Hellobee Boards


March 2014 Moms come in!

  1. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    @NorCalWayfarer: how much spotting/bleeding?

  2. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @NorCalWayfarer: Oh no! Did she do a pelvic at your appt? Or did you & DH dtd yesterday? I really hope that things smooth out & that your results Monday show good things!!!
    *praying for a sticky baby*

  3. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    @runsyellowlites: I had super bad nip pain the last week or so but I am good this week! hope it goes away for you soon. @Bao: you saw the pic! i'm not going to be able to hide it either!@NorCalWayfarer: thoughts your way! i had major bleeding at 10 weeks with my first. it was okay in the end but so scary.

  4. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @Bao: Thank you. I thought I had a good grip (things will work out, it's ok, etc etc) until I was in the phone w DH on the way to the lab and started bawling. I guess it's just crazy hormones one way or another Left work early, laying in bed watching Oz, so things are ok now. Just hard not knowing one way or another. I'm a very Type A/"do or do not, there is no try" person (and apparently a nerd), so it's just a new experience not being in control. Thanks for your support, I really appreciate it!!

  5. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    @NorCalWayfarer: hugs! Whatever you do stay off Google!

  6. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @Bao: off and on brown-bright red (the bright red is what scared me). Kind of like early period--not super heavy enought to wear a pad or anything, but pretty consistent all day.

    @runsyellowlites: I havent even seen anyone in person yet, I'm only 4w4d so it's really early. First appt was scheduled for Aug 2. Thanks for the well wishes.

    @matador84: Thank you.

  7. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    @NorCalWayfarer: that sounds just like what I had with LO, except for me it was dripping (sorry) out red. I was shaking and bawling and could barely talk to the nurse. My LO is 10.5 months and healthy as can be. Hang in there.

  8. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @Bao: ha! No Dr Google for me. Every time I type in innocuous symptoms he tells me I have some horrible disease (no joke one time it suggested Bubonic Plague when I had a cold). Thanks for keeping a smile on my face

  9. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @NorCalWayfarer: stalking here. How are you holding up? I'm so hopeful that you have a sticky baby. Hugs, mama, and try to take it easy tonight.

  10. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Thanks! I'm just waiting for DH to get home, so in the mean time just finishing a movie I fell asleep last night while watching. Not really sure if I should go to yoga in the morning... I guess it probably won't hurt and might be a good distraction (I missed class tonight).

  11. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @NorCalWayfarer: maybe so. I think whatever is fine, so long as you listen to your body. You're not going to make it worse-my doctor reminded me a million times that nothing I did caused the miscarriages, so don't worry about that. Hopefully you have a growing little one, and soon this is just a bad memory on the road to a very happy rest of your pregnancy!

  12. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Yeah thanks. I think just trying to do normal things will be the best, instead of wallowing in "what ifs." I really appreciate the HB support, you ladies are the best!

  13. ChattyCathy

    cherry / 148 posts

    @NorCalWayfarer: thinking of you!!!

    I've been cramping off and on again today but I hope it's just normal. I go in Monday, Wednesday and Friday for hcg level testing so hopefully that will help me feel better about things. Oh and holy bloat today! Oh man it was bad!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well


    coffee bean / 42 posts

    @NorCalWayfarer: thinking of you!

  15. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @NorCalWayfarer: how are you doing today??

    @ChattyCathy: fingers crossed.for you too!

    And congrats to all the March mamas!

  16. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    Hope everyone is doing well. I have been having such a bad day with morning sickness! I have taken my zofran, got my psi band on and been sucking on mints. I just don't want to throw up so bad, i don't remember being this sick with N. Dh keeps saying he thinks there is more then one in there if I am already this sick.
    I keep telling him its not funny.
    What do you ladies do to stay off the morning sickness? (Keep in mind I am Gluten intolerant so most normal crackers and little nibble food is off limits)

  17. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    @MrsRcCar: uggh! miserable stuff, no real solutions here, other than as unfortunate as it sounds, throwing up actually made me feel better, but I had incredible amounts of stomach acid

    Hope everyone is doing alright today- sticky, sticky little beans please!

    I had my first hunger meltdown today, we were traveling and didn't have a great eating schedule, so I got hungry and cranky and ready to cry, but got a pre-dinner slice of pizza out of it, so all got better with the world. This belly bumplet is getting out of control, I won't be able to hide this for long, I was 12-14 weeks last time it was like this-

  18. Mrsjets

    pear / 1699 posts

    Roll call!!

    matador84 - tbd
    March 1 mrsjets
    March 5 runsyellowlites
    March 6 scarletbegonia
    March 7 shaynanigans
    March 10 sunderling
    March 12 mrsk
    March 14 mrsrccar
    March 16 bluediamond mrs. champagne
    March 17 lemondrop debbie18 norcalwayfarer bao
    March 20 chattycathy

    Praying you all have sticky babies, I'm sure the cramping and spotting is just part of the process but its so unnerving!

    @mrsrccar: congrats!

    @lemondrop: Cute pic! I can see it for sure!

    @matador84: I saw your pic on the other thread and that's definitely a baby bump! Super adorable!

    I love that I'm not alone one feeling bloated/showing early! I hope I can keep total weight gain to less than 35 lbs. I know it's silly to worry already but I gained weight all over last time and I'm hoping to make a better choices (being more active, giving into cravings less) this go round. I've already noticed I get heavy breathed easier

  19. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    I got called out about being pregnant at a family function last night. I tried to play it off but I'm horrible at lying. I wish even if people thought it they would keep it to themselves because obviously I'm not ready to share yet.

  20. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    I've already had to buy bigger bras! At the gym this week, I had to fight with my sports bra to even get it on - so embarrassing.

    I've definitely got a bumplet. I know it's all bloat, but my pants are already super tight, and I've only eaten a little extra pizza.

    Speaking of symptoms, the morning sickness kicked in last night - I've never been so glad to be nauseous!

  21. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @bao that's so annoying! I agree that people should keep it to themselves.

    @shaynanigans I asked the person at Victoria's Secret to measure me today while I was at the mall and I have already gone up a size! I think I might get some wireless bras in the size she told me just to be more comfortable.

    I don't think I'm necessarily showing, but I am definitely feeling bloated and feel like my stomach area is bigger than normal. I am eating all the time (I need to eat every 2ish hours or I get ravenous, have headaches and get bad stomach pains) but have been staying around the same weight.

    Luckily no sickness yet. I got nauseous and actually threw up at 6 dpo...thinking it might have been implantation sickness, but who knows! My biggest symptom outside of bloating and extreme hunger/thirst has been very sore boobs.

  22. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @Bao: oh man that blows!!

    I had my mom, my friend, and my friends mom visiting for the weekend. I didn't tell them I am pregnant so I drank fake wine mixed with club soda all weekend. I hope they weren't suspicious, but no one called me on anything!

    (I also served them all a fake sangria.. lol!)

  23. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @Bao: I am sorry that people weren't more respectful about asking you! More people in my family found yesterday but we are a super close family, so I don't mind them knowing. They all found out around now last time too.

    My mom, dad, N and I were at a family reunion yesterday and I was feeling awful! N was being a doll so that was good and my mom and dad pitched in a lot so I could do the minimum. I am hoping today goes better, we are doing family pictures and N's 9 month pictures today.

  24. ChattyCathy

    cherry / 148 posts

    How's everyone doing today? I have blood work today. Does anyone have a good site to see like around how far along I might be with hcg numbers?

  25. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    @ChattyCathy: HEre is a link to an HCG levels chart. http://www.babymed.com/hcg-level-in-early-pregnancy

    I wrote on the pregnant and breastfeeding board this morning...but my boobs are killing me! I am sitting here with soothies in my bra because I am just in pain! DS clamped down on my nip last night so hard it left teeth marks and searing pain.

    Not sure if I can hold out on breastfeeding another 6 weeks...it's that bad! Don't really want to switch to formula, but dang it hurts.

    I am really getting big! Undeniably prego looking. Having a really hard time sleeping at night between wake ups with DS and just pregnancy insomnia (I think).

  26. Mrsjets

    pear / 1699 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: haha serving fake wine is awesome!

    @bao: boo, people are doing that to me too. I think it's so rude, I feel like asking them a personal question back like "when was your last BM?" or "what's you favorite sexual position?".

    @matador84: have you given formula before? Sometime EBF babies turn their noses up to it (mine did). Maybe give it a try to see.

    I had my first appt today. No u/s for me until 20 weeks, but the pregnancy is confirmed. I'm 7 lbs above my first pre preg weight.

  27. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    @Mrsjets: he had some at around 4 months but threw it up constantly and i just said screw this. i don't want to have to go through that again/find right formula unless i realllly have to when i can go to cows milk in about 6 weeks. it's a tough call unless i get really desperate.

  28. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    Today I'm tired, but otherwise still good. Now if I could just get motivated to do some dishes & clean! lol

    @Bao: Ugh! I've never understood this either? WHY would someone just come out like that & say something. boo them!

    @ShayNanigans: The ladies got HUGE with G! Thankfully with P they didn't grow *as* much. So far this time I think they're about the same... I'm still bf'ing though so I wonder how much that will affect them.

    @debbiei8: Yay for still not having any ms! DH has started praying over me that I won't have any!

    @Mrs. Champagne: Lol! That's funny!

    @MrsRcCar: How exciting! Hope they go well!!!!

    @ChattyCathy: Just a tad tired... we had a long day yesterday though & were up way too late (after 1). I should be napping right now with P BUUUUUT I'm not. lol Goodluck with your bloodwork!

    @matador84: I just saw that! I hope it passes soon! I had a couple days where nursing was hard b/c the nips were sensitive but it's passed. I hope your lo will stop biting you too! That's hard to deal with!

    @Mrsjets: Yay! I'm just about the same over my last pre-preg weight too. Hopefully I won't gain as much this time!!!


    coffee bean / 42 posts

    Such a terrible stomach virus over here
    Trying to keep as much fluid in as possible. The doctor didn't seem too worried just said to keep getting fluids.
    Any tips?

  30. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @Bao: I agree that its awful to call people out on their pregnancies. You can't teach class.....

    @Mrs. Champagne: I have already thought about how I will need to drink fake-alcohol when I'm around people and not ready to annouce (whenever that time comes for me...) Me not drinking alcohol would be a dead giveaway. Umm... that sounds kind of bad.... Hahahah.

  31. ChattyCathy

    cherry / 148 posts

    @matador84: thanks!

    @BLUEDIAMOND: Oh no sorry you're not feeling well. Hopefully you have plenty of broth, ginger ale and Gatorade.

    @runsyellowlites: Holy cow I've been so tired today. I already took a morning nap and could fall asleep right now.

  32. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @BLUEDIAMOND: Boo! I had a stomach virus early on with G... gatorade & crackers were my friend. Hope it passes soon!

    @ChattyCathy: Gotta love the fatigue that comes with growing a human. lol You have your appt yet... or did you just go in for blood? Did it go well?

  33. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @lisamarieloves: same!! One Thursday night I didn't drink and my entire family was so suspicious until the next night when I did. So annoying! I'm going to keep faking it. Haha

  34. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @BLUEDIAMOND: Hope you feel better soon!! I couldn't imagine having a stomach virus this early.

    We had N's 9 month pictures taken today. I felt pretty good the whole time, although it was extremely hot. I am pretty dehydrated, presently I am drinking Gatorade and laying on the couch. Dh is playing with N so I can rest.

  35. ChattyCathy

    cherry / 148 posts

    @runsyellowlites: just blood today. I should get the results in an hour or less!!!

  36. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @ChattyCathy: Ugh I'm waiting on bloodwork too, but 95% sure I'll be back on the August POAS board

    @BLUEDIAMOND: Hope you feel better soon! Stay hydrated -- I'm a fan of gingerale, watered down Gatorade and sucking on ice.

  37. ChattyCathy

    cherry / 148 posts

    @NorCalWayfarer: well fx for you lady! Did you go today also? My lab must be so annoyed of me now, calling every hour trying to get my results.

  38. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @ChattyCathy: Yeah, I went Friday after work and this morning. I haven't actually seen my OB yet so they don't even know where the paperwork is going to be sent, so I'm going to have to give them a call back in the next hour. The waiting is the worst -- I just want to know one way or another!

    FX for you too!

  39. math.nerd

    apricot / 253 posts

    Hello all,
    De-lurking on this thread finally to maybe get some positive advice. My EDD is March 4. I'm almost 7 weeks along and feeling just. so. crummy.

    I know I should be thrilled! and excited! and over the moon! (especially since this little one is over a year and a half in the making), but I just can't seem to get excited. Once MS kicked in last week, I just don't have the energy to be happy and that makes me feel even MORE terrible.

    Those of you who have been here before - any words of wisdom? It gets better, right? I'm not a terrible person, am I?

    Thanks and congratulations to all of us!

  40. runsyellowlites

    coconut / 8305 posts

    @ChattyCathy: @NorCalWayfarer: Hope for good news for both you ladies!

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