easily monitor symptoms without rushing to induce... The 24 hr time cap is not evidence based)

    6. Will I be able to move in labor (the halls, shower, birth tub)

    7. Will I be able to deliver in the position that best suites me? (Lithotomy position closes the pelvis so it isn't the most advised position)

    **8. What is your birth philosophy? And what constitutes a healthy baby & healthy momma... Is it just physical health or is there concerned with my mental well being as well, trying to minimize a traumatic birth experience?

    @Sunderling: I used this list for my homebirth MW interview!

  21. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    @Mrsjets: lots of March 17 mommas, crazy! My EDD changed by a week with LO (earlier) so I wouldn't be surprised if I get a new date this time.

  22. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @Bao: st patricks day

  23. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @Bao: You know, with my luck all the St Patties day edd would deliver on their edd & I'd go over mine to deliver on St Patties day too! lol

  24. ChattyCathy

    cherry / 148 posts

    @runsyellowlites: Nice! So do you recommend that we ask our doctor these the first appointment? I feel like the current OB doc I have seen before has zero time for me, and probably less than zero time for questions.

  25. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @ChattyCathy: I would! There's nothing worse than finding out later that your provider has a different plan for your birth than you do (given there aren't complications) and then you feel stuck!

    And your provider should always make you feel like they have time for you... if they don't I'm in the find another provider camp...... they work for us, not the other way around!

  26. ChattyCathy

    cherry / 148 posts

    Ok trying not to panic, and trying not to call my mom in tears.... just went to the bathroom and had a little blood in my CM. I have been having kind of light cramping off and on all day. What do I do?

  27. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @ChattyCathy: Did you & DH dtd last night? That can sometimes cause spotting! As long as it isn't bright red or getting heavier it's one of those things that can be perfectly normal... even the cramping is normal. I'd take note of it, maybe call your ob just so they can chart it & be aware & then STAY OUT OF THE BATHROOM... it's hard but don't go chronically check it.. that'll only drive you mad!

    Hate how early pregnancy symptoms can be so much like af or other scary problems.

  28. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @ChattyCathy: I don't have any advice, but I'm praying for you and sending positive thoughts your way.

  29. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts


  30. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

  31. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @anonysquire: ummm oops again?..

  32. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @runsyellowlites: see what I mean?

  33. ChattyCathy

    cherry / 148 posts

    So we haven't dtd recently or anything else. It was not bright red, barn yard red tinged cm instead.

  34. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @anonysquire: I hate to say but it only gets worse... *womp womp* lol

  35. Mrsjets

    pear / 1699 posts

    @ChattyCathy: I had my 'old blood' come out last pregnancy at 7 weeks ish and everything was fine. I have my FX for you, but like @runsyellowlites said try not to stress (impossible, I know, but try) too much. Call your OB though.

    @bao: I know! You girls are in sync!

  36. ChattyCathy

    cherry / 148 posts

    @Mrsjets: I'm kind of in that awkward position of no ob. It's complicated. Apparently when I told my parents that for the last year I've been seeing a doctor prescribing me fertility drugs and trying to get pregnant that disnt register. Since I'm 25 I'm still on my parents insurance and they don't have maternity coverage yet I guess. Blah so anyways I got nada til they turn the maternity insurance. On.

  37. Mrsjets

    pear / 1699 posts

    @ChattyCathy: where I am (in Canada) we have a health links phone line anyone can call with questions. There are RN's working the phones. Maybe see if there is anything like that in your area, I've heard there are often clinics like this for lower income families.

  38. ChattyCathy

    cherry / 148 posts

    @Mrsjets: thanks for the tip. I'm thinkin if this is such a problem I should just get on my husbands insurance right? I'm so confused and scared that I'm miscarry ing.

  39. Mrsjets

    pear / 1699 posts

    @ChattyCathy: I just wanted to clarify that I'm not insinuating you are low income, just that there might be a program you can take advantage of Yes, I'd think it would probably be a good time to be on your DH's insurance. But I honestly have zero idea about how insurance companies work.
    I understand the fear, I felt it with #1 but you have to be positive - stress is the worst for you! If you are bleeding, not CM that's colored, you should see a dr, otherwise, I think it's normal to lose that 'old blood'. Thinking of you.

  40. ChattyCathy

    cherry / 148 posts

    @Mrsjets: thank you. Don't worry I didn't think ou meant I was low income. After txting my mom about te insurance an her telling me to lie low til October 1 when maternity can be added... Ya I'm gonna get on dhs inurance. Lets just hope I have a reason to use the maternity!

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