Starting this thread for moms-to-be with expected due dates in March 2019.
First child?
Starting this thread for moms-to-be with expected due dates in March 2019.
First child?
persimmon / 1121 posts
I’ll dive in and hope others join me soon!
Location: California
EDD: 3/5
First child? 2nd!
Symptoms? The nausea has already started. It’s not terrible yet, hoping it doesn’t get too bad.
Thoughts/feelings/fears? My first appointment isn’t until 7/20, so I think I’m holding back from getting too excited until that first ultrasound. I had some early bleeding with my first so I’m nervous about that too. Not sure how we’ll break the news to our daughter, she has been pretty adamant that she does NOT want a sibling.
clementine / 950 posts
Sooo hopefully am not jinxing myself as I had a mc at 9/10w in Jan and a chemical in May so here’s hoping third time is the charm! Going crazy thinking about this by myself!
Location: Vancouver bc
EDD: Mar 9
First child? Third! DS almost 5 and DD just turned 3. They are dying for a baby lol. They recently asked me if I could “grow two” so they could each “have one”
Symptoms? Not much yet. Mild nausea and hungry.
Thoughts/feelings/fears? Hoping it’s a sticky one of course. Also hoping not to gain too much weight as still have about 5lbs from the MC I couldn’t lose and am currently my heaviest ever! Also both my babies were preemie so hoping to make it far enough that they don’t have too hard of a time.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@fuzzypeaches: I hope this one is sticky for you! My dd keeps asking for three babies, and even though I really want to be pregnant, I’d prefer to not fulfill her request 🤣 how preemie were your two kiddos?
clementine / 950 posts
@LAZB: bahahaha triplets I would die. My first one was almost 36 wk and the second one almost 34! The little one had the most problems as she was also iugr and a stubborn little thing (still is haha)
I’m thinking good thoughts for you!
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@fuzzypeaches: thanks! I have three follicles this month, but I’ve been assured to not worry about triplets, can you imagine?! Lol. My first two were 35.4 and 36.3, but my third waited until 38 weeks and it felt like an eternity. Will you get progesterone shots to try to get you to term?
grapefruit / 4770 posts
Just got my third beta back and it nearly tripled so I’ll play.
Location: NOVA
EDD: March 06, 2019
First child? 2nd! DD is 3
Symptoms? Morning sickness started at 3w6d and I was put on nausea medicine at 4w. I was in bed rest with hyperemesis starting at 8 weeks with dd so nothing new. Stretching feeling, fatigue, and hungry like I can’t get satiated.
Thoughts/feelings/fears? I had a miscarriage last month at 8 weeks. So, very nervous. But, betas have been tripling so we shall see.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@Aria: It’s actually okay because at least this time I know going into it and am trying to be really proactive about getting nutrients and fluids while I can! Do you have your first appointment scheduled? My ultrasound is scheduled for July 16.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@Aria: yes! I’m like now what!? I reread your first post. My DD has been begging for a brother OR a sister. I told her he dogs were her brother and sister and she said “I want the real deal!” Three years old. Hot mess.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@bhbee: thank you! Mind you DH already told her mommy is making you a brother or sister so please don’t jump on her belly. M then said “I want a brother AND a sister. If I only get one, I want a sister. If I have a brother I will be sad and cry!” 🤣
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@Aria: I forgot DH is out of town until 7/19 so I may move my apt to 7/20 as well.
kiwi / 745 posts
@dc yoga bee: my LO is 3.5 and has no idea she can request the sex of the baby. We watch a lot of Daniel Tiger and they didn’t find out the sex and he didn’t express a preference so I think that helped a lot. Also congrats, I’m excited for you!
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@dc yoga bee: haha! Yeah I’ve heard something like that before ... the good news is that brother is just as happy to dress up in a tutu as play trucks
clementine / 950 posts
@LAZB: ah! Hello we are my reply. I’ll defintely be following you to see if you end up with one or three but good luck!!
Not sure about progesterone but that’s a good thing to bring up. My suspicion is placental issues but who knows reallly 🤷♀️
clementine / 950 posts
@dc yoga bee: that sounds so awful! I never had hyperemesid but my most recent pregnancy (mc) I was puking Everyday and thinking to myself that I don’t know how ppl with hyperemesis survive lol.
persimmon / 1121 posts
@fuzzypeaches: She's almost 3.5. I asked her again today if she wanted a brother or sister and she said "No, I just want to be all by myself with Mama and Daddy." This is going to be such a rough transition for her.
clementine / 950 posts
@Aria: it’s a tough age for sure! But they grow up a lot in 9 mo so hopefully won’t be as bad as it seems now!
I think my middle one will have a hard time too, as she is used to being the “baby.” But my older one will love it I think.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@Aria: I agree with @fuzzypeaches: there’s 9 months to go and so many changes and growth that will happen with LO during that time!
Since beingon nausea meds proactively I’ve been feeling a lot better. Fatigue and sore breasts are my main symptoms at the moment. How are y’all feeling?
cherry / 178 posts
I’m in! Tested four times in the last 24 hours and they all agree.
EDD: March 7
First child? Nope! DS is 2.5
Symptoms? Starving all the time, somehow, already.
Thoughts/feelings/fears? All of them. Didn’t sleep last night much. But... really excited
DS and I told DH this morning, and he’s excited too, so we’re hopefully off to the races.
persimmon / 1121 posts
@EBSC: Yay, another March mama! Congrats!
I’ve been so so tired the last couple days. I hope everyone is doing well!
cherry / 178 posts
@Aria: thank you!
For some reason, the first tri fatigue that I know has coming hasn’t hit yet, so I’m trying to get ahead on a few things. But I’m also always starving— it’s like my body knows what pregnant is and is going full steam
Please, friends, tell me I’m not the only one to eat two dinners the last few nights.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@EBSC: Congrats!!
As for me, I was riding down the road gagging in a target bag this evening. Gah!
grapefruit / 4770 posts
My ultrasound got moved up to Thursday due to all the vomitting. Almost had to go in for IV but was able to drink half a Gatorade. Six weeks tomorrow!
clementine / 950 posts
@dc yoga bee: boo to the vomiting but so exciting for the ultrasound! Update us and let us know how it goes?!
I’m definitely not as sick this time as previous (so far anyways lol) but I was sickest with my miscarriage so hoping it’s not a bad sign. I did hurl at a raw lobster the other day and was happy
I’m trying to decide when to do my ultrasound but I think I’m going to err on the side of later (maybe late 7 wk early 8 wk) so that I am be more reassured. I haven’t decided yet.
How’s everyone else doing?! This board is so quiet!
clementine / 950 posts
Ps with my previous month group we had a private fb page which made it easier to keep up! We still all post regularly and post pics of the kids (who are turning three!) and it’s so nice.
Let m me know if anyone is interested I can set something up. I find hb hard to navigate on my phone.
persimmon / 1121 posts
@dc yoga bee: I hope your ultrasound goes well! I’m sorry it got moved up for such a crappy reason though.
I’m six weeks today and have been having brown spotting for a few days. This happened with my last pregnancy for like 3 weeks so I’m trying to not stress about it and hope it doesn’t turn to bleeding. Not even sure what I’d do about it anyway because my doctor is on vacation until next Monday. Nausea has settled in and it’s not too horrible, but I just generally feel crappy all day and my husband is working crazy hours so it’s just me and my toddler all day long without a break.
@fuzzypeaches: I’d participate in a FB group!
pea / 7 posts
Hi Ladies
So i had my first BFP yesterday though i was in denial and did another test today which is even stronger so i thought joining a few forums will hopefully help me through this process
Location: UK
EDD: 19th March
First child? Yes
Symptoms? So far only headaches, slightly bigger boobs and super thirsty
Thoughts/feelings/fears? So many mixed emotions... im worried about entering a situation i have little control over, im also aprehensive about this wonderful life we have built just the two of us is going to change and will never be the same again, im excited to see my wonderful husband become a father as i know he will be fantastic, im still worried as its early days about things going wrong but im so excited to feel that rush of love that my friends tell me about when they first meet their babies.
Has anyone else had very few symptoms? it does worry me a little and also i still havent told DH (probably because of being slightly indenial about what is going on!) x
cherry / 125 posts
Hi All! Tentatively joining in because I can't talk about this anywhere else and I'm going crazy!
Location: NY
EDD: 3/13/19
First child? No, DS is about to turn 3
Symptoms? Sore/swollen breasts, moody
Thoughts/feelings/fears? I had a missed miscarriage in January 2017 and then TTC for 16 months with no luck. We were going to start our first month of IUI this month. I am terrified of losing this pregnancy as it was a long and difficult road to get here. Holding my breath until my first ultrasound on 7/30.
grape / 86 posts
Hi ladies... like all of you... I'm happy , excited and nervous to be here. Here goes!
Location: new zealand
EDD: 19 March
First child? Third pregnancy, second child.
Symptoms? So far cramping, slight headache, thirsty.
Thoughts/feelings/fears? Very hopeful for a healthy baby after our last baby had trisomy 18 and didn't make it past 18 weeks. That was only in April this year, so it's soon to be going thru this all again. But I am sure I want to grow our family so didn't want to wait too long to try again. Our first child is 3!
@Spinny: I'm also holding my breath until that first appt! How far along will you be then? Will they do an ultrasound?
My first appt is scheduled for 27 July and I think I'll be just over 6 weeks so hopeful to see a heart Beat !
@Queen of Harts: congratulations! With my first 2 pregnancies, symptoms started at 6 weeks exactly. It's still so early. Try to enjoy feeling good while you are! I'm focusing on eating lots interest nutritious veg and meat before the dreaded morning sickness begins and I can only stomach carbs and sweets!
olive / 64 posts
Guess I’ll join in as well!
Location: Maryland
EDD: March 14th
First child?: 2nd, DD turns 3 next week
Symptoms: sore boobs, terrible heartburn that started yesterday. Also I’m exhausted but I think that’s mostly because my toddler decided to suddenly start waking up twice a night (whyyyy?). This actually started the day I got my positive test. I think she knows somehow...
Thoughts/feelings/fears? Definitely a little nervous since it’s still so early. My first doctors appointment isn’t until August 15th, which is 10 weeks!! No idea how I’ll wait til then.
pea / 7 posts
@EmmaNZ: Ahhh thank you!! i know its so strange to be wanting symptoms as i know when they are here i will hate them!
Do any of you ladies who have done this journey before have any hints and tips on what we should be eating and drinking so early on? any morning sickness tricks and any stretch mark prevention tips! Any knowledge will be so appreciated x
grapefruit / 4554 posts
Old time bee who took a break, but I guess I’ll be joining you ladies! I was posting as RDHBee on the POAS boards. Didn’t want to jinx myself.
Location: New England
EDD: 3/12/19
First child? 3rd. I have 2 girls, a 6 and 4 yr old
Symptoms? Morning sickness is rearing it’s ugly head already.
Thoughts/feelings/fears? Excited, and anxious. It’s been so long since the newborn days for me.
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