Hellobee Boards


March 2019 Mamas

  1. MilPA

    olive / 51 posts

    Well hey everyone, long time no talk! Work got busy and I was still feeling yuck but here I am at almost 16 weeks and mostly feeling back to normal! We had our gender reveal this weekend after NIPT testing which came back low risk. We are having a girl and I am over the moon! My husband is in shock still and worried how “different” it will be from our boy. Hope everyone is feeling well!

  2. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @MilPA: Congrats on your girl and good test results! And glad you're feeling better!

    2/28: elm5066
    3/4: Aria
    3/6: dc yoga bee
    3/7: ebsc
    3/12: Lavender
    3/13: Spinny
    3/14: LBarn
    3/19: Queen of Harts, Emmanz
    3/26: MilPA

  3. Spinny

    cherry / 125 posts

    @Aria: Can you please remove me from the list? I lost the pregnancy last month. Thanks and best wishes to all March mamas.

  4. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @Spinny: I’m so sorry for your loss.

    2/28: elm5066
    3/4: Aria
    3/6: dc yoga bee
    3/7: ebsc
    3/12: Lavender
    3/14: LBarn
    3/19: Queen of Harts, Emmanz
    3/26: MilPA

  5. lavender

    grapefruit / 4554 posts

    @Spinny: sorry for your loss❤

    I’m just chugging along. Can’t believe I’m *only* 18 weeks🤦‍♀️ I feel like I’ve been pregnant forever. Upside, I have my anatomy scan next friday. Anybody have their scan yet?

  6. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @Spinny: I am so sorry

  7. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @lavender: 19 weeks here. My anatomy scan is next Friday as well. I’m also seeing the MFM and they’re doing some test on baby’s heart due to my zofran exposure for hyperemesis. I last went to my midwife at 13 weeks so it’s hard just hoping everything is okay for weeks.

  8. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    Had my anatomy scan today and everything looked normal. I loved seeing the baby wiggle and yawn. So cute! I was bummed though because when they went to do the 3d picture of the face I sneezed and so the picture didn’t turn out, and then the baby put her hands in front of her face and wouldn’t move them so we couldn’t get a new picture. I was hoping to compare to my daughter’s ultrasound and see how similar they looked.

    On the bright side, my parents have been very chill about not knowing the sex which has been nice, but my dad is 100% convinced it’s a boy so he will be very shocked to find out he’s wrong.

    Hope all the ultrasounds next week go well!

  9. lavender

    grapefruit / 4554 posts

    So I ended up having my anatomy scan yesterday at my MFM follow up appt. I felt bad bc my husband missed it bc it was originally scheduled at my OB’s for next week. Baby boy is a wiggly one and there was no doubt that it’s a boy lol.

    @dc yoga bee: how’s the hyperemisis going? Is the Zoltan pump helping?

    @Aria: i didn’t get a 3D image, my office doesn’t do it till the 3rd trimester I believe.

  10. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @Aria: That is always something when people are 100% convinced it’s a certain sex. My dad was like that saying nature mandates this is a boy because I already have a girl. I said you don’t make a lick of sense dad! I almost hoped for a girl just to prove him wrong lol.

    @lavender: Still super sick. The zofran Pump gave me terrible allergic reaction so I’m back on oral meds and constant nausea and throwing up. I am actually sick and think I have strep so I’ll be headed to urgent care when they open at 9.

  11. lavender

    grapefruit / 4554 posts

    @dc yoga bee: oh no! How did the urgent care visit go? Were you taking the oral meds before you started the pump? hoping you get some relief soon..

  12. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @lavender: Yeah I was taking it from 3 weeks pregnant. It’s crazy! I have strep throat. And the antibiotics make me throw up like crazy so the midwives are bringing me in this morning to check on the baby since the urgent care didn’t have a Doppler or ultrasound machine.

  13. elm5066

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    Hey ladies - have you started thinking about names? My husband and I had a girl name we loved and both agreed on BUT we are having a boy. Well we can't agree on any boy names lol. He loves Jameson and Wesley and I like Gavin and Nolan. Ughhhhh I think boy names are so much harder!

  14. LBarn

    olive / 64 posts

    @elm5066: I love Gavin and Nolan! Gavin is actually our name if this baby is a boy (find out next week). DH wants a boy to have his same initials, which were also his dads initials, so we’re limited to G names. Kind of makes it easier to narrow it down though! No ideas for any girl names yet...

  15. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @dc yoga bee: Ugh, strep is so awful. I can't imagine that on top of everything else. Hang in there and I hope you start to feel a little better soon.

    @elm5066: Thinking about names is so frustrating. My husband just won't even deal with it. And of course we have to come up with two names which is doubly annoying. I keep asking him what he likes and his response is always, "I don't know, I haven't thought about it". I keep threatening to choose the names myself. I shouldn't be surprised though, we didn't choose our daughter's middle name until I was in the hospital in labor. I currently love the name Juliette but he's not sold on it. And I have no idea for a middle name.

  16. elm5066

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    @Aria: oh man you should just pick the names yourself then! Juilette is so pretty, really love that name.

    @LBARN: so funny Gavin is your name - it must be really helpful keeping to the letter G. Do you have to have a G name for a girl too, or just boy?

  17. MilPA

    olive / 51 posts

    @elm5066: ooh I love Nolan, what about Weston as an alternative to Wesley?
    We had a few boy names thought of until we found out we’re having a girl. I was set on Lucy until DH asked if it would be just Lucy or Lucille and then use a nickname. And now I’m wondering if I decided too quick on Lucy to begin with!

  18. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    We have known it’s a boy for about 9 weeks. We have gone through every baby name list out there and cannot find anything that we like and can agree on for this baby!

    @LBarn: @elm5066: I like Gavin!

    @Aria: Thank you! I’m feeling a bit better today.

  19. lavender

    grapefruit / 4554 posts

    Boy names are so hard!! We are going with Harrison for our son.

    @elm5066: our friend just named their son Nolan.

  20. LBarn

    olive / 64 posts

    @elm5066: DH only cares about keeping his initials if it’s a boy. That’s more than fine with me though - we couldn’t think of a girl G name we liked when naming our DD a few years ago...

    For girls names, I like Natalie and Maya. DH doesn’t love either though... but he also hasn’t come up with a single suggestion!

    @lavender: My coworker just named her son Harrison and I love it!

  21. elm5066

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    @MilPA: I do like Weston but hubby doesn't, so weird. Our daughter's name is Lucy (just Lucy, not Lucille) and I love it!

    @Lavender: Harrison is on our list, too! I love that name!

    @Lbarn: I've always thought Natalie was so pretty and doesn't seem as popular anymore, which is great!

  22. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @LBarn: my daughter is Maya after Maya Angelou! She gets sooo many compliments on her name. So I am 100% biased lol.

  23. MilPA

    olive / 51 posts

    @elm5066: awesome! That’s good to know!

    Names are so fun to think about until you have to give it to someone for their whole life lol!

  24. LBarn

    olive / 64 posts

    Just found out we’re having a boy! Gavin it is

  25. lavender

    grapefruit / 4554 posts

    @LBarn: congratulations, great name choice!

  26. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @LBarn: Yay, congrats! Love the name Gavin!

  27. MilPA

    olive / 51 posts

    We had our anatomy scan today, still having a girl lol. Everything looked great except the umbilical cord was only 2 vessels. Dr said we’ll just need to do a couple extra ultrasounds to monitor for growth restriction. From what I’ve read it doesn’t seem too worrisome. Anyone with similar experience?

  28. elm5066

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    @MilPA: I have the same thing! I was told the same as you, they will just keep an eye on growth but it usually doesn't cause any issues.

  29. elm5066

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    My husband and I are having a hard time with names but I think we narrowed it to 3...Ryan, Cooper or Wesley. What do you all like the best?

  30. MilPA

    olive / 51 posts

    @elm5066: always glad to hear from someone else with the same thing! Thanks!
    Personally I like Cooper or Wesley because they seem less common.

  31. LBarn

    olive / 64 posts

    @elm5066: I like all of those names but I like Wesley the best!

  32. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    How is everyone doing? I’m coming up on 24 weeks tomorrow.

  33. MilPA

    olive / 51 posts

    @dc yoga bee: I’m feeling pretty good here at 21 weeks! Still sleeping pretty well and decent energy. Looking forward to some yummy thanksgiving food!

  34. lavender

    grapefruit / 4554 posts

    Hi mommas! 25 weeks and found out that I failed my 1 hr glucose test and now have to take the 3 hr test next week. I passed with my two previous pregnancies but guess I wasn’t so lucky this time around.

    Baby boy is kicking and moving around like a wild man. He just won’t stop!

    @dc yoga bee: how are you feeling?

  35. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @lavender: Oh bummer. I hope you pass the 3 hour. I was supposed to take mine earlier this week but I had horrible horrible food poisoning over the weekend and there was no way I was going to be able to stomach that gross sugar drink.

    Heartburn has suddenly become an issue for me which I wasn’t expecting since it wasn’t a problem last time. I couldn’t eat a single thing without feeling miserable but I finally took Zantac and feel a million times better. I am also already feeling huge and over pregnancy which is crazy because I still have so much longer to go.

    I hope everyone else is doing well, we have a quiet group!

  36. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @lavender: Thanks for asking. Still super nauseas. I failed my one hour with my first pregnancy because I had a snickers bar the night before the test. Passed the 3 hour with flying colors. Good luck!

    @Aria: Heartburn has started for me too. I hope you're feeling better!

  37. Boy_mommy

    pea / 7 posts

    Location: Florida
    EDD: March 4
    First child? Nope the first kiddo is 6(boy)
    Symptoms? Heartburn and major sciatica/back pain/RLS
    Thoughts/feelings/fears? hoping this L&D goes different than the first especially since the pregnancy has been pretty much the same.... I am a horrible pregnant person...

  38. lavender

    grapefruit / 4554 posts

    @Boy_mommy: welcome!

    So this is annoying, called to Dr.’s office to see how badly I failed my 1 hr gd test and get this my score was 131! There office cut off is 130 and not the normal 140. I am beyond annoyed that they are making me do the 3 hr test...arghh

  39. Boy_mommy

    pea / 7 posts

    @lavender thank you. And I too know that feeling. I didn't fail but I just switched doctors and apparently they did it too early so now I have to redo it and it's a 2 hour. Ugh.

  40. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @Boy_mommy: Welcome, we have the same due date!

    @lavender: I just got the results back for my glucose test and got a 139. Ugh. Online it says the cutoff is 140, but it's so close I don't know if they'll recommend I take the 3 hour. I don't have another appointment until after Christmas though, so not sure what's going to happen. I can't believe they're making you redo it with a 131.

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